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Health Benefits of Paschimottanasana – How to Do It & Precautions

Modern yoga has gained popularity over other workout routines because of its positive impact on individuals' physical and mental conditions. Among various yoga poses, the name Paschimottanasana gains significance because of its straightforward approach and multiple health benefits.

Do you wish to find out more about the health benefits of Paschimottanasana? Then, keep reading this article to gain a complete idea.

What Is Paschimottanasana?

Paschimottanasana, or the seated forward bend posture, is a Sanskrit term. It comes from Paschima, which means “west” or “back of the body”. It is a seated posture, which requires you to stretch the entire back of your body, folding it inward and bringing it towards the knees and foot.

There have been issues with flexibility and spinal pain in the current scenario of growing work pressure and remote working tactics. Paschimottanasana is an effective asana that can help you counter such issues without hassle.

What Are the Health Benefits of Paschimottanasana?

Paschimottanasana can be a challenging yoga asana but offers a wide range of health benefits. It is always motivational to know about these benefits to give your best in performing an asana. Here are the advantages of Paschimottanasana to help you out.

1. Stretches Shoulders and Back Muscles

Paschimottanasana is mainly famous for effectively stretching the back muscles. It stretches the entire back of an individual from head to heels. Such a position naturally helps to deal with pain and stiffness in the back and shoulder muscles. Moreover, it can also contribute to enhancing the flexibility of your spine. This way, working long hours does not affect your back, shoulders or spine.

2. Relieves Hamstring Pain

Pain and tightness from the hamstrings have been common problems in recent times. It usually comes from a bad posture while sitting or long working hours. An extended period of such posture can cause stiffness or pain in the hamstrings. Paschimottanasana allows you to stretch your entire hamstring, thereby ensuring better blood flow and circulation in this area. As muscles are relaxed, the pain and stiffness start wearing away.

3. Improves Mental Health

Paschimottanasana is capable of improving your mental health. It can calm your body and mind and allows the mind to relax. As you maintain the position for a long time, you get to open your mind and eliminate the feelings of depression and worry. Moreover, it can take control of your anxiety levels by working on your energy centres. You are, therefore, likely to observe lower anxiety and feelings of getting overwhelmed after practising this yoga asana for a long time.

4. Calms the Nervous System

Paschimottanasana has a calming effect on your brain and nervous system. It develops a harmonisation of the pranic energies in the body, which results in less stress and depressing thoughts, keeping your mind rejuvenated and refreshed. Additionally, it controls the central nervous system, ensuring calming of the brain cells. This yoga asana induces a form of meditation that makes you feel more relaxed and calm naturally.

5. Tones the Internal Organs

The functioning of major internal organs like kidneys, intestines, liver, and pancreas is essential to maintain body fitness. If you practise Paschimottanasana regularly, you can ensure that these organs work and function effectively. It boosts your metabolism while enhancing your digestive system. Moreover, it improves blood circulation to all these organs to maintain their functionality.

6. Enhances Blood Flow in Pelvic Area

As the Paschimottanasana engages the entire body and ensures its movements, it enhances blood flow and circulation in the pelvic areas. Therefore, the lower body parts and organs are nourished, and their functionality improves in those areas. This allows it to alleviate the symptoms of menopause in women. In addition, the complications and pain of menstrual cycles can also be brought under control to some extent with this yoga asana.

7. Reduces Obesity

Paschimottanasana can help you maintain a healthy weight while reducing the chances of developing obesity. It can reduce belly fat significantly without doing intense workouts or weight training. The process of bending the body forward helps to burn the excess fat stored in the abdominal region. Moreover, it tones your waist and helps to fight obesity or unhealthy weight gain.

8. Increases Appetite

As this yoga asana can burn fat and calories, it can increase your appetite. You are likely to feel hungry, but there will be no cravings for unhealthy food that can increase your weight. This property helps this asana to ensure that the individuals take daily meals and do not face a lack of nutrition.

9. Treats High Blood Pressure and Infertility

As this yoga asana controls the blood flow and functionality of the pelvic area, it can effectively deal with problems related to infertility, sexual desires and impotence. It can be effective for increasing fertility and can also help in healing physical conditions after childbirth.

10. Improves Sleep Pattern

Paschimottanasana is also famous for controlling insomnia in most people. This is because this posture stimulates blood flow and circulation across your body, which will target the lower energy centres in your body. This way, you are more likely to get peaceful and sound sleep at night if you practise this asana before bed.

