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8 Well Known Health Benefits of Oranges

When we discuss the health benefits of oranges, we only consider these citrus fruits rich in vitamin C. This is because not many people know about its other nutrient components.

Oranges are full of helpful plant compounds like minerals, vitamins, minerals and antioxidants, all of which are essential for good health.

What Are the Top Health Benefits of Oranges?

The advantages of eating oranges are endless; here, we have listed some well-known benefits of consuming oranges.

1. Supports Immune System

Among the other nutritional value of oranges, the foremost is their ability to support your immune system. Oranges are popularly known as an immunity booster because they are a great source of vitamin C. This is one of the vital elements for the immune cells to function.

2. Keeps Your Body Hydrated

One of the significant benefits of eating oranges everyday is that it helps keep your body hydrated. As per research, an orange contains around 118 ml or half a glass of water. Since our body loses water due to various factors, it is necessary to regain that water loss; otherwise, it can cause dehydration.

3. Protects Gut

There are multiple health benefits of oranges. This is a rich fibrous fruit which contains certain compounds that can help protect guts. In addition, by regulating blood sugar and insulin levels, dietary fibre supports the digestive system.

4. Reduces Cholesterol

Most of the fibre in oranges is soluble, thus aiding in reducing blood cholesterol. In addition, other plant compounds like flavonoids and carotenoids are extremely helpful in preventing any kind of chronic heart ailments. This is one of the many benefits of eating oranges.

5. Lowers Depression

Oranges are high in flavonoid antioxidants, which offer anti-inflammatory, antiviral and antimicrobial benefits. These components are effectively known for defending oxidative stress that can cause harmful side effects. Furthermore, its impact on our brain can also help reduce depression.

6. Minimises Risk of Chronic Diseases

The health benefit of eating oranges is that it can reduce the risk of getting infected with chronic diseases. That is why dieticians often prescribe a diet rich in citrus fruits to reduce the risk of developing type 2 diabetes and even certain types of cancer.

7. Assists in Losing Weight

Fruits like oranges contain dietary fibre, which is easily soluble. Moreover, it also contains water; combining these two elements can keep the appetite full for hours. Thus, preventing overeating and help losing weight.

8. Prevents Anaemia

Anaemia is caused when there is a significant deficiency in iron. Citrus fruits like oranges are rich in vitamin C, which improves the ability of the body to absorb iron. Studies have shown that including citrus fruits in your daily diet can positively impact your health.

What Are the Nutritional Value of Oranges?

This citrus fruit is also rich in fibre and low in calories, making it a great supplement for those trying to lose weight. Moreover, including it in your daily diet can provide you with innumerable health benefits.

Here is a table with all the nutrient counts that you can get from one single orange that is approximately 131 g.

The values mentioned here are in accordance with the US Department of Agriculture.

Nutrients Values
Water content 86%
Calories 62
Total Fat 0.2 g
Potassium 237.1 mg
Total Carbohydrate 15 g
Dietary Fibre 3.1 g
Sugar 12 g
Protein 1.2 g
Vitamin C 92% of the Daily Value
Vitamin B6 5% of the Daily Value
Magnesium 3% of the Daily Value
Calcium 5% of the Daily Value

How to Include Oranges in Your Daily Diet?

The best way to gain the optimum health benefits of oranges is to eat the fruit as it is. Oranges are a wholesome snacking option which will satisfy your cravings and fill you with nutrients.

Here are some other ways to include this fruit in your diet.

1. Use It as Toppings

If you prefer to have oatmeal or a smoothie bowl in your breakfast, top it up with some chopped oranges. This will enhance the flavour of your cereals and add necessary minerals.

2. Make a Bowl of Fruit Salad

Fruit salads can be a go-to meal for everyone. It is easy to prepare and contains plenty of nutrients. So, if you find no other option to eat oranges, add them to your salad.

3. Drink Orange Juice

Many companies sell packaged orange juice and claim to have all the beneficial minerals. It is better to not get lured by those; instead, make the juice at home.

4. Try Orange Lemonade

If you have kids, you must try this. Prepare a lemonade by switching your lemons with orange. This is healthier and tastier than any other packaged drink available on the market.

5. Experiment with Desserts

Oranges are such a versatile fruit that they can be paired with every dessert option. However, you can try making a healthier one with some chia seeds, milk and oranges. Soak the chia seeds in milk overnight, and then top it with some sweet oranges.

What Are the Side Effects of Overeating Oranges?

Consuming too many oranges daily can cause overconsumption of fibres. This can eventually cause nausea, acute stomach upset, bloating, and cramps. Sometimes it can result in vomiting, heartburn, insomnia and even a heart attack.

Who Should Avoid Eating Oranges?

Although there are many advantages of oranges, certain people must immediately stop eating oranges. This includes people with the following health issues:

  • GERD: Those suffering from gastroesophageal reflux disease must consult their physician before eating an orange. This is because oranges are citrus in nature and can cause stomach irritation, vomiting and heartburn.
  • High Potassium Levels: Even though oranges are low in potassium, people with higher potassium levels must avoid consuming oranges. Otherwise, it can lead to a severe condition called hyperkalaemia.

There are sufficient health benefits of oranges if consumed in a regulated manner. Since it is easy to eat, people tend to overeat them, leading to serious health issues.

Frequently Asked Questions

How can orange help in skin care?

Orange contains flavonoid antioxidants along with vitamin C, which can restore collagen in your body. Using orange extract for skin care can remove dead skin cells, prevent acne, and leave you with firm and softer skin.

What is the best time of the day to eat oranges?

Individuals can consume fruits like oranges during the day, either as a supplement with your breakfast or snack. In this way, you can get the most of its benefits. It is advisable to never eat any fruits on a full stomach.