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Know About the Best and Worst Foods for Thyroid Patients

Thyroid hormones play an integral role in regulating growth, repairing cells and controlling metabolism. The thyroid gland produces 3 types of hormones- Triiodothyronine or T3, Tetraiodothyronine or Thyroxine or T4 and Calcitonin. If the thyroid gland is overactive, it secretes hormones at an abnormal rate, causing hyperthyroidism. In contrast, the underactive thyroid condition, known as hypothyroidism, disables the gland to secrete an adequate amount of hormones.

Apart from medications and other interventions, foods potentially impact hyperthyroidism and hypothyroidism conditions. Therefore, it is crucial to know about the best foods for thyroid patients to restore functionality.

15 Best Foods to Include in a Thyroid Diet

The list contains foods to control thyroid and are rich in iodine, calcium, zinc, selenium and other vital micronutrients essential to combat thyroid disorders.

1. Yoghurt

Among dairy products, yoghurt supplies adequate nutrition and fulfils the iodine requirements of human bodies.

2. Beans and Legumes

They contain zinc and fibre and regulate the digestive system by improving bowel movements and preventing constipation. Chickpeas are one of the healthiest foods for thyroid.

3. Green Tea

Green tea is widely popular as a metabolism booster. It contains catechins, an antioxidant essential to burn excess fat, a common symptom of hypothyroidism.

4. Broccoli

Another effective food for thyroid treatment is broccoli loaded with calcium and Vitamin C. It boosts the metabolism by increasing the Thermic Effect of Food.

5. Avocado

Avocado is undoubtedly the best fruit for thyroid patients, courtesy of the antioxidants, fibre, good fats and other vital nutrients. It helps in restoring the balanced functioning of the thyroid gland.

6. Apple

Apples detoxify the body by flushing out metals like mercury that interrupts the thyroid gland from utilising the iodine.

7. Berries

Berries are full of antioxidants and protect thyroid patients from free radicals to curb the chances of hypothyroidism, weight gain and fatigue.

8. Dates

Another iodine-packed food that is good for thyroid patients are dates. They are necessary for producing 2 thyroid hormones- T3 and T4.

9. Seaweed

Seaweeds like kelp, nori and wakame are loaded with iodine, making them the best foods for thyroid patients.

10. Nuts

People suffering from thyroid disorders can include Brazil nuts, macadamia nuts, and hazelnuts to restore healthy functionality. They are excellent sources of selenium, a micronutrient crucial to fight thyroid.

11. Eggs

Another selenium and iodine-rich food for thyroid patients are eggs. Thyroid patients can consume both the white part and the yolk of the eggs to absorb most of the nutrients.

12. Chicken

Chicken is an excellent source of lean protein. Besides, it contains zinc that is essential to produce sufficient thyroid hormones.

13. Salmon

Another food good for thyroid health is salmon that is rich in iodine. Thyroid disorders lead to inflammation, and salmon is a proven remedy, thanks to omega-3 fatty acids.

14. Quinoa

Thyroid patients can improve their health by including quinoa in their thyroid diet. Quinoa seeds are packed with beneficial nutrients and antioxidants that slow down the abnormal secretion of thyroid hormones.

15. Oats

Human bodies require more energy to digest whole grains like oats as they contain extra fibre. This potentially increases the metabolism, and the body works hard to break down the grains.

Nevertheless, there are certain foods that thyroid patients should avoid.

Top 10 Foods to Avoid for Thyroid Patients

Thyroid patients should avoid consuming highly processed foods that contain abundant calories and therefore have adverse effects. 

1. Soy

Soy contains a compound named isoflavones that have a potential negative impact on the thyroid gland. According to some researchers, consuming too much soy may trigger the risks of hypothyroidism.

2. Kale

Kale is a mild goitrogen and can prevent the thyroid gland from utilising adequate iodine. Additionally, experts recommend patients exclude certain other vegetables to avoid thyroid complications like cabbage, Brussels sprouts, cabbage, bok choy and turnips. All these vegetables may interfere in the production of thyroid hormones.

3. Gluten in Bread and Pasta

Gluten is a protein abundantly found in processed foods like wheat, barley, rye and other grains. Patients suffering from hypothyroidism should check their gluten intake to accelerate the thyroid recovery process.

4. High Sugar-content Foods

Foods that contain a high amount of sugar are often responsible for weight gain due to an overabundance of calories. As hypothyroidism disrupts the metabolism, medical practitioners prescribe to avoid sugary foods.

5. Caffeinated Drinks

The next on the list of foods to avoid for thyroid disorders is coffee or caffeinated beverages. According to a study in the Thyroid journal, caffeine significantly blocks the absorption of thyroid hormone replacement.

6. Alcohol

A study in the Indian Journal of Endocrinology and Metabolism proves that alcohol consumption compromises the secretion of thyroid hormones. Besides, it has detrimental effects on the thyroid hormone levels and suppresses the ability of the human body to use them.

7. Processed Foods

Processed foods are commonly high in sodium. Patients suffering from hypothyroidism disorder must curtail sodium intake as underactive thyroid conditions attract high blood pressure.

8. High Fat-content Foods

High caloric foods often interfere with the production of thyroid hormones. Fried foods are bad for thyroid patients as they are loaded with butter, mayonnaise, margarine and animal fats. They can wreak havoc on the ability to absorb adequate thyroid hormones.

9. Organ Meats

The kidneys, heart and liver of edible animals are packed with lipoic acid that disrupts the thyroid gland's functionality. Therefore experts do not consider them as the best foods for thyroid patients.

10. Diet/Carbonated Drinks

Diet or carbonated sodas contain artificial sweeteners harmful to thyroid hormones and immunity. Consuming sugar-substituted beverages pose a dangerous health hazard for thyroid patients.

Nonetheless, individuals should seek assistance from a professional in the medical field to include the best foods for thyroid patients in their daily diet. In case anyone is allergic to a particular food item, clarify it to the doctor for substitutions.

Frequently Asked Questions

Is milk one of the best foods for thyroid patients?

Milk contains calcium that impairs the ability to absorb thyroid hormone replacement medications. Therefore, hypothyroid patients should consult a doctor before including milk in their thyroid diet.

Why is refined flour not recommended for thyroid patients?

Refined flour promotes inflammation and can slow down the thyroid recovery process.