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Traffic Fines & Penalties for Traffic Violations in Telangana

Penalties and traffic fines have always worked as powerful deterrents to increase the safety of roads and improve traffic rules. Telangana is one of the fastest-growing states, contributing to increased vehicles plying on roads. As a result, the surge in the number of vehicles leads to huge traffic violations and mishaps.

The increasing rates of road mishaps have prompted the government to update the traffic fines lately, and a significant drop in the accident rate has been observed. Overall, there has been a drop of around 19% in the road accident rate. There were 3989 road accidents registered in 2021, which has reduced to 3228 in 2022.

To get an overview regarding the Telangana traffic fines, refer to the sections below!

List of Traffic Fines in Telangana

Traffic rule violations attract penalties as per the Motor Vehicles Act 1988. However, the traffic amount fines were revised and have been effective since 1st September 2019. It was done to ensure enhanced road safety and the practice of safety measures. Refer to the table to see the list of new traffic fines per the amendments to the Motor Vehicles Act.



Riding/ Driving without a licence


Driving when intoxicated

₹2000/ 6 months in prison or both. In case the violation is repeated, the fine amount is ₹3000/ 2 years in prison or both.

Dangerous driving

₹ 1000 - ₹5000, licence seizure or six months to one year in prison

Over speeding

For MMV ₹2000 and for LMV ₹1000

Riding without helmet


Riding/driving without registration


Riding/ driving without carrying an insurance policy

₹1000/ 3 months in prison.

Driving without seatbelt


Overloading pillion riders


Signal jumping

₹1000 to ₹5000

Allowing an unauthorised individual to ride/ drive a vehicle


Using mobile phones while driving


Parking vehicles in a way that increases the chance of accidents


Parking at no parking zones


Driving at an excessive speed

₹400. For repeated ₹1000

U-turn violations


One-way violations


Riding/driving without Pollution Under Certificate (PUC)


Wrong-side driving/riding

₹200 for two/three-wheelers and ₹ 700 for four-wheelers and other vehicles

Triple riding


Violations associated with stopping line/lane


Driver’s failing to follow traffic signs.

₹100. For Subsequent offences ₹300

Driving or riding in a physically or mentally unfit state

₹200. For subsequent offences ₹500

Driving/riding with an irregular number plate


Driving/ permitting to drive a vehicle with an excess load. Non-compliance regarding the instructions to have the vehicle weighed.

Minimum ₹2000. ₹1000 per ton of extra load plus the charges required to off-load the extra load

When Were the New Traffic Fines Implemented in Telangana?

The Central Government has incorporated new traffic fines as per the latest amendments made in the Motor Vehicles Act 2019.

These new traffic rules are implemented with the objective to spread awareness, bringing behavioural changes in vehicle users and making citizens understand the significance of adhering to traffic rules and regulations. You will find that the many Telangana traffic fines are still followed in accordance with the old traffic fine list. The Government avoided levying hefty traffic fines considering the inconvenience that citizens might face.

Have Traffic Fines Been Reduced in Telangana?

A quick go-through of the updated traffic fines gives a clear indication that a noticeable amount increases most traffic fines. For instance, drivers who are found without a driving licence will have to bear ₹ 5000 now, which was ₹500 previously.

Telangana government did not support incorporating the new Motor Vehicles (Amendment) Act, 2019. Being considerate of the financial capabilities of citizens, concerned authorities were not willing to impose such hefty traffic fines on the citizens. Instead, they started to bring changes in the state traffic fines themselves and bring down traffic rule violations.

Important Points to Consider as a Citizen

There are certain points that citizens, especially vehicle owners and drivers, must take into consideration to avoid bearing traffic fines.

  • Firstly it is important to comprehend and follow the road markings and signals. Jumping traffic signals can lead to serious road accidents which in many instances can prove to be life-taking.
  • In addition, avoid parking in the 'No Parking Zone'.
  • Always avoid talking on a mobile phone while you are riding/ driving.
  • Two-wheeler riders must ensure that they and the pillion are using helmets and avoid carrying more than one individual.
  • They must be mindful while using indicators as it helps other vehicle drivers and pedestrians escape any mishaps.
  • In addition, two-wheeler riders must try to avoid overtaking other vehicles.
  • For four-wheeler drivers, it is important to always put seal belts and ensure that the person sitting beside them is also following the same.
  • It is also important to drive a car within the specified speed limit.
  • Also, carrying vehicle-related documents will help in unforeseen scenarios.

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FAQs About Traffic Fines in Telangana

What are the consequences one must face if the traffic challan is not cleared in Telangana?

The Telangana State Police and Hyderabad traffic police are in charge of collecting fines from offenders. As per the rules, it is imperative for offenders to clear the fine within 2months of getting an e-challan. In case they fail to do so on time, a traffic police officer might go to their house to get the penalty amount. If the scenarios escalate, the concerned authority can schedule a court date. In case the offender does not show up in court, it will lead to suspension of his or her driving licence.

How to check the Telangana E-challan status online?

Here are steps that will help you track the status of the Telangana E-challan:

Step 1: Visit the Parivahan portal and choose ‘Check challan status’.

Step 2: On the redirected page, enter the vehicle number or driving licence number.

Step 3: If you do not have any e-challan against you, you will come across the dialogue box titled ‘Challan Not Found’.

If you have an e-challan or pending fine, you will be redirected to a page displaying all details of it.

What are the notable features of the Telangana State Police integrated e-challan system?

The Telangana State Police integrated e-challan system comes with an onscreen keyboard, and live connectivity with the main server of the e-challan. The system enables to issue of spot challan even if there are server glitches. In addition, e-challan software and the PDAs can be tailored as per requirements.

How to pay for the Telangana Traffic e-challan online?

To clear Telangana traffic e-challan payment online, you must go to the Parivahan Challan page and provide your vehicle number, challan number, or driving licence number. You have to then enter the captcha code and choose ‘Get Detail’ tab. You can see all the details related to e-challan. Now select ‘Pay Now’ and select the payment mode. As the payment is received, you will get a confirmation message.

What does the 12 penalty point system followed by Telangana traffic police?

The Telangana Government has implemented the 12-point system of penalty to bring down the rate of traffic-related violations. If a vehicle owner gets above 12 points within a period of 2 years, the government will withdraw/ suspend his or her driving licence for a year.