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Top 11 Health Benefits of Marshmallow Root

Marshmallow root (Althaea Officinalis) is a perennial herb commonly found in Europe, Western Asia, and Northern Africa. Over the centuries, people have used it as a herbal remedy for various illnesses. The leaves or roots are also used to form a protective layer on the skin, a lining on the digestive tract.

Are you interested to know more about the health benefits of marshmallow roots? Keep reading this article to get a wholesome idea.

What Are the Benefits of Marshmallow Roots?

Marshmallow roots have been a common folk remedy over the years to treat issues like respiratory problems, digestive issues and skin conditions. Its healing power comes from its mucilage content. You can consume it in multiple forms, including tea, tinctures, capsules and cough syrups. Here are some of the most common benefits of marshmallow roots.

1. Treats Cough and Cold

Marshmallow roots have a high mucilaginous content, making them beneficial for treating coughs and colds. In addition, these roots are often used as an enzyme to loosen mucous and inhibit bacteria. For instance, cough relief lozenges often contain marshmallow root extract to relieve dry cough.

A study conducted in 2005 observed that a cough syrup containing marshmallow root could effectively treat coughs caused due to cold, bronchitis, or respiratory tract diseases. In addition, the study found that all the participants experienced about 86%-90% improvement in their cough and cold symptoms.

2. Relieves Skin Irritation

There are some anti-inflammatory effects in marshmallow roots, which can effectively treat skin irritation occurring because of eczema, furunculosis, and dermatitis. In addition, most skin ointments are likely to contain extracts from marshmallow roots, offering quick relief from pain and discomfort.

3. Promotes Skin Health

Your skin is likely to face damage if it is regularly exposed to ultraviolet (UV) radiation. Marshmallow roots can effectively improve the appearance of the skin that has faced such damage. According to research conducted in 2016, most creams and ointments for UV skincare contain marshmallow root extracts.

Apart from that, this root is also effective in treating dry or chapped skin. So even if you are facing issues of peeling skin, you can get great help from using marshmallow root extracts.

4. Acts as a Pain Reliever

While considering the benefits of the marshmallow plant, people think its roots can act as a pain reliever. The components of marshmallow roots make it an excellent choice to soothe the pain and discomfort from a sore throat or abrasion. A 2014 study observed that these roots could be analgesic to relieve pain.

Marshmallow roots are known for promoting the health of mucus membranes. These outline the hollow organs, which in turn help to reduce pain and inflammation in your body.

5. Heals Wounds

Marshmallow roots contain antibacterial activity, increasing their ability to treat and heal wounds. In addition, these inflammatory capabilities can soothe the skin's nerve-sense system. This makes it effective while treating wounds like burns, insect bites and bruises.

A study conducted in 2015 on animals suggests that marshmallow roots come with the ability to treat gram-positive bacteria. This bacteria is usually responsible for causing more than 50% of infections, which shows the power of the extract of marshmallow roots. In addition, it is more effective than antibiotic controls when healing rat wounds.

6. Helps to Aid Digestion

Marshmallow roots are effective for relieving multiple issues with digestion, thereby relieving the gut from pain and discomfort. These issues can be related to constipation, intestinal acid, heartburn, diarrhoea, etc. In addition, the mucilage in these roots forms a layer on the inner lining of the stomach and oesophagus to protect it.

Moreover, the flavonoids and mucilage in these roots help reduce the chances of stomach ulcers. This is evident from a study conducted in 2011, which found that marshmallow flower extract can treat gastric ulcers in rats. However, more research is necessary to understand its effect on human beings.

7. Promotes Hair Health

As discussed already, marshmallow roots have a rich content of mucilage. It helps to strengthen your hair. The strands of hair become thicker by binding with the hair proteins. This is why marshmallow root extract is used in various hair conditions and hair-detangle products. However, more research is yet to develop in this area.

8. Acts as an Antioxidant

Marshmallow roots contain antioxidant properties, another health benefit you can get from these. It can protect your body from the damage that free radicals can cause. Research in 2011 observed that one could compare marshmallow roots to standard antioxidants. However, the current level of research is not competent to conclude if these roots can act as potent antioxidants.

9. Works as a Diuretic

Marshmallow roots act as a diuretic, essential to flush out excess fluid from your body. Diuretics have significant health benefits since they help in cleansing the kidneys and the bladder, thereby improving their functions.

According to a study in 2016, the soothing effects of marshmallows can contribute to reducing internal irrigation and inflammation in the urinary tract. Moreover, its antibacterial components can help treat and heal urinary tract infections.

