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Health Benefits of Crocodile Pose (Makarasana) - How to Do It & Precautions

Makarasana, otherwise known as the crocodile pose, is a restorative posture that is ideal for asthma and lung diseases. Also, this exercise can relax the whole nervous system.

Regardless, if you want to know about the health benefits of Makarasana, continue reading!

What Is Makarasana or Crocodile Pose?

Although the posture may seem simple, you must pay attention to its various aspects. The posture got its name from Makara (crocodile), hence the name. This asana is a part of the hatha yoga style.

Doing this posture can strengthen your shoulders, spine, arms and chest. Those who suffer from severe spine-related problems must do this yoga. This will not just boost the stability of their spine but improves the flexibility of their back.

We know there should be a gap of a minimum of 3-4 hours after a meal to do any physical exercises. However, for the crocodile pose, it is not necessary to do it on an empty stomach.

What Are the Health Benefits of Makarasana?

It is essential to warm up with some freehand exercises before doing your daily routine. However, it is equally necessary to have a cool-down session. This is because your muscles and ligaments get stretched when you do high-intensity physical activities. If these are not relaxed, you can eventually face issues like muscle pain, sprain, etc.

Hence, perform restorative exercises like Makarasana after completing your daily exercises. In addition, this particular yoga has the following benefits as well:

1. Emphasises Contraction of Sacrum

The sacrum is a triangular bone at the base of the spinal cord; it is positioned between the two hip bones. The function of this bone is to enable flexible hip movements. Practising the crocodile pose helps in the contraction and relaxation of the muscles around this bone. Hence, removing any blockages and stimulating the blood flow in the muscles around the spine.

2. Boosts Functioning of Abdominal Organs

Other essential benefits of Makarasana include boosting the functions of the abdominal organs. As you lie on your stomach in this yoga pose, breathing massages your abdominal area. This ultimately helps organs like the spleen, urinary bladder, intestines, and other digestive organs to work efficiently.

3. Relaxes the Respiratory System

When you lay down on your stomach, the need for oxygen and blood circulation in various parts of your body subsides. Hence, this results in relaxing the respiratory and circulatory systems.

4. Relieves Tension From Spine

To achieve perfection in Makarasana, you must stretch your shoulders and spine. This results in boosting flexibility along with relieving tension from the spine. However, you should be mindful when doing this pose and remember it is for restoring the stretched muscles. That is why you should not exert any extra force.

5. Calms the Muscular System

Only when you are correctly doing the crocodile posture will you experience your entire muscular system being calmer. In addition, if you pay attention to the slower heartbeats, you may sense control over the body and mind.

6. Heals Anxiety and Insomnia

In this asana, you are expected to eliminate all thoughts and channel your mind to breathing. Its principal function is to calm your nerves. Thus, it can heal anxiety and even cure insomnia.

7. Reduces Symptoms of PMS

Besides the other advantages of Makarasana, it especially helps women in dealing with the symptoms of menstruation. Moreover, abdominal massage benefits the reproductive organs and reduces PMS symptoms.

Other Benefits of the Crocodile Pose:

  1. Treats hypertension, cardiovascular diseases, and even mental disorders.

  2. Regularises your breathing pattern.

  3. Helps in treating slip disc, spondylitis, and sciatica.

How to Perform a Crocodile Pose (Makarasana)?

Start with these preparatory poses if you want to incorporate the crocodile pose. This will gradually ease your muscles; so you can perform the crocodile pose with no stiffness in your body.

You can check out the following steps to learn the steps of doing Makarasana accurately:

Step 1: Sit on your knees, extend your arms to touch the mat and slowly put your legs behind you.

Step 2: Lower your legs and touch the yoga mat.

Step 3: Now lower your hips, stomach and the rest of the upper portion on the mat.

Step 4: Cross your arms in front of you, forming a support to rest your forehead. The following steps are optional, but you can try them if you feel comfortable.

Step 5: Place your hands on the sides of your body and make your forehead touch the floor.

Step 6: Stretch your legs and straighten your spine.

Step 7: Release this pose and then carefully return to the first posture. To take the crocodile pose one step further, try doing this posture:

Step 8: Follow all the steps of Makarasana, but lift your upper body instead of resting your forehead.

Step 9: Hold the position for a while, and focus on stretching the body.

Step 10: Slowly lower your chest and return to the sitting posture.

What Are the Tips for Performing the Makarasana?

Crocodile pose is one of the easiest yoga poses, but you still need to do it right to get the benefits. Here are some tips for beginners on performing the crocodile pose:

  1. If you struggle with balancing, use your hands to support yourself. Further, raise them to complete the posture.
  2. Makarasana is a very relaxing pose; hence there is a tendency to fall asleep. Therefore, you should keep yourself awake while relaxing in this pose.
  3. Some may feel conscious while lying in this pose, making them stiff. Avoid doing this because you aim to achieve complete muscle relaxation after a power-packed workout.
  4. While waking up, make sure not to hurry.
  5. As you need to stretch a little in this posture, remember not to over-stretch.

What Are the Precautions and Contraindications of Makarasana?

Makarasana is the easiest yoga pose, and anyone can do this. Nevertheless, you should be aware of certain precautions and contraindications:

  • Prevent yourself from moving, although this will not have any physical harm to you. Nevertheless, have a direct impact on your practice.
  • Never pressurise any body part, because this is about relaxing your body and mind.
  • Try to avoid any disturbing atmosphere for doing the crocodile pose, as it can hamper your peace of mind.
  • Those with exaggerated lumbar curves must not try this posture.
  • As it requires lying on the stomach, it is not recommended for pregnant women.
  • Individuals suffering from stomach ailments must not do this posture.
  • Anyone who has higher blood pressure should also avoid doing this exercise.

What Are the Easy Modifications of a Makarasana?

Some modifications of Shirshasana include:

  • Try to Do it With One Leg - Try to balance your body in this asana with one leg at a time. As you use the wall for support, slowly move the legs close to the chest and then try to bring one leg up. Maintain the balance for some moment, and then use the other leg.
  • Try Half-Headstand First - You can also go halfway and bend both knees. Then bring your feet from the floor to keep your balance.
  • Use a Cushion - Support your elbows, shoulders, and neck properly with cushions and foams, so you do not get hurt or injured.

So, now you know all about the benefits of Shirshasana, and the precautions you must take while performing the same. However, do not try this if you are suffering from any injury or pain. Additionally, if you are feeling uncomfortable while performing Shirshasana, avoid doing it. Finally, always consult your trainer before you modify or start doing this yoga pose.

Let's recap of the entire piece, Makarasana is a restorative posture. It is mainly done after completing your regular exercises to calm down the stretched muscles. If this yoga is practised accurately, you can extract many health benefits of Makarasana. So, the next time you do yoga, remember to end your session with the crocodile pose.

FAQs About Makarasana

What are the follow-up poses after Makarasana?

Once you master Makarasana, you can try Dhanurasana, Ustrasana and salamba sarvangasana. These combined benefits your body more and restore your muscles to carry the rest of the work day.

Are there any preparatory poses for Makarasana?

Yes, you can start with these preparatory poses to relax your muscles and then work your way out to achieve an accurate Makarasana posture. As a result, you will be able to attain perfection in posture.

Does Makarasana improve breathing?

When you are doing Makarasana, and concentrating on relaxing every muscle in your body, you naturally breathe slowly. Though this posture can hardly improve your breathing, this posture can definitely regularise it.