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Peacock Pose (Mayurasana) – Benefits, How to Do It & Precautions

Mayurasana is one of the beneficial yoga poses that can help you strengthen your core and body muscles to get rid of common issues. To explore more benefits of Mayurasana, keep scrolling!

What Is Mayurasana?

Mayurasana is a yoga pose that is helpful for your overall health. In this pose, you need to pose like a peacock. Therefore, it is also called the peacock pose. Mayurasana can strengthen your whole body, work on your core muscles and give multiple other health benefits.

What Are the Health Benefits of Mayurasana?

The different health benefits of Mayurasana are:

1. Corrects Your Posture

Mayurasana is a well-known remedy for fixing faulty body postures. The shape of limbs, spine, joints and back can be treated if you practise Mayurasana properly. Therefore, it effectively reduces posture-related pain and other health issues.

2. Boosts Reproductive System

Mayurasana helps in reproduction by regulating its functions. Further, the yoga pose also boosts sexual interest and activities.

3. Improves Digestive System

The yoga pose strengthens your core muscles, creates pressure on the digestive system, and boosts the function. It helps improve blood circulation in the lower abdominal area and enhances the function of liver, stomach, kidney, pancreas etc.

4. Boosts Mental Health

Mayurasana effectively relaxes your body and mind. Therefore, it relieves stress and freshens up your mind. So it is helpful for different mental disorders such as anxiety attacks, depression, etc.

5 Detoxifies the Body

Peacock pose is very helpful for body detoxification. It boosts the body’s natural cleansing system and detoxifies from the core. Therefore, this yoga pose helps treat piles and diabetes.

6. Improves Respiratory System

This exercise also helps in stimulating the function of the lungs. Therefore, it can be helpful for the respiratory system and boost its function.

7. Strengthens Your Muscle

Peacock pose is extremely effective for boosting muscle strength. In addition, it helps to strengthen your body parts such as the elbow, forearms, back, spine, thighs, chest etc. So this yoga posture is highly beneficial for any kind of problems in the concerned body parts.

8. Enhances Cognitive Function

One of the biggest advantages of Mayurasana is it calms your body, therefore, enhances your mental capabilities. It improves the concentration power and helps in better body and mind connection.

Other Benefits:

  • It helps in better blood circulation.
  •  It treats tumours.
  • The pose is helpful for fevers.
  •  It improves menstrual health and aids in menopause.

How to Perform Mayurasana?

Mayurasana can be performed on any soft surface, such as a yoga mat or carpeted floor. Check out the following step-by-step guide to perform Mayurasana:

Step 1: Sit on your heels and ensure that your knees are folded and wide apart in the form of Padmasana.

Step 2: Place both your hands on the floor in front of your chest.

Step 3: Gently press your abdomen with your elbows.

Step 4: Keep your head on the floor with the same posture, pushing your stomach.

Step 5: Stretch out your legs, keeping your knees straight, and your face should be facing the floor.

Step 6: Accumulate strength to your buttocks and push them into your back by keeping your head and shoulder blade firm.

Step 7: Lift your body and legs upward by balancing the body weight on your hands, which should be parallel to the floor.

Step 8: Keep your breathing pattern normal and hold the position for 20 to 30 seconds.

Step 9: Lower your feet and knees to the ground to release the posture.

What Are the Tips for Practising Mayurasana?

Mayurasana is a very beneficial yoga pose with different health benefits. However, as the pose involves tough body posture, beginners may find it challenging to perform. Nevertheless, they can follow the below-mentioned tips to perform it properly:

1. Check Your Strength

In Mayurasana, you will need to hold your body in balance with your hands. Therefore, you will feel a high contraction in your tricep muscles. Further, your shoulder and forearm also should be strong enough to perform this yoga pose. So you should check your body’s capabilities beforehand to do this pose without any risk.

2. Reduce Belly Fat

While performing the Peacock pose, you need to hold your body up on your hands which will be pretty challenging if you have belly fat. Further, activating core muscles is also important for performing this pose. Therefore, you should invest some time in reducing excess abdominal fat to perform this posture.

3. Stop if You Feel Pain

Yoga postures are highly beneficial for health until they do not give you pain. They are meant to calm your body and relieve your muscle stress. Therefore, if you feel pain while practising, you should stop immediately and relax your body.

4. Avoid if You Are a Beginner

Mayurasana is an advanced type of yoga posture that should be done properly for optimum benefits. Therefore, if you are a newbie in yoga, you should not practice this pose at the beginning. Instead, train yourself with simpler postures and prepare your body for the advanced steps.

What Are the Precautions and Contraindications of Mayurasana?

The precautions you should follow as precautions of Mayurasana pose are as follows:

  • Do not practise this pose if you have an injured wrist, shoulder or elbow.
  • Avoid performing the pose if you have heart disease.
  • Avoid performing if you are a patient with high blood pressure.
  • Intestinal problems and issues of hernia should be treated before you perform this pose.
  • If you are pregnant, avoid practising the pose.
  • Menstruation is not the proper time to perform Mayurasana.
  • If you have any eye, ear or nose infection, avoid this yoga posture.
  • Stop practising the pose as soon as you face any discomfort while performing.

What Are the Easy Modifications of Mayurasana?

Mayurasana is an advanced form of yoga that needs practice and strength. Hence, beginners will find it challenging to perform. However, they can modify the pose and benefit from it in the following ways:

  • Warm Up With Different Easy Poses: Preparing yourself for the pose is necessary. Therefore, if you are a beginner, try to do a plank pose beforehand. Further, if you are an intermediate, you should do a crow pose or Vakrasana as complementary.
  • Take Help of Yoga Block: Keep a yoga block under your pelvis to hold the balance and body stabilisation. Initially, it will reduce the difficulties associated with the pose. Further, you can also place your forehead on a yoga block to cope with gravity.
  • Try Half Peacock Pose: If you face difficulties performing the full peacock pose at a time, you should go for a half-peacock posture. In this posture, you should lift one leg at a time.
  • Take Assistance From Others: If you find it difficult to perform Mayurasana, you should take help from others. You will need someone to hold your legs upward, so your body balance does not get disrupted.

Hope the whole discussion has brought out all the ideas related to the benefits of Mayurasana. Therefore, if you find the pose perfect for you, consider this guide to know every detail of it. Try to perform the pose safely with the mentioned precautions and get the maximum benefits.

FAQs About Mayurasana

What are the two variations of Mayurasana?

The two popular variations of Mayurasana include Hamsasana (Swan Pose) or Padma Mayurasana (Lotus in Peacock Poses). The former pose is an excellent exercise to strengthen your wrists, arms and abdominal muscles. On the other hand, the latter helps in digestion and constipation problems. 

Which diseases can be treated with Mayurasana?

Mayurasana can treat different posture-related diseases, diabetes, piles etc. However, people with joint pain should refrain from practising this pose.