How to Perform Paschimottanasana?

Now, you must be curious to find out how to perform Paschimottanasana. This yoga asana can be slightly complicated for beginners. However, the following steps will help you achieve the same.

Step 1: Start with sitting straight in Dandasana. Keep your toes stretched in front and your toes flexed towards you.

Step 2: Slowly raise your hands above your head while inhaling deeply. Stretch them as much as possible.

Step 3: Now, bend forward while exhaling. The fold should be from your hip joints.

Step 4: Stretch your arms to meet the toes, preferably. If not possible, try to reach as close to the toes as possible.

Step 5: Lift your head slightly while inhaling. Elongate and stretch your spine in this process.

Step 6: Keep exhaling while moving your navel towards your knees. Finally, place your head on your knees.

Step 7: Try to hold this pose for some time. Then, return to the original sitting position and repeat the procedure.

What Are the Tips for Practising Paschimottanasana?

As discussed already, Paschimottanasana can be a tricky yoga pose. If you plan to execute it, you should know some tips to make this process easier. Here are some essential pointers to follow:

  • Try to avoid intense workouts initially. Then, as a beginner, do not push yourself to reach the toes and practise it for a shorter time.
  • It is advisable to take professional assistance if you do not have any experience in this field. They will help you understand the right time or intensity for practising this asana.
  • Initially, you can lift your knees slightly upwards. If you have tight hamstrings, it is advisable to do this and avoid sprains in the muscles.
  • You can also use props like blankets and blocks to make this process easier.
  • Practising this yoga daily for a short period will make you get habituated, and thereby you can enhance its intensity.
  • It is advisable to practise this yoga before going to bed. It will help you get better sleep.
  • Try to maintain a follow-up by keeping your spine erect most of the time. It will affect your posture positively.

What Are the Precautions and Contraindications of Paschimottanasana?

As you can see, there are multiple health benefits of Paschimottanasana. However, you must be aware of its precautions and contraindications to avoid facing negative consequences.

  • If you are suffering from a back disc-related issue like Sciatica, it is better to avoid this yoga asana. This is because it exerts pressure on the back muscles, which can further complicate things.
  • If you are going through your menstruation cycle, try to keep a soft pillow under your belly while performing this asana. However, it might cause stomach cramps because of the pressure.
  • Pregnant women should avoid performing this asana. It can cause significant complications by working on their abdominal areas.
  • If you are suffering from back or hip injuries, do not attempt this yoga asana without seeking professional help and assistance.
  • You can avoid practising this yoga asana on days when you are suffering from diarrhoea, asthma attacks, or slipped disc pain.
  • Try to retract immediately to the original position if you feel pain and tightness in your hamstrings or abdomen.

What Are the Easy Modifications of Paschimottanasana?

If you find Paschimottanasana challenging, you can take up some ways to modify the process and make it easier. These are best for beginners yet to develop the expertise for this position. Here are some easy modifications you can try with this position.

  • You can place a bolster on your thighs to support the torso while performing this asana. It will help you hold the pose for longer.
  • Using a yoga strap wrapped around the balls of your feet can also be beneficial here. This can help prevent unwanted stress on the hamstrings, reducing their tightness.
  • You can place a rolled-up blanket beneath the hips to support your pelvis. This position might cause your back to feel round. Such a blanket under the hips can prevent it.
  • You can spread your legs if you have abdominal pain. It will relieve some pressure on the stomach.
  • If you suffer from chronic back pain, keep your spine neutral with a slight forward pelvic tilt. Keep your groynes relaxed while widening your hips.

Thus, as this article pointed out, there can be multiple health benefits of Paschimottanasana. While it can initially be slightly challenging, you can get used to the pain and challenges with regular practice. It is advisable to be aware of its contraindications and act accordingly.

FAQs About Paschimottanasana

Which disease is cured by Paschimottanasana?

As Paschimottanasana controls and regulates blood flow and circulation, it can help treat many diseases like cholecystitis, gastric issues, pancreatitis and ulcerative colitis.

How long should I practise Paschimottanasana?

Initially, you can start by holding this pose for about 30 seconds and then increase it to 3-5 minutes. Your comfort level and other health complications will determine if you should practise it for a long time.