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Top 7 Health Benefits of Strawberries

Strawberries are bright red, and sweet fruit from the wild berry family derived from Europe in the 18th century. The scientific name of strawberry is Fragaria ananassa, and it has an astounding amount of fibre and antioxidants that are beneficial for health.

Various doctors and nutrition experts across the globe recommend this for the extensive health benefits of strawberries. Moreover, the presence of healthy plant compounds and Vitamin C and B9 makes strawberries the most loved berries in the world.

What Are the 7 Top Health Benefits of Strawberries?

To understand the goodness of strawberries over human health, here are the seven major health benefits of eating strawberries:

1. Prevention of Cancer

Regularly eating mixed berries are known to prevent esophageal cancer and lung cancer. There are studies that depict cancer taking place due to the unmanageable growth of abnormal cells. Including strawberries in every day’s diet will reduce the chances of chronic inflammation and oxidative stress.

2. Weight Management

Studies show that strawberries have a low glycaemic index (GI) which is responsible for regularising the out-flux of blood sugar. Daily consumption of food with low GI aids in managing weight and reduces the chances of obesity to a great extent.

3. Improves Heart Health

Strawberries are great for controlling heart health because of the presence of pigments in strawberries and levels of potassium. This pigment is known as anthocyanidins and prevents inflammatory conditions and heart- ailments. In addition to this, a study conducted at Harvard in 2013 by 100,000 women of middle-age showed that adding strawberries into their diet three days a week lowered the risk of heart attack by 32%.

4. Immunity Booster

One of the top health benefits of strawberries that instigate many people to include this fruit in their diet is boosting immunity. Strawberries are a rich source of vitamin C and have other antioxidants, which reduce the chances of seasonal flu.

5. Prevent Bloating and Keep Regular Bowel Movement

Though the prominent reason for bloating has not been discovered, food rich in fibres and water acts as a great relief from such ailments. The presence of potassium in strawberries lowers the level of sodium, which induces bloating chances.

Moreover, one significant advantage of eating strawberries is that it keeps the gut healthy. It also acts as a prevention of any gut-related problems like constipation and colon cancer.

6. Healthy Way to Satisfy Sweet Tooth

Strawberries can be a great sugary treat without containing any health effects. Consuming strawberries with dark chocolates can instantly light up the mood. Moreover, it can provide great relief during menstrual cramps.

7. Maintains Eye-Sight

The high content of vitamin C in strawberries prevents the possibility of cataracts in older individuals. In addition, vitamin C helps in strengthening the cornea and retina of the eyes, thus providing great vision throughout.

Most importantly, various studies worldwide prove that the benefits of eating strawberries every day prevent countless diseases and are also great for skin and hair.

What Are the Nutritional Values of Strawberries?

The nutritional values of strawberries include various components, natural acids and plant-based substances. Generally, strawberries are extremely rich in almost 91% water and 7.7% of carbohydrates. In addition to this, 100 grams of strawberries contain the following nutritional values which are:

Nutritional Component Value
Protein 0.7 grams
Carbs 7.7 grams
Fibre 2 grams
Fat 0.3 grams
Sugar 4.9 grams
Calories 30-32 cal
Potassium 153 mg
Manganese 0.386 mg
Vitamin C 58.8 mg
Vitamin B6 0.047 mg

Plant Compounds

Most of the health benefits of strawberries are derived from the presence of antioxidants and other important plant-based compounds like ellagic acid, procyanidins, pelargonidin, and ellagitannins. Apart from this, strawberries have lesser content of anthocyanins which keeps heart problems at bay.

How to Include Strawberries in Your Daily Diet?

To experience the health benefits of eating strawberries, this fruit can be consumed in a lot of ways. Mostly, health experts advise consuming strawberries fresh; however, some other delicious ways to eat this fruit are:

  • Fresh strawberry jelly and jam
  • Strawberry tart
  • Smoothie with oats, bananas, spinach and oat milk or almond milk
  • Chocolate covered strawberry or with whipped cream

Strawberries have been added to a lot of pastries and desserts; however, over-consumption of this berry can be a threat.

What Are the Side Effects of Overeating Strawberries?

The health benefits of strawberries are immense; however, eating more strawberries than usual can lead to a lot of problems. Along with high content of Vitamin C, strawberries also contain significantly more malic acid and citric acid. Hence the acidic particles present in strawberries secrete gastric acids around the stomach wall. This also can instigate the occurrence of heartburn, diarrhoea and bloating. Hence, it is recommended to eat a maximum of 7 to 8 strawberries daily.

Who should Avoid Eating Strawberries?

Generally, health experts and nutritionists around the globe recommend adding strawberries into the diet for countless benefits. However, since strawberries have high fibre and vitamin C content, individuals with fibre intolerance or gastric conditions refrain from consuming this fruit. Additionally, a few others to keep in mind while consuming strawberries are -

  • Some people might be allergic to strawberries, so refrain it from applying to the skin directly if you have any such condition.
  • Secondly, although not much information is available concerning breastfeeding or pregnant women, it will be best to avoid it in such conditions. Otherwise, you can consume after seeking advice from a medical professional.
  • People with bleeding disorders should avoid strawberries. This is because, continued consumption of it, may lead to bruising and bleeding in some individuals.
  • Also, consumption of strawberries in large numbers can result in blood clotting. So, it will be best to avoid it after a surgery, as it might result in bleeding.

Frequently Asked Questions

What are the health benefits of eating strawberries?

Daily consumption of strawberries can reduce the chances of heart attack and prevent certain types of cancer. In addition to this, strawberries help in the management of weight and are a great immunity booster.

Do strawberries have any negative effects?

Medically, strawberries do not have any proven side effects. However, over-consumption can lead to heartburn, bloating and create gastric acid. Furthermore, people with poor gut condition should avoid over-eating strawberries.