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Cobra Pose (Bhujangasana) - Health Benefits, How to Do It & Precautions

Want to get rid of the stiffness of your lower back? Bhujangasana could be the best solution. Performed on hands, this yoga pose is a type of back-bending. Hence, it stretches the shoulders, neck, and abdomen and gives relief.

Keep reading more to know about the benefits of Bhujangasana. Also, you will find details of steps on how to do it, precautions and other things!

What Is Bhujangasana or Cobra Pose?

In Sanskrit, ‘Bhujanga’ means ‘cobra’, and ‘asana’ means ‘posture’. As part of the Surya Namaskar, this yoga posture can positively impact your health. Bhujangasana is a gentle backbend yoga that falls under hatha yoga. It can also be considered an alternative to Urdhva Mukha Svanasana in the cycle of Surya Namaskar.

Also known as Cobra Pose, it was first depicted in the Gheranda Samhita during the 17th century. Since then, the primary function of this yoga has been to keep you active and supercharged throughout the day.

What Are the Top 8 Health Benefits of Bhujangasana?

Some of the main benefits of Bhujangasana are listed below:

1. Increases Flexibility

As mentioned above, this yoga pose stretches many body parts. This stretching creates motion in muscles, which improves flexibility. A flexible body can significantly impact your posture and, thus, gain confidence.

2. Reduces Body Fat

Yoga can be the best practice to improve metabolism, which increases calorie burn. This particular pose targets the abdomen, buttocks, etc., which gets stretched while performing it. As a result, regular practice can tone the muscles and reduce body fat.

3. Boosts Digestion

Digestion problems are common nowadays. In addition, people are suffering from constipation or heartburn, affecting their work and daily life. This yoga targets the abdomen directly, improving gastrointestinal functioning. As a result, the digestive organs secrete more fluids causing better absorption of food.

4. Unblocks Chakras

The seven chakras of our body balance our physical, mental, and spiritual health. One such chakra is the Kundalini Chakra, located at the base of the spine. This yoga pose activates the Kundalini Chakra, resulting in easy energy flow throughout the body. Unblocked chakras can keep you active and energized the entire day, and you can achieve your goals effortlessly.

5. Improves Blood Circulation

Proper blood circulation is necessary to have better oxygen flow throughout the body. This results in rapid wound healing, flawless skin, a sharp mind and a healthy heart.  The cobra pose initiates better circulation of oxygen in the blood, promoting proper nutrient distribution and elimination of waste.

6. Strengthens Muscles

As you carry stretching while maintaining a breathing cycle during this yoga it causes movement in muscles. In addition, this yoga posture includes lifting the body weight on the shoulder, hands and thigh. As a result, it strengthens the biceps, triceps and abdomen muscles.

7. Reduces Respiratory Problems

Bhujangasana unlocks chest congestion and clears the passage of the heart and lungs. This happens due to stretching, which opens the chest cavity and gives more space for the ribcage to open up. It is also a tremendous remedial posture for asthma and other respiratory diseases.

8. Regulates Menstrual Problems

This yoga pose works the abdomen directly and thus regulates any menstrual irregularity. After practising this yoga, your menstrual cycle does not get delayed. Besides this, you will not suffer from cramps and can have a painless period.

Other Benefits:

  • Elevates mood
  • Relieves stress
  • Sooth the Sciatic nerve
  • Maintain posture
  • Tone the buttocks

How to Perform Bhujangasana?

To perform this yoga pose with ease, follow the steps below:

Step 1: Lie flat on the yoga mat with your chest and stomach touching the ground.

Step 2: Place your palm on the sides of your chest and slowly raise your upper body. Remember to keep your elbows straight to avoid injury.

Step 3: Lift your entire upper body. The body weight should fall on your hands and thighs, not your stomach.

Step 4: Now, slowly bend your neck until you feel a stretch on your spine. Remember to inhale and hold your breath while performing this step.

Step 5: After holding this position for 30-45 seconds, exhale and release your body slowly from neck to abdomen.

What Are the 6 Tips for Practising Bhujangasana?

This yoga posture can be very effective for your health only if you practise it correctly. Here are 6 tips to practise it perfectly:

  • Breathe Evenly: Breathing throughout the exercise can help you hold the pose for a longer time.
  • Do Not Overstretch: Overstretching can strain your muscles, so avoid doing that.
  • Keep Your Feet Together: By keeping your feet together, you can raise your abdomen a little more.
  • Shoulders Near Ears: If you want to deepen your stretch, keep your shoulder near the ears.
  • Head Must Not Move: Avoid unnecessary movement of your head, as it might give you a neck injury.
  • Avoid Jerks: Do not jerk your body while performing this yoga to avoid injury.

What Are the Precautions and Contraindications of Bhujangasana?

There are certain cases where it is not safe to perform Bhujangasana. So, if you find yourself in any of these, avoid adding this posture to your yoga regime. The precautions and contraindications are:

  • Pregnant Women: Cobra pose targets the abdomen, which can harm a pregnant woman's foetus.
  • Senior Citizen: During old age, people suffer from weak and brittle bones. Thus, they should avoid practising this yoga.
  • Recovering From Surgery: If you are recovering from any surgery, do not practise this yoga or consult your doctor before doing so. Otherwise, you might face severe pain.
  • Low Physical Strength: If your core is comparatively weak and you have not practised yoga before, skip this pose. Instead, practise some simple yoga postures.
  • Internal or External Injury: If you have an injury on your body, avoid this yoga posture which will put pressure on the injured area and stimulate pain.

What Are the Easy Modifications of Bhujangasana?

As a beginner, it might not be easy for you to perform this pose in one go. In this case, you can follow certain modifications:

  • Start From a Lying Position: You can start this position by lying on your belly. It is not necessary to begin with a plank position.
  • Place Your Forearms on the Floor: When you place your forearms on the floor, practising this yoga becomes easier. After a certain time, you can practise it on your palms.
  • Place a Blanket: Place a blanket below your pelvis, palms or back. This will make performing this asana a lot easier.
  • Use a Prop or Chair: In case you have a stiff back use a prop like a chair or wall where you can keep your palms for support. The prop will help you pull yourself up.

By reading the above details you now know about all the benefits of Bhujangasana. So adopt it in your yoga regime and practise it with precaution. As a result, you will finally be able to eliminate muscle stiffness and improve physical health.

Frequently Asked Questions

Can I practise Bhujangasana just before having a meal?

No, one should perform this yoga pose 4-5 hours before having a meal. However, this is maintained to avoid any difficulty.

When is the best time to perform Bhujangasana?

The ideal time to practise this asana is during the morning. If you cannot perform it then, do it in the evening.

Can I practise Bhujangasana regularly?

Yes, you can practise it regularly, but remember to follow the precautions to avoid any injury. However, if you follow the rules correctly, it can greatly impact your health.