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Top 10 Yoga Asanas to Boost Immunity

With the rising healthcare expenses, it has become a common desire to avoid diseases by remaining healthy from the inside. Keeping the immune system strong is, therefore, an essential requirement. Doctors suggest using natural means rather than pills and supplements. Various activities can naturally boost your immunity, and yoga is undoubtedly one of them.

Are you wondering how yoga can help you? This article will present a list of immunity-boosting yoga asanas.

What Are the Best Yoga Asanas for Boosting Immunity?

Yoga and physical exercises are considered primary means of boosting immunity. Individuals are likely to develop oxidative stress, which can damage healthy cells. Yoga is effective for fighting against oxidative stress. Moreover, when you do yoga regularly, it reduces your oxidative stress, thereby reducing inflammation and degeneration from the body.

The following list will give you a detailed guide regarding the suitable yoga asanas for immunity.

1. Shalabasana

This yoga asana can strengthen your spine, hip joints, lower back, arms and legs. Primarily, it offers relief from backache and improves blood flow from the spinal area while applying pressure on the abdomen. Thus, in a way, it can support your immunity to avoid diseases regarding joint pain and blood flow.

Start with lying flat on your stomach and stretch the arms out. Next, keep your feet together while straightening the knees. Now, start lifting your arms and legs while slowly lifting the head. Try raising your chest off the floor as much as possible and hold the posture for 10 minutes.

2. Anjaneyasana

It is another helpful yoga asana for the immune system. It has impressive effects on improving the strength of your muscles, joints and knees. Furthermore, it can also be capable of relieving stress and joint tension. Therefore, it can support your immune system for controlling stress and improving body parts.

While standing straight on the ground, place your left leg back and extend the toes out. Once your right knee is aligned with the left ankle, start pushing your pelvis downwards and raise the arms over the head. Now, try to form an arch by bending your upper body backwards.

3. Bakasana

Another addition to this list of immunity-boosting yoga asanas, Bakasana strengthens your arms, core, glutes, shoulder stabilisers and adductors. It also improves your overall balance making your wrists and spine stronger. As a result, your chances of injury are reduced, which contributes to strengthening your immunity.

Start with being on all fours on the ground. Now, place your elbows down, keeping them aligned with the shoulder, and spread your fingers. Next, bring your knees to the triceps while leaning forward. Finally, start shifting your body weight on the triceps and slowly lift your feet off the ground and try to balance.

4. Tadasana

Doctors often consider Tadasana when thinking of yoga to increase immunity. It is an effective asana for improving your nervous system and the overall body posture. It helps to increase the flexibility of your thighs and joints. Furthermore, this asana is also helpful for toning your abdomen and body muscles. It is a simple yet effective way of supporting your immunity.

Stand straight on the ground keeping your back straight. Bring your palms together and interlock them. Now, slowly inhale air and stretch the arms up with the palms facing downwards. Look up once and then slowly drop your back to the shoulders and hold it for about 10 seconds.

5. Krupa Chaturanga Dandasana

This yoga asana can build strength in the quads, core, shoulders and scapula stabilisers. Furthermore, it helps forearm muscles and wrists to become stronger while improving arm balance and core stability. As the body becomes fit for increased balance, the immunity naturally receives support from fighting against injuries and fatigue.

Start on all fours on the ground, placing your palms under the shoulders and knees below the hips. Now, lift your knees off the ground while aligning your pelvis with your shoulders. Next, start dropping your elbows slowly on the mat one by one. Finally, align your elbows with your shoulder while engaging your core.

6. Matsyasana

Doctors often consider Matsyasana a yoga asana to boost immunity, as it can quickly destroy various diseases. For instance, practising this asana regularly reduces weakness. In addition, it also helps to increase metabolism and prevent digestive issues. Therefore, it can contribute to the immune system by assisting individuals in avoiding various diseases arising from weakness and digestion.

Lay down on the ground on your flat back. Start lifting your upper body taking support from your forearms. Push your head back in a way that it touches the ground. Hold the position for about 30 seconds before returning to the original position.

7. Utkatasana

While considering different yoga asanas for immunity, Utkatasana is an important one. It helps increase your overall strength and stamina in the muscles and joints. As a result, you are immune from muscle and joint pain for most parts of your life. This yoga asana promotes your inner strength, and it helps you lead a clean and healthy life.

Start by standing on the ground, and then start bending your knees. Next, moving your hip backward, bring yourself to a position like sitting in a chair. Now, raise your hands while softening your shoulders. Then, touching the ears, hold this position for at least 10 seconds.

8. Paschimottanasana

One can again add this to the list of yoga poses for immunity. This asana helps to keep your mind calm while stretching your body. Moreover, it also helps to relieve stress, anxiety and headache issues. It also applies pressure on the spine and hamstring, thereby reducing pains. Furthermore, it can contribute to improving your digestive system.

Sit on the floor with your legs stretched out in the front, keeping your back and spine erect. Raise your hands upwards and bend towards your hip. Now, place the upper body on your lower body while lowering the arms. Try to grip the big toes with your fingers and touch your knees with the nose.

9. Dhanurasana

Among the various yoga asanas for immunity boosting, Dhanurasana is popular. An ideal stress buster, this yoga asana improves the flow of white blood cells, which can improve your digestion and metabolism. In addition, this asana applies pressure on the belly, strengthening the digestive system. It can therefore stimulate your immune system.

Lie down on your stomach. Now, start bending your knees and hold the ankles with your palm. Next, hold and maintain a firm grip on the ankles and lift your legs and arms upwards. Now, look upwards and try to keep the position for some time.

10. Vrikshasana

Finally, one can add this asana to a list of yoga poses to boost immunity. It mainly strengthens your legs and the entire lower portion of the body. Furthermore, it improves your neuromuscular coordination, balance and endurance. It helps to avoid centrality and stress with a mental balance. This way, it contributes to enhancing the immune system. 

Stand straight, placing your arms to the side, and bend your knees while lifting your right leg. Next, place it on the inner thigh of your left leg. Now, raise your hands over the head and join your palms. Keep your back erect and take deep breaths. Then, come back to the initial position and do the same with the left leg.

Therefore, as you can see, there are multiple immunity-boosting yoga asanas. Practising yoga poses regularly can contribute to improving your overall immunity. As a result, you will hardly fall sick and have to spend on medical bills. It will enable you to live a healthy and happy life in future.

Frequently Asked Questions

Can yoga boost immunity?

Yoga strengthens your body parts and lowers stress hormones. As you stop feeling stressed, your body does not weaken, and your stamina extent increases. Thus, yoga contributes to strengthening immunity.

Is stretching good for the immune system?

Stretching while doing a yoga asana enables individuals to relieve pent-up stress. As your body muscles loosen and relax, you can maintain a healthy immune system by controlling your blood pressure and chronic muscle pains.