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Health Benefits of Cabbage

Cabbage belongs to the cruciferous vegetable group and is packed with nutrients. Be it lowering the chances of developing heart diseases or improving digestion, the health benefits of cabbage are countless. Therefore this vegetable is worthy enough to occupy a place on your plate. So, if you are keen to know the multiple health benefits of cabbage, keep reading this piece.

What Are the Top 8 Health Benefits of Cabbage?

You can get the following health benefits from eating cabbage:

1. Maintains Heart Health

The red cabbage contains anthocyanins that help to suppress the inflammation that causes heart diseases. A report in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition suggests that consumption of even small amounts of flavonoid and anthocyanins-rich foods is beneficial in lowering the risk of death from cardiovascular illnesses. Besides, cabbage is a rich source of polyphenol. This helps to prevent platelet buildup and regulates the blood pressure level, thereby reducing the risk of developing cardiovascular diseases.

2. Prevents Cancer

Cabbage contains sulforaphane. This is a potent compound that helps to fight cancer. Over the years, researchers have found that this compound can impede the HDAC or histone deacetylase, a harmful enzyme that helps promote the growth of cancer cells. Moreover, red cabbage has anthocyanin. This powerful antioxidant not only provides vibrant colour to this vegetable but also slows down the growth of cancer cells, destroys the already grown cancer cells and ceases the growth of new tumours.

3. Improves Digestion

If you wish to improve your digestive health, add cabbage to your diet. This vegetable contains insoluble fibre. This is a type of carbohydrate that is not digested in the intestine. Therefore, it adds bulk to the stool and maintains regular bowel movements. Moreover, it is a rich source of soluble fibre, which maximises the growth of gut-friendly bacteria. These bacteria help in protecting the immunity system and forming essential nutrients like vitamins B12 and K2.

4. Maintains Skin Health and Functioning of Other Body Parts

Cabbage is packed with vitamin C. It is a water-soluble vitamin that plays several roles in maintaining a healthy body and skin. Vitamin C or ascorbic acid is necessary for forming collagen. This provides flexibility and structure to the skin and is essential for the proper functioning of blood vessels, bones, and muscles. Moreover, vitamin C assists the body in absorbing non-heme iron.

5. Lowers Blood Pressure

Consuming potassium-rich foods is essential to keep the blood pressure levels in check. Red cabbage contains a high amount of potassium. Two cups of red cabbage provide almost 12% of the RDI. Potassium helps to release excess sodium through urine. It also helps to relax the wall of blood vessels, further assisting in reducing blood pressure.

6. Reduce Cholesterol Levels

Cabbage has two substances – soluble fibre and phytosterols that help to reduce bad cholesterol or LDL. Nearly 40% of the fibre present in cabbage is soluble. Soluble fibre helps to bind cholesterol in the gut and prevents it from being absorbed in the blood. At the same time, phytosterols are plant compounds that prevent cholesterol absorption in the digestive tract.

7. Improves Bone Health

Cabbage is a rich source of vitamin K. 89 grams of its serving provides almost 85% of the daily recommended requirement of vitamin K. Vitamin K strengthens bone. Moreover, it also serves as a cofactor for enzymes that helps in blood clotting. Without adequate vitamin K in the body, the healthy functioning of blood clotting will be hampered, which increases the chance of excessive bleeding.

8. Improves Immune System

The dietary fibre present in the cabbage controls the immunity system and keeps the inflammation in check. This reduces the risk of developing inflammation-related diseases such as diabetes, obesity, cancer and cardiovascular diseases.

What Are the Nutritional Values of Cabbage?

Cabbage has low calorific value but is high in essential nutrients. In fact, only 1 cup of raw green cabbage has the following nutritional value:

Nutrients Content
Energy 22 calories
Fibre 2 grams
Protein 1 gram
Vitamin K 85% of the Recommended Daily Intake
Vitamin C 54% of the Recommended Daily Intake
Folate 10% of the Recommended Daily Intake
Manganese 7% of the Recommended Daily Intake
Vitamin B6 6% of the Recommended Daily Intake
Potassium 4% of the Recommended Daily Intake
Calcium 4% of the Recommended Daily Intake
Magnesium 3% of the Recommended Daily Intake

Besides, cabbage contains lesser amounts of vitamin A, riboflavin and iron.

How to Include Cabbage in Your Diet?

Here are the quick and simple ways to incorporate cabbage into your daily diet:

  • You can simply drizzle some olive oil, minced garlic and cracked black peppercorns over roasted cabbage.
  • To get the nutritional advantages of cabbage, you can combine shredded cabbage with your favourite vegetable salad.
  • Spread chopped cabbage to stew or soup before serving these to a bowl.
  • You can ferment it and make sauerkraut.

What Are the Side Effects of Overeating Cabbage?

You should include cabbage in your diet to its high nutritional value. However, eating an excess of this vegetable causes the following side effects:

  • Flatulence: Cabbage has a high amount of raffinose. This sugar is a complex carbohydrate that remains undigested in the intestine and causes flatulence. You may experience other symptoms related to flatulence caused after consuming cabbage, which include bloating, abdominal discomfort, and belching.
  • Diarrhoea: Green cabbage contains insoluble fibre. This promotes regular bowel movement. However, consuming too much cabbage can block the intestine or cause diarrhoea. Besides, if you are a cancer patient and undergoing treatment, consuming cabbage can increase the condition of diarrhoea which is often caused due to chemotherapy. Consult a doctor before eating cabbage if you are undergoing such treatment.
  • Interactions With Medicines: If you are taking blood-thinning medicines, consuming too much cabbage beyond the recommended limit can negatively interfere with the medicinal effects of such drugs and disrupt your health.
  • Hypothyroidism: Cabbage contains goitrogens which impede the ability of the thyroid gland to use iodine. Therefore, it slows down the functioning under-active thyroid gland, which ultimately causes hypothyroidism. Therefore, it is advisable to eat only one small bowl of cooked cabbage every day.

Who Should Avoid Consuming Cabbage?

You should avoid consuming cabbage or consult a doctor before doing the same if you suffer from or experience the following condition:

  • Suffering from digestive issues like irritable bowel syndrome
  • Suffering from hypothyroidism or under-active thyroid gland
  • Undergoing surgery
  • Suffering from diabetes
  • Experiencing allergic reactions after eating cabbage 

There are several health benefits of cabbage. However, if you have any existing medical conditions, consult with a doctor before adding cabbage into your daily diet.

Frequently Asked Questions

Does cabbage help in curing skin conditions like eczema and acne?

Yes, cabbage contains sulphur which helps in developing effective osmosis. Osmosis pulls in the nutrition and eliminates the wastes from cells. Thus, the presence of sulphur will help to generate osmosis in every cell, assisting in curing eczema and acne.

When should you stop consuming cabbage if you are undergoing surgery?

You should not eat cabbage at least 2 weeks before the scheduled date of your surgery.