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Health Benefits of Plums

Plums come from the family of peaches, apricots and nectarines. These are nutrient rich and have excellent benefits to health. Furthermore, plums come in various sizes and colours, such as red, orange, yellow etc. Besides being delicious, there are also multiple health benefits of plums.

What Are the Top Health Benefits of Plums?

Some of the top health benefits of plum include –

1. Helps in Weight Loss

If you are looking to lose weight, plums might be the perfect fruit for it. These fruits are very low in fat, and to satisfy your sweet tooth, this can be the perfect treat. Some research also suggests that plums make you feel full and can help you eat less. Also, adding fruits to your daily diet keeps your increasing weight in check.

2. Good For Health

Plums have ample antioxidants, potassium, and fibre that reduce the risk of heart disease. Also, consuming plums regularly controls blood pressure and cholesterol.

3. Promotes Bone Health

One of the best health benefits of plums is promoting bone health. This is because plum contains nutrients like potassium, magnesium, and phosphorous that are important for promoting bone health. Also, a 2020 study states that consumption of 100 gm of prunes daily can lead to moderate weight loss.

4. Control Blood Sugar

Although plums are slightly high in carbohydrates, this has a low glycaemic index. This means that the consumption of plums can reduce type 2 diabetes. Besides this, plums aid in raising blood sugar slowly and decrease the carbohydrate absorption rate.

5. Increases Brain and Memory Health

As plums are rich in antioxidants, they can slow the development of Alzheimer’s disease. It also contains anthocyanin and quercetin, which is beneficial for supporting brain health.

Other Health Benefits of Plum

Besides these above-mentioned health benefits of eating plums, some other possible benefits include –

  • It might help reduce anxiety
  • Helps in constipation relief.
  • Possibly protects against cell damage/cancer
  • Can destroy breast cancer cells
  • Helps reduce diabetes

What Are the Nutritional Value of Plums?

The nutritional value of a single plum is as follows –

Nutrient Values
Iron 0.11 mg
Protein 0.46 g
Fibre 0.9 g
Carbohydrate 7.54 g
Zinc 0.07 mg
Copper 0.038 mg
Phosphorus 10.56 mg
Manganese 0.034 mg
Magnesium 4.62 mg
Potassium 103.62 mg
Thiamine 0.018 mg
Riboflavin 0.017 mg
Pantothenic acid 0.089 mg
Niacin 0.275 mg
Vitamin C 6.3 mg
Vitamin A 227.70 IU
Vitamin B6 0.019 mg
Vitamin E 0.17 mg
Vitamin K 4.2 mcg

How to Include Plums in Your Daily Diet?

Although it is best to enjoy plums right off the tree, you can also make a few recipes out of them for daily consumption. A few of those are as follows –

  • Plum Dippers
  • Plums & Couscous
  • Plum Chutney
  • Purple Salad
  • Plum Smoothie

Who Should Avoid Eating Plums?

Although plums are considered safe for consumption, you can consult a nutritionist or health expert if you have any allergies or illnesses. However, if you have a bowel problem, blood sugar imbalance, acne or a habit of vomiting, it might be best to avoid consuming plums.

What Are the Side Effects of Overeating Plums?

Generally, plums don't show any side effects unless consumed in considerable high amounts. A few of the risks associated with plums are –

  • Weight Gain
  • Dangers of Acrylamide
  • Bloating and Gas

Hence, it is evident that plums are one of the best nutritious foods out there. You can consume them right off the tree to get the full benefits of plums. However, you can also prepare a few dishes with plums to make it enjoyable for you and your family.

Frequently Asked Questions

Are plums good for the eyes?

Yes, plums contain antioxidants that are beneficial to keeping your eyes healthy.

How much plum is safe for consumption daily?

About 50 to 100 grams of dried plums are safe for consumption daily for 12 months.

Is it possible to be allergic to plums?

Yes. You can be allergic to plums which can cause swelling or itching of the mouth.