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Health Benefits of Triphala

Triphala, as the name suggests, consists of three famous fruits widely found in the Indian subcontinent, namely, Bibhitaki, Amalaki and Haritaki. It has been in use for over 1000 years in the traditional medicinal practice of Ayurveda due to its healing properties. The extensive benefits of Triphala are the main reason behind its popular usage across the world.

What are the Health Benefits of Triphala?

The benefits of Triphala are as follows:

1. Aids in weight loss

There are several studies that have proven Triphala to be extremely effective in weight loss. Thus, you can consume Triphala to effectively lose body fat, especially around the waist and hip area.

2. Offers protection against dental cavities

If your teeth are prone to cavities and have encountered gum inflammation, you can try Triphala. There are several evidences to support the fact that Triphala is highly effective in preventing plaque formation due to its anti-microbial and anti-inflammatory properties.

3. Treats certain digestive issues

Triphala has anti-diarrheal properties due to its laxative nature. Additionally, there are several other digestive issues that Triphala deals with, such as improved stool volume, decreased mucus level in stool and flatulence.

4. Provides relief from stress

One of the advantages of Triphala is that it provides relief from stress. These responses include lowering corticosterone levels and increasing lipid peroxidation.

5. Preserves heart health

Triphala actively takes part in reducing cholesterol levels in your body. This is essential as an increased cholesterol level in the vessels can lead to a blockage in blood flow in the heart capillaries, thus resulting in a heart attack.

6. Boosts immunity

Among several Triphala powder benefits, boosting the immunity of an individual is a prominent one. In addition to this, Triphala also takes part in removing toxins from your body and makes you overcome lethargy and become more active.

7. Protects against radioactivity

Triphala protects your skin against radioactivity if taken orally. To maximize its effect, try to consume Triphala before you get exposed to irradiation. This lowers DNA damage in WBCs and RBCs and normalizes the activity of different enzymes, such as xanthine oxidase, to a significant extent.

8. Protects the eyes

There is significant evidence proving that Triphala plays a key role in protecting your eyesight. You can consume Triphala if you are suffering from cataracts, night blindness, and near-sightedness.

9. Delays ageing

The anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties of Triphala provide relief against several dermatological problems. These include redness, acne and dry skin conditions. Additionally, the Amla present in Triphala acts as a source of vitamin C that removes dead skin cells and keeps your face glowing.

10. Provides relief from arthritis

Several significant uses of Triphala are due to its anti-inflammatory properties. Its anti-oxidising property has been proven to provide relief to patients suffering from joint pain and gout.

However, only knowing the health benefits of Triphala is not enough. You must also be aware of the different ways you can use Triphala to maximize its benefits.

How to Use Triphala?

You can use Triphala in the following ways to maximize its health benefits:


You can take Triphala-infused capsules to enjoy their benefits. However, you must keep in mind that the dosage must not exceed 500 mg to 1g or 1 to 2 capsules twice a day b to keep safe from its side effects.


If you don’t want to consume Triphala in capsule form, you can simply mix Triphala powder with water and drink it as juice. You can drink this juice once or twice a day for effective results.  However, you must not consume it in excessive amounts.


You can mix Triphala powder with honey or ghee for a tasty twist on this Ayurvedic medicine. However, you must not exceed Triphala consumption from the given limit, that is, ½ to 2 teaspoons. You can easily purchase Triphala powder from physical stores or online at an affordable rate.


You can mix Triphala with oil to soothe skin irritations, enema and treat obesity.

You can start Triphala consumption from a smaller dose and gradually increase the dosage to check if your body shows any allergic reactions.

Now that you know the different ways of consuming Triphala, you must also be aware of its side effects.

What Are the Side Effects of Using Triphala?

The side effects of Triphala are as follows:

  • If you consume Triphala in excess, there lies a high chance of abdominal discomfort or diarrhoea.
  • There are chances of the ineffectiveness of some medicines if you do not keep a check on your Triphala consumption.
  • Pregnant women must consume Triphala with caution to avoid miscarriage.
  • If you are suffering from bleeding disorders, you must avoid consuming Triphala to prevent excess blood loss.
  • You must carefully administer Triphala consumption in children as there is not much evidence in support of its safety.

Hence, to keep from these side effects, you can adopt several precautionary measures.

What Are the Precautions of Using Triphala?

Given below are certain precautionary measures that you can adopt to prevent the side effects of Triphala:

  • You must avoid Triphala if you are suffering from diarrhoea or acute cough.
  • Avoid taking a high Triphala dosage at the beginning of a consumption regimen.
  • You must check the ingredients of store-bought Triphala powder to avoid any harmful compounds such as lead.
  • Avoid Triphala if you are suffering from low blood pressure.

Also, there are certain people who must avoid Triphala consumption completely to avoid its harmful effects.

Who Should Avoid Using Triphala?

The following people must avoid Triphala consumption completely:

  • People with low blood pressure
  • Pregnant women
  • Individuals suffering from dysentery
  • People suffering from cough and cold

Therefore, you can easily incorporate this Ayurvedic mixture into your daily diet to enjoy the vast array of benefits of Triphala. However, if you observe any side effects of the same, you must stop its consumption immediately and consult a doctor for proper guidance.

Frequently Asked Questions

When should you take Triphala to maximize its benefit?

You must consume Triphala on an empty stomach to maximize its benefits. Also, you can take it between meals for effective results.

Can Triphala treat different types of cancer?

There are several research trials on animals, such as rats, that have shown positive results in treating different types of cancer. However, there is not much evidence for the same confirming human trials.

Can Triphala reduce blood pressure?

Yes, Triphala can significantly reduce the blood pressure in an individual. Hence you can consume it if you are suffering from hypertension.

Is Triphala helpful in treating hair loss?

Yes, you can apply Triphala oil on your hair to prevent hair loss.

Is Triphala effective in treating stomach ulcers?

Yes, there is some evidence that supports the fact that Triphala is effective in healing stomach ulcers.

Can Triphala treat diabetes?

Yes, Triphala is highly effective in treating people with Type-2 Diabetes.