52 Vitamin C Rich Foods, Fruits & Vegetables

What is Vitamin C?

What are the Sources of Vitamin C?

Top 52 Food Items High in Vitamin C

List of Vitamin C Rich Vegetables


Vegetable Description
1 Broccoli Broccoli is a common name associated with healthy eating. However, it is also a powerhouse of vitamin C. 100 grams of serving packs nearly 132 mg of vitamin C along with a lot of fibre, micro fibres, and nutrients. Apart from being a great source of vitamin C, broccoli also acts as a detoxifier by eliminating dangerous toxins from the blood. If you are wondering which vegetable has the most vitamin C, then the answer is broccoli.  10
2 Cauliflower Seasonal vitamin C vegetables like cauliflower also serve as a good source of vitamin C. A cup of finely chopped cauliflower can provide about 45 mg of vitamin C. Moreover, you can also add vitamin K and folate to your daily diet intake with cauliflower. A
3 Spinach A 100 gram serving of green leafy vegetables like spinach can be enough to fulfil your daily dietary vitamin C intake requirement as you can get as much as 120 mg of this vitamin.
4 Tomatoes Tomatoes are another essential source of vitamin C. 100 grams of raw diced tomato contains 100 mg of vitamin C. They also contain great anti-inflammatory properties and are beneficial for the skin.
5 Cabbage 100 grams of cabbage consists of around 36.6 mg of vitamin C, which turns out to be half of the total value which is recommended for humans.
6 Collard Greens These are a nutritious green leafy vegetable that looks quite similar to spinach and consists of a high amount of vitamin C. There is about 35.3 mg of this vitamin in 100 grams of collard greens.
7 Swiss Chard Consisting of dark green leaves and red stems, Swiss chard is enriched with vitamin C.  There is about 30 mg of vitamin C present in 100 grams of Swiss chard.
8 Potato 100 grams of raw potato contains about 19.7 mg of vitamin C.
9 Peas  Fresh green peas are a great source of plant-based protein and vitamin C. There is about 14.2 mg of vitamin C present in 100 grams of peas.
10 Turnips There is about 11.6 mg of vitamin C present in 100 grams of turnips.
11 Watercress A nutritious aquatic plant, watercress is the oldest known leafy vegetable and consists of a high amount of vitamin C. There is about 43 mg of vitamin C present in 100 grams of watercress.
12 Kohlrabi Kohlrabi or a German turnip is a vegetable that can be consumed both in the raw and cooked state. There is about 62 mg of vitamin C present in 100 grams of kohlrabi.
13 Mustard Greens There is about 70 mg of vitamin C present in 100 grams of mustard greens.
14 Lambsquarters Also known as bacon weed and goosefoot, lambsquarters contain about 80 mg of vitamin C in its 100 grams portion.
15 Brussels Sprouts There is 85 mg of vitamin C present in 100 grams of raw Brussels sprouts.
16 Kale Also termed leaf cabbage, kale is rich in vitamin C, with its 100 grams portion containing 120 mg of vitamin C.
17 Parsley There is 133 mg of vitamin C present in 100 grams of parsley.
18 Green chilli There is 242 mg of vitamin C present in 100 grams of green chillies.

Individuals who fail to acquire the necessary amount of vitamin C from such items may suffer from several health disorders.

