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14 Best Exercises to Recover From Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

Carpal tunnel syndrome is a common condition in India. This syndrome leads to weakness, numbness and pain in the hand. However, practising certain exercises can ease the pressure on the median nerve and mitigate the symptoms.

Lets read more about the symptoms of Carpel Tunnel Syndrome and the exercises to recover from it.

What Are the Causes and Symptoms of Carpal Tunnel Syndrome?

Carpal tunnel is caused due to extreme pressure on the median nerves and the wrist. Swelling in the wrist causes compression of the median nerves and restricts the blood flow. This syndrome can become even worse due to repetitive overextension or motion of the wrist, which may be caused due to the following circumstances:

  • Positioning of the wrist when using a mouse or keyboard
  • Exposure to vibration for using power or hand tools for a prolonged period
  • Repeated movements that cause overextension of the wrist may be for typing or playing the piano. 

Besides, certain medical conditions like rheumatoid arthritis, thyroid dysfunction, menopause, high blood pressure, etc., may increase the chances of developing carpal tunnel syndrome.

As far as the symptoms of carpal tunnel are concerned, you may experience numbness in your hand and drop items easily. You may experience other symptoms of carpal tunnel syndrome, which are listed below:

  • Tingling, numbness, and pain in the first three fingers and thumb of your hand.
  • Burning and pain that you up to your arms.
  • Pain in your wrist at night that disturbs your sleep
  • Weakness in your hand's muscles.

What Are the Best Exercises to Recover From Carpal Tunnel Syndrome?

Practice the following exercises consistently to get relief from the symptoms of carpal tunnel syndrome:

1. Wrist Rotations

Rotate your hands left, right, up and down and repeat this step up to four times.

2. Thumb Stretch

Use your opposite hand to press your thumb backwards till you experience a slight stretch on your thumb. Repeat this step up to four times.

3. Finger Stretch

You need to widely stretch your fingers and relax them. Repeat this exercise up to four times.

4. Prayer Stretch

Place your hands together in a prayer position under your chin. With keeping your hands in this position, push it down to your waist till you experience a moderate stretch. Hold this position for a maximum of 30 seconds. Repeat this exercise two to four times.

5. Wrist Extensor Stretch

Experts recommend doing this exercise for carpal tunnel syndrome. All you need to do is place your hands in front of you, keeping your palm down. Bend your hand forward to the floor by pressing the back of your wrist. Use your opposite hand to bend your other hand more forward to maximise the stretch. Hold this position for a maximum of 30 seconds. Repeat this exercise on both hands two to four times.

6. Wrist Flexor Stretch

Place your hand in front of you, keeping your palm upwards. Bend your hand backwards by stretching the palm. Use your other hand to press the hand backwards even more to intensify the stretch. Hold this position for a maximum of 30 seconds. Repeat these steps on both hands two to four times.

7. Median Nerve Glide

Make a fist, and hold out your fingers, keeping the thumb near them. Bend your hands back towards your arm. Hold your hand in that position and put your thumb away from your fingers. Next, turn your forearm and use your other hand to push your thumb backwards, maximising the stretch. Repeat this exercise 10 to 15 times daily to reduce the symptoms of carpal tunnel syndrome.

Note that you need to apply heat to your wrist and hand for 15 minutes before doing this stretching exercise for carpal tunnel syndrome. After, apply an ice pack for around 20 minutes to prevent swelling. Besides, you must hold every step of this exercise for three to seven seconds to get the maximum benefit.

8. Tender Glides - Type One

Place your hand in front of you and keep your fingers straight. Now, bend your fingers with the knuckles pointing upwards, where your fingers will appear in a hook shape. Bend your fingers further and make a tight fist. Repeat this exercise 5 to 10 times a day.

9. Tendon Glides - Type Two

Place your hand in front of you and keep your fingers straight. Bend your fingers at a 90-degree angle so that your hand appears like a tabletop. Keep bending your fingers and bring them to the bottom of your palm.

In both types of tendon glides, experts recommend applying heat for 15 minutes to your hand before doing this exercise. After this exercise, apply ice or a cold pack for 20 minutes. Additionally, hold every position for three seconds to get the maximum benefit.

10. Wrist Lift

Keep one palm of your hand flat on a table. Now, keep your other hand at the right angle across the knuckles. Next, lift your fingers and palm of your hand placed on a table and use your top hand to press it down. Hold this position for 5 seconds and relax. Repeat this exercise 10 times on each hand.

11. ist Stretch With Weights

Hold the weight in your hand. Now, extend your arm at the front, keeping your palm down. Bring your hand upwards and downwards your arm by bending the wrist slowly. Now, slowly return to the initial position and repeat this exercise 10 times. Do this exercise for three sets on each hand.

12. Hand Squeeze

Hold a ball in your hand and squeeze it for 5 seconds. Release it and repeat it 10 times for three sets on each hand.

13. Shake Your Hands

This is a simple exercise where all you need to do is shake your hands as you have just washed and air-drying them. You can do this exercise every hour for a minute to prevent your flexor muscles and median nerves from getting cramped.

14. Spiders Doing Pushups on a Mirror

Each of your fingertips should be in contact and must point downwards. Spread your fingers apart, where your palms will separate, but your fingers will remain together.

How Does Exercising Help Relieve Carpal Tunnel Syndrome?

Exercises may not solely treat carpal tunnel syndrome. Exercises may help treat mild to moderate symptoms when complemented with treatments like corticosteroid injections, wrist splinting or altering certain activities that aggravate this syndrome. Several motion exercises, including nerve gliding exercises, may help to prevent nerve scarring after surgery. In addition to this, combining exercise with a wrist splint and adequate knowledge about carpal tunnel syndrome may improve the condition.

What Precautions Should Be Taken While Exercising With a Carpal Tunnel Syndrome?

You should not stretch or pull your hands too much while doing these exercises for carpal tunnel syndrome. If you experience extreme pain while exercising, immediately stop doing them and reach out to a physical therapist or a doctor to seek treatment.

Thus, keep these pointers mentioned above in mind while doing these exercises to recover from carpal tunnel syndrome. You may also consult a doctor or physical therapist to know the correct way to do these exercises to prevent the symptoms from getting worse.

Frequently Asked Questions

Can kidney failure increase the chance of developing carpal tunnel syndrome?

Yes. Medical conditions like kidney failure may increase the chances of developing carpal tunnel syndrome.

For how many weeks do you need to practice exercises to get relief from carpal tunnel syndrome?

Consistent practice of the above exercises for approximately 6 to 8 weeks may help to ease the symptoms of carpal tunnel syndrome.

Can physiotherapy treat carpal tunnel syndrome?

Physiotherapy can reduce the pain and additional symptoms of carpal tunnel syndrome. This type of treatment prevents the chances of getting surgery or long-term damage caused due to this syndrome.