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10 Most Nutritional Health Benefits of Milk

Milk is a nutrient-rich fluid that is a wholesome option and can substitute for any meal. It is probably the most consumed fluid in the world. In recent times, along with the common animal milk, consumption of plant-based milk has also hiked up.

Doctors suggest that to gain all the health benefits of milk, it must be consumed every day. However, not everyone can fulfil this requirement. So, it is better to at least try to include milk or milk products in your daily diet.

What Are the 10 Health Benefits of Milk?

Although the list of health benefits of milk is never-ending, here are its 10 most well-known benefits.

1. Source of Calcium

Calcium deficiency can cause several chronic ailments, like osteoporosis, pre-menstrual syndrome (PMS), migraine, etc. Thus, consuming milk on a regular basis is the easiest way to avoid these long-term health issues. Besides strengthening bone density, calcium also helps in blood clotting and muscle contractions and regulates nerve functions.

2. Good for Bones

As mentioned above, calcium is the main element that keeps our bones strong. Unfortunately, most people have the tendency to ignore the issue of bone decay that happens naturally after a certain age. If milk consumption is started early, it can prevent the bones from getting brittle.

3. Improves Your Heart’s Health

In addition to improving bone health, the calcium in milk is also responsible for maintaining a healthy heart. As a result, it reduces the chances of cardiovascular diseases and minimizes stroke risks. Moreover, magnesium and potassium contents in milk help reduce blood pressure. Along with all these properties, consuming milk maintains a proper blood flow to all organs and reduces stress.

4. Substitute of a Meal

One of the major health benefits of drinking milk is that it is so wholesome. Only a cup of milk can be a substitution for any full-spread meal. Those who prefer to watch their weight can simply add milk to their diet to keep their random cravings away. By regularly drinking milk, you can control weight and also prevent the chances of obesity.

5. Helps in Fighting Depression

The Vitamin D levels in our body produce serotonin that impacts our appetite, mood, and sleep. Also, Vitamin D deficiency is related to severe depression. Since milk is rich in vitamins, it is advisable to include it in dietary habits to refrain from depression.

6. Enhances Brain Health

For a growing child, it is essential to get an accurate amount of Vitamin B12 to enhance their brain growth. Whereas, for adults, Vitamin B12 is necessary to calm the nerves and improve memory and alertness. You can get all these advantages very easily by making it a habit to consume milk regularly.

7. Relieves from Heartburn

Most of our diet is focused on acidic or rich food intake. This is one of the reasons why heartburn is so common among all. However, as milk has a cooling effect, it can be used to prevent acid reflux by covering the oesophagus and stomach lining.

8. Has Skincare Properties

Since ancient times, milk has been used as a cleansing and moisturising agent. To date, most organic skincare products use milk compounds in their products. It has the properties of purifying and lightening the skin. Hence, some prefer using milk to activate certain other ingredients for a better skincare regime. For example, it is added with gram flour and turmeric to create a homemade face pack for brightening the skin.

9. Good for Oral Health

Calcium is the only major element that protects our teeth. So, along with regularly cleaning them, it is also vital to improve its health internally. The easiest method of doing so is by drinking milk a couple of times a day. In addition to other minerals, milk also contains caseins, which are only effective when combined with other nutrients. These kinds of proteins help create a protective enamel layer to prevent tooth decay.

10. Improves Sleep

Milk is a good source of Tryptophan, a type of amino acid that promotes sleep. Since this amino acid is not produced by our bodies naturally, it is necessary to add it to our daily diet. Tryptophan is also known to promote melatonin, the hormone that controls our sleep cycle. Thus, those who struggle with insomnia are prescribed to drink a glass of milk before bed.

What Is the Nutritional Value of Milk?

If you were wondering about “what are the health benefits of milk?” You can refer to the table below.

Elements Values (As Per RDA) Purpose
Protein 8g Source of energy and repairs muscle
Calories 146 Provides energy to the body
Calcium 28% of RDA Maintains the bone density and strengthens them
Vitamin B12 18% of RDA Keeps the red blood cells and nerve tissue healthy
Vitamin D 24% of RDA Good for bones
Potassium 10% of RDA Maintains blood pressure
Riboflavin 26% of RDA Another source of energy
Phosphorus 22% of RDA Generates energy and also keeps bones healthy
Niacin NA Improves metabolism
Selenium 13% of RDA NA

How to Include Milk in Your Daily Diet?

It is tricky for picky eaters who do not prefer dairy to include milk in their daily diet. However, you can try the following methods to increase your daily intake.

  • Instead of water, add milk to your oatmeal for breakfast.
  • Include yoghurt with your meals.
  • Opt for delish dairy products like cheese.
  • Make a turmeric latte with milk, ground turmeric, and cinnamon.

Who Should Avoid Drinking Milk?

Despite the health benefits of milk, some people cannot consume milk or any of its products.

Lactose intolerant people should avoid drinking milk. This is a hereditary health issue that can occur in children as well as adults. In this condition, the small intestine is incapable of producing the lactase enzyme that helps break milk compounds.

Symptoms of lactose intolerance are as follows:

  • Bloating
  • Abdominal cramps
  • Gas
  • Diarrhoea
  • Nausea

In recent times, a number of non-dairy options have come up for those who cannot consume regular milk. These include:

  • Rice milk
  • Hemp milk
  • Oat milk
  • Cashew milk
  • Almond milk
  • Coconut milk

Even today, there exist some common misconceptions about internal health benefits of milk. For instance, milk causes mucus or milk is the reason for kidney stones. However, it is better to ignore them and focus on its actual benefits.

Frequently Asked Questions

What other kind of milk is the healthiest?

Plant-based milk like hemp, soy, almond, and coconut are also enriched with healthy nutrients.

How much milk should one drink daily?

Adults can intake a maximum of three servings of milk every day, including milk products like yoghurt and natural or processed cheese.