List of Vitamin C Rich Fruits


Fruit Description
19 Guava Guava is a popular fruit that is loaded with vitamin C. It is one of the best vitamin C rich fruits in India. It can be used in desserts, salads, jellies, and more. A 100 grams serving of guava can provide 250 milligrams of vitamin C. It is more than twice the daily vitamin C intake requirement. Guava is also a great choice for those on a diet as 100 grams servings come with just 68 calories.  
20 Kakadu Plums This Australian superfood contains about 100 times higher amounts of vitamin C as compared to oranges. It is known to provide 5300 mg of vitamin C in its 100 grams. Besides vitamin C, it contains rich amounts of vitamin E, potassium, and lutein.
21 Acerola Cherries 49 grams of red acerola cherries provides 822 mg of vitamin C.
22 Rose Hips This is a small-sized fruit from the rose plant which bears a sweet and tangy taste. There is about 119 mg of vitamin C present in six rose hips.
23 Black Currant Having one-half cup or about 56 grams of black currants can provide you roughly 101 mg of vitamin C.
24 Lemons Along with its peel, a single raw lemon offers around 83 mg of vitamin C.
25 Lychees Single lychee offers about 7 mg of vitamin C.
26 Papaya 145 grams of papaya offers about 87 mg of vitamin C.
27 Strawberry There is about 89 mg of vitamin C in 152 grams of strawberry.
28 Oranges A medium-sized orange provides an individual with about 70 mg of vitamin C.
29 American Persimmons American persimmon is an orange coloured fruit resembling a tomato and comes in a number of varieties. There is approximately 16.5 mg of vitamin C present in one American persimmon.
30 Cantaloupe Apart from the 30 mg of vitamin C present in half a cup of cantaloupe, this melon is a host to a number of nutrients.
31 Apricots There is about 10 mg of vitamin C present in 100 grams of apricots.
32 Cherries 100 grams of cherries consists of around 7 mg of vitamin C
33 Raspberry There is around 26.2 mg of vitamin C present in 100 grams of raspberry.
34 Blackberry 100 grams of blackberry consists of around 21 mg of vitamin C.
35 Mango A single mango consists of around 57.3 mg of vitamin C.
36 Grapefruit Having 100 grams of grapefruit consists of around 31.2 mg of vitamin C.
37 Citrus Fruits Citrus fruits such as lemons, grapes, oranges, and limes are excellent sources of vitamin C. If you are wondering which fruits have the most vitamin C, then here’s your answer. A medium-sized orange comes with nearly 70 mg of vitamin C. Moreover, a 100 grams serving of orange juice contains 93 mg of vitamin C and only about 45 calories. For the same amount of grapefruit, your body can get around 70 mg of vitamin C.
38 Kiwi Kiwi is one of the many fruits rich in vitamin C. These little fruits contain more vitamin C than oranges. 2 medium kiwi fruits can have nearly 137 mg of vitamin C. In addition to vitamin C, kiwis are rich in several other dietary minerals and supplements such as copper, potassium, and flavonoids.
39 Amla  Indian gooseberry, commonly known as amla, is no less than a superfood. It is widely used in ayurvedic medical concoctions. It is a rich source of vitamin C and is known for its ability to enhance the natural defence system of the body. Amla can protect from various seasonal diseases and can be easily termed as the best fruit for vitamin C.

List of Vitamin C Rich Seeds and Nuts


Seeds and Nuts Description 
40 Pine nuts 100 grams of pine nutes will give you 5.3 mg of vitamin C.
41 Chestnuts 100 grams of these nuts contain 26.7 mg of vitamin C.
42 Chia seeds 1.6 mg is found in 100 grams of chia seeds.
43 Sunflower seeds Get 1.4 mg of vitamin C from 100 grams of these seeds.
44 Pumpkin seeds 100 grams of pumpkin seeds consists of 0.6 mg.
45 Pistachios 5.7 mg of vitamin C is there in p 100 gm of pistachios.
46 Cashews  Get 0.1 mg of vitamin C from about 100 gm of cashews.
47 Pecans Pecan have about 0.9 mg of vitamin C in a 100 gm serving
48 Hazelnuts 6.3 mg is found in 100 gm of hazelnuts.

List of Vitamin C Rich Animal and Seafood


Animal and Seafood Description 
49 Liver (beef or chicken) Get 100 gm of liver and you have 27 mg of vitamin C.
50 Oysters Oyesters have about 17 mg of vitamin C in a 100 gm serving.
51 Clams 21 mg of vitamin C is found in 100 gm of clams.
52 Fish roe (such as caviar) 100 mg of fish roe will give 9 mg of vitamin C.

How Much Vitamin C Should You Intake?

According to the National Institutes of Health, the amount of vitamin C you need daily depends on age. The average recommended daily amounts for different ages are listed below in milligrams (mg).

Age Group

Recommended Vitamin C Intake (milligrams per day)
Birth to 6 months  40 mg
Infants 7–12 months  50 mg
Children 1–3 years  15 mg
Children 4–8 years  25 mg
Children 9–13 years  45 mg
Teens 14–18 years (boys)  75 mg
Teens 14–18 years (girls) 65 mg
Adults (men)  90 mg
Adults (women)  75 mg
Pregnant teens  80 mg
Pregnant women  85 mg
Breastfeeding teens  115 mg
Breastfeeding women  120 mg

If you smoke, add 35 mg to the above values to calculate your total daily recommended amount.

What is the Role of Vitamin C to Keep Your Body Healthy?

What are the Health Benefits of Vitamin C Rich Foods?

How to Identify Vitamin C Deficiency?

Different Ways to Include Vitamin C Rich Foods in Your Diet

What are the Health Risks of Not Getting Enough Vitamin C?

Side Effects of Excessive Vitamin C Intake

Should You Take a Vitamin C Supplement?


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