10. Supports Heart Health

Currently, clinical research is going on to analyse the role of marshmallow roots in supporting heart health. An animal study conducted in 2011 shows that its extracts can contribute to treating platelet aggregation, lipemia, and inflammation. Such conditions can sometimes be linked to cardiovascular disease. In addition, it found that taking the flower extracts for about a month can improve HDL cholesterol levels.

11. Prevents Tumour Growth

Herbal medicine experts believe that the antioxidant content in marshmallows can be essential in controlling and preventing tumour growth in your body. Marshmallow roots can prevent the growth of tumours, especially in your lungs. It can also play a part in minimising the tumour's progression risks.

Moreover, these roots contain high amounts of Vitamin C, which helps clear mucus in your body. It can also contribute to cell repair and regeneration.

How to Use Marshmallow Roots?

There can be various ways of use of marshmallow roots. In the first place, drinking it in liquid form is common. You can drink it as tea or tincture by adding 30-40 drops of the root extract to a glass of water.

On the other hand, there are capsules and tablets available in medicine shops which contain high amounts of marshmallow root extracts. These are usually equivalent to about 6g of powdered root daily in divided doses. However, you should consult a doctor to choose an ideal dosage.

What Are the Side Effects of Marshmallow Root?

Now that you know the health benefits of marshmallow root, you should be aware of its possible side effects. This will help you to avoid excessive consumption of these roots. While there are no reports on severe side effects of these roots, here are some possible side effects you might experience.

  • In some cases, marshmallow roots can end up causing an upset stomach and dizziness. Moreover, there are chances that it can cause health and abdominal issues because of overconsumption. Therefore, it is better to start with a low dose and then gradually increase it to an adequate amount.
  • There have been instances where overconsumption of marshmallow roots has caused low blood sugar levels. As a result, you can face symptoms like excessive sweating, dizziness and fatigue.
  • Marshmallow roots can affect T3, and TSH hormones dose-dependently, which helps to improve your metabolism. However, its excessive consumption can cause adverse reactions in these hormones, causing them to function differently.

What Are the Precautions of Using Marshmallow Root?

It would help if you considered certain precautions while taking or using marshmallow roots. It will effectively avoid the chances of adverse reactions in your body. Here are the precautions you need to consider in this process.

  • Try to take marshmallow roots in a liquid form. The best way to do so is by taking drops of its extract in an 8-ounce glass of water to avoid the chances of side effects.
  • Taking marshmallow roots for about four weeks at a time is advisable. Then, take a one-week break before resuming it again. Try not to break this cycle to avoid adverse effects.
  • Consider a patch test before using marshmallow roots topically. It can cause skin irritation if you directly apply it to your body. A patch test will help you avoid this possibility.
  • Consult your doctor before consuming or using marshmallow roots, especially if you take lithium and diabetes drugs. Marshmallow roots can react with these drugs, causing side effects on your body.

Who Should Avoid Using Marshmallow Root?

There is no specific information regarding the reactions of marshmallow roots on certain people. However, here are some conditions where it is suggested to avoid consuming or taking these roots.

  • If you have Haemophilia or similar issues, you can avoid these roots. This is mainly because they have the potential to slow down blood clotting.
  • Moreover, avoid marshmallow consumption if you expect surgery anytime within two weeks. These can enhance the risks of bleeding during and after the surgical procedure.
  • It is advisable to avoid these roots if you are pregnant or breastfeeding your child. This will help you prevent any strong reactions to your hormones.
  • If you have diabetes and are taking medication, then you should avoid consuming or taking marshmallow roots. However, even if you do, consider your doctor's opinions before doing so.

Hopefully, now you have a wholesome view of the health benefits of marshmallow roots. As this article pointed out, these roots have multiple health benefits. However, it would help if you were careful, as there can be side effects based on the dosage. Therefore, try to consult a doctor before consuming or using it.

FAQs About Marshmallow Roots

How quickly does marshmallow root work?

Marshmallow roots are likely to work quickly, within about 10-12 days. However, this might differ on an individual level, based on health conditions and complications.

Is marshmallow root good for the liver?

A study conducted in 2011 looked into the effects of marshmallow roots on blood lipid profiles and liver function. It found that the anti-inflammatory contents of these roots can work against both acute and chronic liver inflammation.

Can I take marshmallow root daily?

It is advisable to take about 2-5ml of liquid extracts thrice a day. Try not to exceed this limit, as it can cause complications. It is also necessary to consult the doctor before doing so.