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What is Natarajasana: Health Benefits and How to Perform

If you are someone who does not enjoy going to the gym but wants to build flexibility and improve strength, yoga is a good option for you. In this regard, you must have heard of Natarajasana or Lord of the Dance Pose. It is derived from Bharatnatyam, a classical Indian dance form, and you can find this pose depicted in the Nataraja temple. 

If you are curious to know more about the health benefits of Natarajasana, keep reading.

What Is Natarajasana?

The qualities of Lord Shiva are strength, intensity, and equilibrium. Natrajasana replicates one of his most well-known dancing personas, Nataraj, which beautifully captures his love of dance, music, and expression. 

The form is in harmony with this stance. Regularly performing this exercise helps strengthen your core, enhance body balance, promote flexibility, and increase overall physical strength. However, you must perform this yoga pose on an empty stomach or at least four hours after eating.

What Are the Health Benefits of Natarajasana?

Here are the health benefits you can derive from performing Natarajasana.

1. Enhances Memory and Mental Health

This yoga asana aids in enhancing memory and increasing focus and concentration. Those with poor memory should practise this yoga pose to improve it.

2. Strengthens the Knees

Natarajasana strengthens the knees while improving body flexibility. Include this pose in your everyday yoga routine if your knees are weak. You can also use it as a home remedy for foot pain.

3. Improves Body Balance

Yoga is recommended to shield the body from several ailments. In addition, Natarajasana should be practised to improve the body's balance.

4. Helps Reduce Stress

Natarajasana is highly beneficial for reducing stress. It successfully soothes the mind. However, a lot of practice is needed to master this yoga pose. Nevertheless, people complete their work very quickly when they are less stressed.

5. Reduces Obesity

Obesity can be debilitating as it can lead to various other ailments. Natarajasana should be a part of your regular yoga practice, as this yoga pose helps you shed the extra kilos. 

How to Perform Natarajasana?

The following are the steps one needs to follow to perform Natarajasana:

Step 1: Start by forming the Mountain Pose (Tadasana), standing tall and distributing your weight evenly between both feet.

Step 2: Put more of your weight on your right foot. Lift your left foot off the ground by bending your left knee. Throughout this pose, keep your left knee near your midline.

Step 3: Take hold of your left foot's instep with your left hand. Your thumb should point towards your toes while resting on the bottom of your foot.

Step 4: Straighten out your right arm and reach the ceiling.

Step 5: As a counterbalance, raise your left leg behind you and lean forward. Always remember not to let your left knee splay to the side. You will also extend your right arm.

Step 6: Powerfully kick your left foot into your left hand to elevate the leg higher and deepen the backbend. Keep moving your left toes.

Step 7: To maintain your balance, fix your sight (Drishti) on anything stationary.

Step 8: Stay in this position for 5 to 10 breaths.

Step 9: Keep kicking your left foot into your left hand to get back up. Your left leg should now be parallel to your right. Now repeat the same on the opposite side.

What Are the Tips for Practising Natarajasana?

As a beginner, you might find it difficult to perform Natarajasana with ease. So here are some tips for you:

  • Never perform this yoga pose without the supervision of a qualified instructor because it is an intermediate asana. To learn how to execute this pose, seek yoga classes in your area. 
  • By utilising a chair or a strap as a prop, beginners, the elderly, and even those struggling initially with this pose can alter it. The quadriceps stretch while using a wall as support is another useful variant of this pose. 
  • When performing Natarajasana, never overstretch, hyperextend, or lock your muscles or limbs, as it can lead to various injuries.

What Are the Precautions and Contraindications of Natarajasana?

Here are some safety precautions and contraindications you should consider before performing Natarajasana: 

  • If you have a back or ankle ailment, stay away from Natarajasana.
  • Avoid doing this pose until your wound has fully healed if you recently had surgery.
  • Never perform Natarajasana without first warming up. Since this pose involves a full-body stretch, your muscles should be warmed up before beginning.
  • Start off cautiously. Never begin with too many repeats.
  • Always perform Natarajasana in a spot that is clean and well-ventilated. Turn off the TV and your phone to prevent being distracted.
  • Stop doing Natarajasana immediately if you experience any pain or a strong pull.
  • If you are experiencing tension or anxiety, refrain from performing this asana. Your body may get overheated as a result, which could give you palpitations or irritability.
  • Stay away from this asana if you have a fever, flu, or a cold.

What Are the Easy Modifications of Natarajasana?

The first level of this posture, which is a detailed elevation of the leg by holding it from behind with your arms, is what someone who wishes to master this pose should focus on.  Several adjustments that can be made to simplify the posture are listed below:

  • The ideal approach to go further into the pose is to use a wall for balance. You can also use a partner to assist you and help you maintain a steady balance.
  • If the lower back and arms aren't flexible enough to raise the legs high enough, you might use a yoga strap to wrap it around the ankle and pull the leg toward you by pulling the strap higher. But be careful to do this under the supervision of an instructor.
  • If the hips aren't flexible enough, you can begin the practice by bringing your foot to your elbow, twisting your lower back slightly, and then raising the leg that's supporting it within this elbow. By practising to stay in this position for a few breaths, you'll gain more confidence in your ability to twist your hips fully.
  • One could lean the bent shin against the wall to acquire a better stretch and hold on to the toes before entering the position.

So, as you see, there are multiple benefits of Natarajasana, and doing it regularly can improve your body's flexibility and strength. In addition, knowing the steps to perform it and the precautions you should take before doing it will help you perform it effortlessly.

FAQs About Natarajasana

Which muscles get activated while performing Natarajasana?

While performing Natarajasana, the muscles in the legs are activated which also help in improving stability and balance in other standing yoga asanas, or poses.

How often should you perform Natarajasana?

One must perform Natarajasana 2 to 6 times a day while holding the pose for a minimum of 20 seconds. However, one must remember not to overdo it.