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Health Benefits of Apricots

Apricots, small in size and yellow-orange in colour, are a fruit rich in vitamins and minerals. Depending on the variety, its taste differs from sweet to sweet-tart. Apricots are rich in vitamin A, carotenoids and beta-carotene and are excellent for eye health. People enjoy a wide variety of apricots, namely Tilton, Moorpark, and Blenheim.

If you want to know more about the health benefits of apricots, continue reading.

What Are the Health Benefits of Apricots?

Here are the health benefits of apricots that one can derive by consuming adequate proportions of apricots regularly.

1. Supports Healthy Vision

Apricots are rich in carotenoids and vitamin E, which help in maintaining overall eye health. It also contains Lutein, which helps in maintaining retina and lens health. It is also rich in Vitamin A and other nutrients that help lower the risks of developing cataracts and macular degeneration. Vitamin A present in apricots also help in preventing night blindness. The yellow-orange colour of apricots is derived from beta-carotene, and it serves as a precursor to Vitamin A, meaning one's body can convert it into a vitamin.

2. Rich in Antioxidants

Apricots are rich in antioxidants like vitamin A, E and C and beta carotene. It is also rich in polyphenol antioxidants known as flavonoids like catechins, chlorogenic acids and quercetin. These help in protecting against heart diseases and diseases. The compounds present in apricots work to protect from inflammatory diseases and inflammation as well, thereby reducing the chances of developing obesity.

3. Aims in Protecting Skin

A cup of apricot offers about 2/3 cups of water. Thus, consuming it means providing hydration to the skin. Furthermore, apricots are rich in beta-carotene, an antioxidant protecting skin from UV damage and sunburns. Apricots also provide antioxidants Vitamin C and Vitamin A, which protect the skin from UV radiation, improve skin elasticity and reduce signs of early wrinkles.

4. Aids in Better Hair Growth

Another benefit of eating apricots is that they aid in better hair growth. This is because they are made of an essential fatty acid known as linoleic acid. This acid is useful for maintaining healthy and shiny hair. Besides, the fatty acids present in apricots provide proper nourishment to the scalp, which leads to hair growth.

5. Helps in Better Digestion

Apricots provide good dietary fibre to help in better digestion. The total fibre content is about half insoluble fibre and half soluble fibre. Soluble fibre helps the good bacteria in one’s digestive tract to thrive and also retains enough water in the tract. On the other hand, insoluble fibre maintains healthy gut bacteria levels.

6. Rich in Potassium

Another benefit of eating apricots daily is that they are rich in potassium as well. Two apricots, approximately 70 grams, provide 181 mg of potassium to the body, which is 4% of the recommended daily value. Potassium acts as an electrolyte in one's body. It is responsible for regulating fluid balance and muscle contraction and is responsible for sending signals to the nerve.

Adequate potassium intake might help maintain healthy blood pressure and prevent bloating as it works closely with sodium to maintain fluid balance.

7. Provides Hydration

Similar to most fruits, apricots are high in water, and they might help regulate heart rate, body temperature, blood pressure and joint health. One cup of apricots, approximately 165 grams, can provide up to 142 ml or 2/3 cups of water to the body. Individuals who do not drink enough water daily can fulfil their needs by eating fresh fruits. If one is dehydrated, their blood volume drops, which in turn forces their heart to work harder to pump blood.

Apart from that, staying hydrated is important because it allows blood to circulate nutrients and waste products throughout one's body. Furthermore, having an apricot after exercise can replenish one's water and electrolyte loss.

What Are the Nutritional Values of Apricots?

The nutritional value of apricots is represented in the table below.

Nutrients Nutritional Value
Calories 17 cal
Fat 0 g
Protein Less than 1 g
Sugar 3 g
Sodium 0 mg
Cholesterol 0 mg
Carbohydrates 4 g
Fibre 1 g

How to Include Apricots in Daily Diet?

Apricots are sweet and fresh and juicy and can replace peaches or plums in most recipes. Here are some ways you can enjoy apricots and add them to your meals.

  • Those who start their morning with a healthy bowl of cereals can add chopped apricots to enhance their taste.
  • One can even add apricots with other nutritious fruits to make a fruit salad.
  • One can even make apricot jams and preserves, and to make it healthier, they can make it without sugar.
  • Blend apricots to make a sweet spread or dip and use it on toast or bread.
  • Apricots can even be eaten with chicken by slow cooking and stewing it.
  • One can even add it as a topping on milkshakes or ice creams.
  • Since it can be replaced with apples and plums, one can

What Are the Side Effects of Overeating Apricots?

The risks associated with overconsumption of apricots.

  • Consuming an excessive amount of apricots can lead to health conditions such as sweating, vomiting, giddiness, fainting, and can even result in losing consciousness.
  • Ingestion of excessive apricot seeds can turn them into cyanide, which is potentially poisonous to the human body.

Who Should Avoid Eating Apricots?

There are no restrictions on who should have apricots. However, since these are available in dried form also, individuals should be careful while purchasing them. Packets of dried food tend to contain toxic elements such as sulphur dioxide. People who have asthma or any other breathing disorder should avoid dry food items as they can be sensitive to the sulphur dioxide present in them.

Other than that, people who suffer from low blood pressure can also avoid consuming apricots. Individuals who develop any allergies from consuming this fruit must also avoid it.

In conclusion, this is all for the nutritional value and health benefits of apricots. They are tasty and highly nutritious. If consumed in the proper amount, they can provide great nutrients and minerals required by the body. Apricots can be added with other nutritious fruits to prepare a healthy snack, specially made to satisfy hunger cravings.

Frequently Asked Questions

Which Indian state is the highest producer of apricots?

Ladakh is the largest producer of apricots in India. They have a total production of 15,789 tonnes every year.

In what weather conditions do apricots grow best?

Weather conditions such as consistent cold winters and short dry springs are the best for cultivating apricots.