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Health Benefits of Kurmasana (Tortoise Pose)

Kurmasana, or the tortoise pose, is known for invoking relaxation. So, if you have a tiring day, you can perform this posture in the evening to relax your mind and body. Moreover, unlike many other yoga postures, kurmasana need not require any equipment. You only need a yoga mat or a carpeted floor to perform this posture.

So, if you want to add this asana to your workout, read this blog. It will guide you about the benefits of Kurmasana, how to perform it and more!

What Is Kurmasana?

“Kurma” in Sanskrit stands for tortoise; that is where it got its name. The Kurmasana is considered a posture that can connect your inner self with the spiritual ones. It enhances the flexibility of the back, hips, neck and shoulders. Furthermore, it also withdraws distractions and keeps your nerves calm.

The tortoise pose is beneficial for certain muscles, like the lower and upper back, core abs, biceps and triceps, hamstrings, hips, pelvic, neck and quadriceps. So, if you include this posture with other asanas that focus on the same muscles, you can extract more health benefits.

What Are the Top 10 Health Benefits of Kurmasana?

Tortoise pose is a deep stretching exercise. So, those who want to build flexibility can include this posture with their regular workout sequence. In addition, this is a good pose to regularise breathing.

Some advantages of kurmasana include the following:

1. Improves Functioning of the Respiratory System

While doing this asana, the muscles in the upper torso contract, and it makes the diaphragm, chest and lungs press downwards. This contraction not just improves the flexibility of these muscles but also improves the functioning of the respiratory organs.

2. Elongates Spine

When you perform the kurmasana, your body is bent forwards; consequently, you stretch your spine. Thus, it elongates the spinal cord and also makes sure the blood circulation is smooth without any blockages. Due to this elongation, the muscles around the upper and lower back and neck contract to improve elasticity.

3. Lengthens the Lumbar Area

Since the pain in the lumbar region is fairly common, you can try doing the kurmasana to relieve your nerves. Moreover, as you do this posture, the affected area gets gently massaged; this reduces stiffness and promotes muscle strength. This eventually results in toning your back, that too without any fancy equipment.

4. Boosts Metabolism

As the tortoise pose works on almost every muscle in the body, it also generates better blood circulation. It increases flexibility and enhances the movement of the joints. Since this asana works on every internal aspect, it boosts metabolism.

5. Works on Digestion

Since you lean forward to touch the floor while doing this asana, you massage your abdominal organs. In this way, they get activated and function better. It also improves digestion and minimises issues with the kidney and liver.

6. Reduces Stiffness

Individuals who have a sedentary lifestyle generally develop muscle stiffness. In addition, due to lack of motion, they also suffer from sciatica. Kurmasana is an excellent cure for such ailments. It can stimulate the muscles' elasticity, relieve lower back issues, and soothe sciatica.

7. Tones the Body

When you are in the tortoise posture, your back, hips, abdomen, shoulders, chest and arms all get intensely stretched. So, if you hold this pose for longer, you can burn fat accumulated in these regions. Thus, you can tone your whole body by doing this yoga pose along with other fat-burning asanas.

8. Treats Asthma

If you suffer from asthma or any other respiratory problem, by doing this particular asana, you can help manage your ailment. With the extension of your diaphragm and stretching of the spinal cord, your lungs expand and get fresh oxygen. Henceforth, the fresh oxygen removes all the allergens and cures asthma.

9. Regularises Sleep

Tortoise Pose demands extensive stretching of every muscle in your body. Although it seems difficult, this yoga can effectively calm your nerves. Therefore, one of the biggest benefits of Kurmasana is it induces relaxation and sleep. People who struggle with acute insomnia are often advised to practice this exercise.

10. Stretches Hips and Shoulders

The intense stretching you do to accurately perform this asana; opens your hips and reduces shoulder knots. Moreover, muscle contraction and relaxation during the tortoise pose promote flexibility so that your lower back and shoulder blades work smoothly.

How to Perform the Tortoise Pose?

The tortoise pose involves extreme stretching, and it engages your whole body as well as your mind. Here is a step-by-step guideline for you to follow:

Step 1: Sit with your back upright and legs spread in front of you.

Step 2: Keep your hands on the floor, close to your hips.

Step 3: With deep breaths, press your thighs on the floor and raise your chest.

Step 4: Now spread your legs away and stretch the toes to point upwards.

Step 5: Inhale and raise your arms.

Step 6: As you exhale slowly, bend your body to the floor and place your hands below the knees.

Step 7: Stretch your hands outwards as much as you can.

Step 8: Along with breathing, touch your chin to the floor.

Step 9: Make sure to fix your gaze upfront and hold this posture.

Step 10: Slowly return to the starting position. You can repeat the same after a while.

What Are the 7 Tips for Practising the Tortoise Pose?

For beginners, here are some tips you can check out if you want to practise the tortoise pose:

  1. Access a Professional Guide: Since this yoga posture is difficult, it is recommended to have a professional guide before trying this by yourself.
  2. Perform a Warm-Up Session: Make sure to perform a proper warm-up session to relax your muscles. You can also try practising the preparatory poses.
  3. Do Not Overstretch: You should be mindful while stretching your body; never over-stretch.
  4. Quit When Feeling Dizzy: If you feel uncomfortable or find yourself in pain or dizziness, you must stop doing this asana.
  5. Straighten the Legs: Sometimes your knees may feel stiff while you are in this posture. To avoid any muscle pull, straighten your legs slowly.
  6. Return to Normal Position Gently: When you return to the sitting posture, you should do it carefully. If you release your body at once, you may get a sprain.
  7. Do Some Follow-Up Exercises: After releasing your body, practice some of the follow-up poses.

What Are the Precautions and Contraindications of Kurmasana?

As you know the steps to perform the kurmasana, here are some safety precautions and contraindications you should adhere to while doing this posture:

  • When you are in the posture and experience extensive pain, gradually release and return to the first position.
  • If you have been through any surgery, refrain from doing this asana, as it may instigate pain. It is advisable to consult your doctor in such a situation.
  • If it is difficult for you to sit due to sciatica, it is better to avoid this posture as it can harm your legs.
  • For pregnant women, it is always advisable to consult their gynaecologist before doing any such extensive yoga postures.
  • People with certain health conditions like herniated discs, arthritis, fever, and severe stress must consult their doctors.

What Are the Easy Modifications of Tortoise Pose?

Kurmasana can be challenging for some, especially if you are just beginning to do yoga. Following are some easy modifications of the same pose that may help you attain the ultimate posture:

  • Bend Your Knees: For every beginner who cannot do the full posture, they can bend their knees and keep their head above the ground.
  • Keep Your Feet Together: Instead of stretching your legs, keep them together and bend your knees. This is a good starting point, as your inner thighs will get stretched here.
  • Use Yoga Blocks: You can use blocks to support your chest rather than leaning completely on your chest.

There are both physical and mental benefits of Kurmasana. This restorative posture can help you connect your mind and body and cure several health conditions. So, when you consider adding this posture to your routine, make sure you follow and incorporate the information mentioned above.

Frequently Asked Questions

What are the preparatory poses for kurmasana?

Some of the preparatory poses for kurmasana are seated forward bend (Paschimottanasana) and bow pose (Dhanurasana). You can begin with these postures because they will allow you to open certain body parts and ease your muscles.

Who can perform the tortoise pose?

Although the tortoise pose is one of the difficult poses, it can be done by children and adults. People who are looking for ways to improve digestion, back issues, or difficulty in respiration can also try doing this posture to cure these ailments. In addition, individuals who are stressed may try practising this asana to get relief.