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Top 10 Exercises for Thyroid Patients to Lose Weight

The thyroid gland plays a crucial role in regulating metabolism. When individuals suffer from hypothyroidism or no thyroid after undergoing surgery or Radioactive Iodine Treatment, it causes them to gain weight rapidly and feel sluggish or pain in joints.

Hypothyroidism can result in increased LDL cholesterol and triglycerides and, most importantly, affect mood. Though the negative impacts of hypothyroidism usually push individuals away from indulging in physical activities, experts suggest that only exercise and a healthy lifestyle can help them shed extra body weight.

Keep reading to know the exercises for thyroid patients to lose weight.

What Are the Exercises for Thyroid Patients to Lose Weight?

1. Walking

Walking is the easiest and best exercise for thyroid patients to lose weight. It is a low-impact exercise that individuals suffering from hypothyroidism can do anywhere. Walking improves cardiac health and has potential mood-boosting benefits (including depression and fatigue).

Coupled with a good pair of shoes and walking at a brisk pace, individuals can burn up to 280 calories per hour. Therefore, stop using cars and walk for a short distance or whenever you get a chance to roam around.

2. Yoga

Yoga  is also a good form of exercise for thyroid patients to lose weight. There are various types of yoga such as fish pose, plough pose, cat-cow pose, supported shoulder stand, legs-up-the-wall pose, camel pose, upward bow (wheel pose), corpse pose, cobra pose, boat pose, and supported headstand.

Almost all these yoga poses help to improve thyroid function, especially fish pose and shoulder stand, which are believed to be most effective in boosting thyroid function. Individuals can visit various yoga studios or watch online videos to learn the postures. Further, these poses can aid in enhancing cardio health, gaining flexibility, and balance benefits.

3. Strength Training

Strength training is one of the most effective exercises for weight loss. Thyroid patients can opt for this type of exercise as it helps to increase metabolic rate and muscle mass, which in turn leads to increased calorie burn.

Strength training also eliminates chances of muscle loss; thus, individuals can stay fit. The benefits are not only limited to treating thyroid issues; strength training improves heart health and regulates blood glucose levels.

4. Tai Chi

Originated in China as a martial art, Tai Chi is a classic exercise technique that helps to improve strength, mood and balance. Tai Chi includes a chain of slow, meditative exercises.

Tai Chi is referred to as moving meditation and truly works as a stress buster. This low-impact exercise has significant capability in increasing flexibility and increasing strength.

5. Push Up

Push up can prove to be an effective exercise for thyroid patients to lose weight. To practice push ups, individuals do not need to have any equipment, and they can easily do this at home.

Push up involves chest muscles, triceps, core muscles and shoulder muscles, thus reducing weight from those areas and helping to gain muscle mass. Usually, there are two types of push up variants: higher intensity and lower intensity. Thyroid patients must choose a method that suits their bodily condition.

6. Overhead Press

Are you digging the internet for weight loss exercises for thyroid patients? Why not try overhead press!

The overhead press is a part of resistance training. As per Medical News Today, this exercise helps in reducing body fat in areas like the back portion. Further, this exercise aids in improving core strength.

The core comprises muscles like a diaphragm, pelvic floor, transverse abdominis, rectus abdominis etc. As this exercise engages these muscles, it helps to enhance core strength which in turn results in increased balance and stability. Additionally, this exercise increases bone density for thyroid patients who are at an advanced age. Therefore, practice overhead press and enjoy these benefits.

7. Rowing

Rowing is one of the effective exercises for thyroid patients to lose weight. This exercise helps to lose weight by burning extra calories. This type of exercise aids in mobilising fat in the body which can be used as energy. However, the amount of calorie burn depends on the exercise intensity, body weight and machine used.

To practice rowing, thyroid patients can sit on the bench of the rowing machine and hold the handles which are attached with cables. Next, they have to sit straight and lean back to 10 to 15 degrees. After that, they need to pull the cable until it touches the mid-stomach and then lose control. Compared to running, rowing puts less pressure on joints.

8. Squats

The list of weight loss exercises for thyroid patients is incomplete without mentioning squats. As per a study, squats help to burn an average of 35 calories per minute. An 8-week squat exercise training plan helps participants reduce body fat by 4.2% and increase strength and muscle size.

Squats help to build more muscle, burn more calories than treadmill per minute, stimulate metabolic rate and hormonal response, improve mental health, increase strength and tone the body. Indulge yourself in practising squats and shed extra pounds from your body.

9. Pilates

Pilate is a popular low impact exercise that helps to achieve weight loss goals and burn calories in a significant amount. Further, this exercise strengthens muscles and enhances flexibility.

Pilates usually targets the core but is also effective on other body parts. Thyroid patients can practice Pilates without any equipment thus can easily take up the routine at home. This exercise focuses on breathing and involves gentle movements. If thyroid patients are looking for ways to lose weight without an intense workout, Pilates can be an ideal choice.

10. Water Aerobics

Last on the list of exercises for thyroid patients come water aerobics. This exercise is a form of resistance training that is done in the waist or neck-deep water by following usual aerobic forms.

Water aerobics are low-impact exercises that are beneficial for weight loss, cardiovascular fitness, and stress relief. Thyroid patients who are willing to lose weight without putting much pressure on joints can choose water aerobics.

Apart from these, thyroid patients can practice dancing, swimming and other exercises to lose weight.

The above-mentioned weight losing exercise will undoubtedly help thyroid patients to shed extra pounds.

Read on to know about the effectiveness of exercises for thyroid patients to lose weight!

How Effective Are These Exercises for Thyroid Patients?

A 2014 study shows that practising yoga can help to improve thyroid function. However, more research is required to get established answers.

A stated in the introductory paragraph, hypothyroidism lowers metabolism, thus increasing body weight. One of the most effective ways to increase metabolism is to practice exercise.

A proper workout plan makes metabolism efficient as it helps to burn more calories, fat, lower blood sugar levels, and balance weight-loss promoting hormones (such as leptin).

Which Weight Loss Exercises Should Thyroid Patients Avoid?

Individuals suffering from hypothyroidism can practice low-impact exercises to lose weight. However, they must avoid High-Intensity Interval Training (HIIT) as these exercises can cause damage to health and make patients feel fatigued.

Disclaimer: Practice the above-mentioned exercises under the supervision of a trained practitioner and consult a doctor beforehand to ensure your body is fit enough to perform the required moves/postures.

Practise for more than an hour a day on the above-mentioned exercises for thyroid patients to lose weight or combinations of it and take a balanced diet and see the results!

Frequently Asked Questions

Can biking help to reduce weight for thyroid patients?

Yes, biking can help to reduce weight for thyroid patients and put less strain on knees than jogging or running.

Can thyroid patients use resistance bands to lose weight?

Yes, thyroid patients can use resistance bands to lose weight. These bands come in a wide variety. Thyroid patients can start with lower resistance and slowly increase the level.