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Health Benefits of Watermelon

Watermelon is one of the iconic fruits of summer, which is low in calories, sweet and watery in taste. It acts as an excellent source of Vitamin C, minerals, antioxidants, and vitamin B. As a result, it benefits the body by preventing chronic disease, improving body function and keeping you healthy.

If you want to know more about the health benefits of watermelon, keep reading this article. It can shock you by how much help you can get by incorporating it into your daily diet, no matter the time.

What Are the Health Benefits of Eating Watermelon?

This sweet-tasting micro-nutrient fruit is loaded with a host of vitamins that benefit our body. It keeps the body hydrated and provides essential nutrients. There are many more benefits of eating watermelon daily. Read the following points to know more:

1. Maintains Blood Sugar Level

By consuming watermelon daily, you are helping your kidney in converting L-citrulline (amino acid) to L-arginine (amino acid). This, as a result, regulates glucose metabolism and helps maintain an adequate level of insulin as required by your body. So, there is a lower chance for you to develop diabetes.

2. Prevents Cardiovascular Disease

The red colour of this fruit comes from lycopene which is a type of antioxidant. Even tomatoes have the same content that makes them appear red, but it is comparatively high in watermelon. When the body absorbs it, it helps reduce bad cholesterol and lowers your risk of developing heart problems.

3. Improves Nerve Condition

One of the biggest advantages of eating watermelon is it helps regulate nerve function in the body by providing enough potassium. When your body does not get adequate potassium, it initiates numbness and tingling sensation. As a result, you may suffer from frequent leg cramps. However, by filling up the potassium deficiency in your body, watermelon facilitates electric messages and impulses, bettering your nerve condition.

4. Keeps Your Body Hydrated

92% of this fruit is water. Thus, by eating it, you are hydrating your body and helping it avoid conditions like dry mouth, dehydration, etc. Not only this, but it helps keep your body cool in summer, keeps your skin healthy and flushes all toxins out. In addition, you can even get rid of the related problems of dehydration like headaches, tiredness, possible blood pressure issues and muscle cramps.

5. Treats Sore Muscles

Another advantage of watermelon consumption is that it treats sore muscles and improves your overall athletic performance. This is because of the presence of citrulline, a type of amino acid in this summer fruit. Citrulline boosts nitric oxide production in your body and improves your blood circulation. Even though a lot of research is still on, you can try its benefits if you are a sports person or a gymnast.

6. Supports Weight Loss

Due to its high water content, watermelon is an excellent food for weight loss. In other words, even if you consume large slices of this fruit, it offers only a small contribution of calories to the body. Not to mention, it keeps your stomach full and reduces your appetite so you can avoid over-snacking. So, if you are trying to lose some weight, replace fatty snack food with it between your meals.

7. Controls Asthma Attack

You can control the severity of asthma by providing the body with the required Vitamin C content. For this purpose, consume watermelon. It is one of the primary sources. This means it can help fight against asthma attacks and other symptoms.

8. Ensure Better Skin and Eye Health

There are also eye and skin health benefits of watermelon, as it is rich in lycopene content. In addition, it is an excellent diffuser reducer of inflammation and high in antioxidants. As a result, it prevents degeneration of eye tissue and maintains better health overall.

What Are the Nutritional Values of Watermelon?

The following is the nutritional value of watermelon you can get by consuming an 80 gram of melon ball cup:

  • Energy: 25 Kcal/ 106 KJ
  • Protein: 0.4 grams
  • Fat: 0.2 grams
  • Carbohydrates: 5.7 grams
  • Fibre: 0.1 grams
  • Potassium: 80 milligrams
  • Carotene: 93 micrograms
  • Vitamin C: 6 milligrams

How to Include Watermelon in Your Daily Diet?

You can include watermelon in between your meals in the following forms:

1. Salad

In a bowl, mix some nicely cut watermelon, mozzarella and mint with a bed of spinach leaves and enjoy it as a healthy salad. Also, drizzle some dressing for better taste.

2. Juice

After you feel dehydrated after a workout or during the daytime, enjoy watermelon juice by blending a small mixer in a jar with ice cubes.

3. Smoothies

Another great option to include watermelon in your diet is by having it as smoothies or crushing it with orange for extra tang. However, remember when you blend it into a juice, it breaks down its fibre content and makes sugar easily absorbable.

4. Roasted Seeds

Even the seeds of watermelon are highly nutritious, so to consume it, roast it in an oven for 15 to 20 minutes and have it as a snack.

Remember not to consume it in the form of watermelon candies and other products available at the store. They are induced with added sugar and are very harmful to your health.

Who Should Avoid Eating Watermelon?

Typically, watermelon is a nutritious summer fruit with no possible health risk. However, to be on the safe side, if you have the following problems, you should avoid eating watermelon:

  • People with Allergy: Some people may develop allergic symptoms after consuming watermelon, like swelling, hives, or difficulty breathing. In this condition, you should immediately get some medical attention and quit eating the fruit.
  • Diabetic Patient: Watermelon is high in natural sugar content, so it may be risky for diabetic patients to over consume it. Thus, if you have diabetes, watch your intake and avoid drinking its juice. Watermelon drink removes fibre, making it easy for the body to absorb sugar, resulting in a glucose spike. Also, if consuming watermelon cubes, keep the portion small.

What Are the Side Effects of Overeating Watermelon?

There are many health benefits of watermelon but try and avoid eating too many of it as it may cause side effects like:

  • Diarrhoea: This fruit is a rich source of water and dietary fibre. However, if you over consume it, it may cause diarrhoea, gas, bloating, flatulence, and other digestive problems.
  • Liver inflammation: If you are a regular alcohol drinker eating watermelon can react in your body and cause liver inflammation due to a substance it contains called lycopene. However, it is better to stop drinking alcohol rather than eating watermelon here.
  • Water intoxication: This condition develops due to overhydration or when you consume liquid in excess. So, if you already drink 2-3 litres of liquid daily, avoid eating watermelon as 95% of it is made of water.
  • Cardiovascular problems: This summer fruit is high in potassium which improves the electrolyte function in the body and keeps your muscles and bones strong. However, when you consume too many of its pieces, it may cause an excess potassium level in your body, inducing irregular heartbeat, weak pulse rate, and other issues.

If you are a big fan of summer fruits, there are many health benefits of watermelon that you can enjoy, like the ones mentioned above. However, watch out for your intake level as it can be tempting because of its sweet taste, but if over consumed can cause some side effects.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the recommended level to consume watermelon?

To avoid having too much lycopene and potassium in the body, experts advise maintaining an intake level of 100 to 150 gms of watermelon per day. If the amount exceeds, it may result in the health risks mentioned above.

How to choose a good watermelon for consumption?

When you go buying watermelon for consumption, pick one free of dents, bruises or nicks. Also, make sure it does not contain any white spots but a yellow spot on the bottom. In addition, remember, if the fruit is heavy in size, it is very juicy from the inside, so decide the size accordingly.