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Health Benefits of Sitopaladi Churna

The blend of Sitopaladi Churna is one of the potential Ayurvedic medicines enriched with expectorant and anti-inflammatory properties. With a properly guided intake of Sitopaladi Churna, you can significantly boost your immunity and eliminate harmful toxins from your body. 

Besides, there are several other health benefits of Sitopaladi Churna that you must know.

What Are the Benefits of Sitopaladi Churna?

Sitopaladi Churna is a proportionate mixture of five herbal ingredients, including crystalised sugar (Mishri), cardamom (Elaichi), cinnamon (Dalchini), long pepper (Pippali) and inner white fibre of bamboo tree (Vanshlochan).

Here are some of the medicinal uses of Sitopaladi Churna:

  • Treats Allergy

The human body releases histamine, a substance causing allergic symptoms, when it comes in contact with allergens like pollen, dander, dust, etc. You can curb the release of histamine by consuming Sitopaladi Churna. Its antihistaminic properties help the body to secrete inflammatory mediators, which fight against allergic symptoms. 

  • Treats Respiratory Diseases

The use of Sitopaladi Churna to cure common fever, cough and chest congestion is well known in the traditional Ayurvedic treatments. The expectorant property of Sitopaladi mixture helps the human body loosen the phlegm and expel congested mucous through the mouth.

You can also see the benefits of the Sitopaladi Churna in treating symptoms of respiratory diseases, including tuberculosis, bronchitis and pneumonia.

  • Improves Digestion

By taking this Ayurvedic powder, you can get relief from dyspepsia (indigestion) due to its 'deepan' (appetising) and 'pachan' (digesting) properties. The major reason behind indigestion (Agnimandya) is imbalanced Pitta dosha. The Sitopaladi Churna assist the human body in expelling the Ama (toxins) to manifest proper balance of Agni (digestive fire) and Pitta dosha, thereby improving digestion.

  • Combats Diabetes

Sitopaladi Churna may show alpha-amylase inhibiting activity. This enzyme helps break down carbohydrates into simple sugars for absorption into bloodstream. Inhibition of this enzyme reduces carbohydrate breakdown and can prevent the increase in blood sugar after a meal. 

However, Sitopaladi Churna also contains sugar as one of its ingredients. Therefore, it is vital to consult with your physician before using it to treat diabetes.

  • Cures Anaemia

Anaemia is a disease in which the number of red blood corpuscles (RBCs) stays lower than normal. With Sitopaladi Churna, you can enhance iron absorption in the body. This way, it can significantly enhance RBC formation and ameliorate anaemia.

  • Heals Infection

The antioxidant property of this Ayurvedic medicine heals your wounds by controlling inflammation. Besides, its bioactive and immunomodulating compounds kill bacteria and stop the growth of infection. This way, you can quickly cure your infection with the use of Sitopaladi Churna.

How to Use Sitopaladi Churna?

You can consume 1 to 3 grams of this Ayurvedic medicine with honey. After consuming, you need to avoid eating for a minimum of 30 minutes to get the most benefits. 

Nevertheless, you can also purchase Sitopaladi Churna in granules and tablet forms. You can consume tablets with plain water.

What Are Side Effects of Using Sitopaladi Churna?

There are no proven side effects of taking Sitopaladi Churna. Still, you need to consult with Ayurvedic practitioners before suggesting or giving the medicine to children or pregnant women.

What Are the Precautions of Using Sitopaladi Churna?

Here are some of the precautions you need to take if you plan to consume Sitopaladi Churna:

  • One should not consume this medicine on an empty stomach, especially if gastric problem is a recurrent health issue.
  • Crystalised sugar is one of the main ingredients of Sitopaladi Churna. So, if you are a patient with high blood sugar, you need to consult with your doctor before using it.

One must store Sitopalladi Churna inside an air-tight box. This way, the ingredients will not degrade due to the growth of microbial organisms, which may diminish the therapeutic benefits of Sitopaladi Churna.

Who Should Avoid Using Sitopaladi Churna?

Following are the people who should use this herbal mixture carefully:

  • Diabetic patients must take their doctor’s consultations before consuming. This is because the Ayurvedic blend contains crystallised sugar that may aggravate their conditions.
  • Pregnant women also should take this Ayurvedic medicine under the strict guidance of their physicians.
  • Ayurvedic medications are usually best avoided for infants. You can consult your physician for further guidance.

To conclude, Sitopaladi Churna, a blend of five herbal ingredients, contains various therapeutic qualities. It can significantly help you in treating respiratory diseases, anaemia, allergies, infection, etc. To get the maximum benefit of Sitopaladi Churna, you must consume it according to an Ayurvedic physician’s advice.

FAQs About Health Benefits of Sitopaladi Churna

What are the medicinal properties of Sitopaladi Churna?

This rich ayurvedic powder is enriched with the following medicinal qualities:

  • Antihistaminic property.
  • Antioxidant property.
  • Anti-inflammatory property.
  • Antipyretic property.
  • Immunomodulatory quality.
  • Analgesic property.
  • Carminative property.
  • Appetising property.

How is Sitopaladi Churna prepared?

The commercial producers of this medicine separately crush all the ingredients and then filter those powders properly. Then, after mixing all these powders proportionately, they put the mixture in a container and seal it.

Can I get the benefits of Sitopaladi Churna in dry cough symptoms?

Yes, you can take this Ayurvedic medicine with honey to treat dry cough. It will help you provide relief from the dryness of your throat.

Can I take this Sitopaladi Churna daily?

You can take this medicine daily under your physician’s supervision and continue it until you get relief from symptoms of the disease.

Can I take this to treat Covid infection?

A case report has indicated that Sitopaladi Churna may be useful in the treatment of post-Covid complications. This possibly stems from its beneficial effects on the respiratory system. However, it is vital to use it only under the guidance of a trained medical practitioner, and along with other necessary medications prescribed.