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Health Benefits of Grapes

Some may be surprised to know that grapes are a great source of Vitamin C. Grapes are considered one of the oldest fruits that have been cultivated in India. However, its main purpose was to produce wine.

There are innumerable health benefits of grapes because of their higher nutrient and antioxidant content. This blog will touch on some of those nutritional values and other necessary information about the fruit.

What Are the Health Benefits of Grapes?

Maintaining the nutrients count in our daily busy routine is very difficult. This is why people look for superfoods to gain a lot of minerals in one serving.

One such fruit is the grapes, and here are some of the top health benefits of grapes.

1. Boosts Immunity

One of the well-known benefits of eating grapes is that it helps boost the immune system. It is because grapes are a great source of Vitamin C, E, and K. These important nutrients fight harmful infections and prevent minor illnesses.

2. Regulates Blood Pressure

People on a low sodium diet can easily add grapes to their daily diet because it is very low in sodium content. In addition, grapes are rich in potassium, a vital ingredient for balancing blood pressure. Therefore, intaking grapes regularly can help balance blood pressure.

3. Improves Heart Health

Another prominent health benefit of grapes is that it aids in reducing LDL level. Since grapes are high in fibre and polyphenols, physicians often prescribe these to maintain a good and healthy heart.

4. Improves Eye Health

According to research conducted by a University in Miami, daily consumption of grapes can protect the retina from deteriorating. The results of this study showed that the retina gets thickened, and photoreceptive responses are enhanced.

5. Protects from Diabetes

One of the many advantages of eating grapes is that it prevents diabetes. Although some may inquire about the sugar content in them, the Glycaemic index scores grapes from low to medium. In addition, grapes have compounds that improve insulin response.

6. Keeps the Brain Healthy

Grapes have resveratrol, a kind of antioxidant known for reducing oxidative stress by creating a positive impact on the brain. This can prevent chronic diseases like Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s.

7. Promotes Anti-ageing

Along with keeping your brain healthy, resveratrol is also known to have anti-ageing properties. It stimulates the SirT1 gene, which affects cell structure and promotes longevity. So, if you want to stay youthful, add grapes to your daily diet.

8. Improves Sleep

A further health benefit of grapes is that it contains melatonin which regulates sleep. Fortunately, it is the only fruit to contain this hormone regulating compound. So, snacking on grapes before bed is not a bad habit. This is because it can maintain your regular sleep cycle and keeps you healthy.

9. Repairs Cell Damage

The skin and seeds of grapes contain the highest amount of antioxidants. These compounds have properties that can repair cell damage and protect from serious diseases. Surprisingly, these antioxidants stay present even after grapes are fermented for wines.

10. Protects Against Harmful Microorganisms

Resveratrol in grapes is a magic compound since it has antimicrobial properties. Thus, it can restrict the growth of bacteria like Campylobacter jejuni and Candida albicans. Additionally, it also prevents food-borne ailments.

What Are the Nutritional Values of Grapes?

These values are noted according to the studies of the US Agricultural Department for 1 cup or 151 grams of grapes.

Nutrients Nutritional Value
Energy 69 kcal
Sugars 15.48 g
Dietary Fibre 0.9 g
Protein 0.72 g
Fat 0.16 g
Folate 2 μg
Choline 5.6 mg
Vitamin C 3.2 mg
Vitamin E 0.19 mg
Vitamin K 14.6 μg
Calcium 10 mg
Iron 0.36 mg
Manganese 0.071 mg
Magnesium 7 mg
Phosphorous 20 mg
Sodium 2 mg
Potassium 191 mg
Zinc 0.07 mg

How to Include Grapes in Your Daily Diet?

To get the maximum advantages of grapes, you must find new and unique ways to include them in your diet.

These are some of the quick ideas for eating grapes.

1. Good Snack Option

Grapes itself is a great snack. You can also add lemon juice with it, mix them nicely and put them in the freezer. After a few hours, you can have your healthy sour candy ready.

2. Include in Smoothies

If you love smoothies, add some grapes with your favourite ingredients, and have a nutritious breakfast. Grapes go really well with bananas along with Greek yoghurt.

3. Use It as Toppings

You can use grape toppings on oats, muesli, smoothie bowl, Greek yoghurt or even ice creams. It instantly elevates its taste and adds some nutrients to your food.

4. Toss It in Salads

Make fruit salads with some apples, berries and grapes and make a delicious breakfast. You can also put some sliced grapes in your regular salad for a citrus taste.

5. Make Some Grape Juice

Ditch those packaged juices, and make some grape juice at your home. 100% pure grape juice is a healthier option if you have picky eaters in your family.

Who Should Avoid Eating Grapes?

Even though there are tons of nutritional value in grapes, some people must avoid them.

  • People With Gastrointestinal Issues

Grapes contain salicylic acids, which is why if anyone suffers from gastrointestinal issues, they must refrain from consuming them.

  • Pregnant Women

It has been studied that resveratrol can cause pancreatic problems in a growing foetus. Since grapes contain this compound, it is better to avoid them.

  • Infants Between 6-12 Months

Kids in this age group do not develop the ability to chew properly. So, there is a risk of choking on grapes.

  • Allergenic to Lipid Protein

Very rarely people can be allergic to a kind of lipid-protein in grapes. Therefore, those who have ever experienced this must avoid consuming grapes.

What Are the Side Effects of Overeating Grapes?

Grapes are a great source of several nutrients and promote health benefits. However, eating too many of them can be harmful. It can result in the following:

  • Weight Gain

Due to the smaller size of grapes, it is easier to over-eat. Thus, eating unnecessary calories, which can lead to weight gain.

  • Diarrhoea

Since grapes contain salicylic acids, they can cause some irritations and intolerance in the gastrointestinal tract. This can also result in acute diarrhoea.

There are numerous health benefits of grapes because of their rich plant compounds. Despite its sugar content, it does not negatively impact blood sugars. Moreover, these are so tasty that no one would deny including them in their diet.

Frequently Asked Questions

How many grapes can a person eat in a day?

An adult can consume 32 grapes in one serving. This amount is only recommended for those who are involved in some form of physical activity. Otherwise, 8-10 is enough in a day.

Do grapes have any skin benefits?

Any fruit containing antioxidants is good for the skin. Thus, grapes promote skin benefits. Resveratrol in grapes protects skin and hair from getting damaged. This is why it has gained popularity in the cosmetic industry in recent times.