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Top 18 Chromium Rich Foods & Their Benefits

Chromium is naturally available in a number of whole foods as a dietary supplement. Not many are aware of this trace mineral, which helps break down protein, carbs and fats.

There are several chromium rich foods which are a part of our daily diet. Surprisingly, many processed foods like American cheese, spaghetti, peanut butter, etc., also contain certain percentages of chromium.  Read on to know more about chromium food sources that you can include in your daily diet.

What Are the Top Foods Rich in Chromium?

Although Chromium is not a highly essential mineral, that can cause irregularities if there is any deficiency. However, having it in your daily diet is good for boosting insulin and antioxidants naturally.

1. Grape Juice

Besides being a great beverage, grape juice is an excellent source of chromium. Among the other foods that are rich in chromium, grape juice contains the highest amount. One cup of grape juice, which is around 240ml, provides 21% of the DV of chromium. However, this content can vary depending on the manufacturing process.

2. Lean Meat

Another food that contains chromium is lean meat like ham, beef, turkey and chicken. These animal proteins contain 10%, 6%, 5% and 1% of the DV of chromium, respectively. Including these in your daily diet is easy and affordable; moreover, lean meats have other health benefits as well.

3. Whole Wheat

Interestingly, whole wheat products like muffins and bread are a good source of chromium. One standard-sized muffin contains 10% of the DV of chromium. In addition to this source of the mineral, whole wheat also contains protein and fibre. An easy way to include whole wheat flour is by replacing it with regular flour.

4. Brewer’s Yeast

Brewer's yeast also falls under the category of chromium rich foods. This kind of yeast is used for making bread and brewing beer. Only 12 grams of this yeast contains 9% of the DV of chromium. This yeast is mostly used to enhance a recipe's protein content. It can also help manage blood sugar if consumed along with proper diabetes medication.

5. Oranges

Oranges are not just a good source of vitamin C. It also contains this trace mineral. Eating orange slices or making fresh juice out of them are the easiest ways of including chromium into one’s diet. One serving of orange juice that is around 240ml contains 6% of the DV of chromium.

6. Romaine Lettuce

For those who have salads regularly, tear some romaine lettuce and add it to your salad to enhance its nutrient content. Two cups of lettuce leaves contain approximately 3.6% of chromium DV. 

7. Eggs

Other common foods high in chromium content are eggs. A medium-sized egg can contain around 1% of the DV of chromium levels. Eggs are known as a superfood as they offer complete protein. Almost everyone can consume it on a daily basis as it helps in portion control.

8. Apples

Apples contain chromium, too; it contains 1.4 mcg of this mineral or 4% of chromium DV. In addition, it is also a good source of highly soluble fibre and polyphenols. This particular antioxidant can reduce the risks of heart diseases. Including apples in your daily diet is quite easy; grab them as a snack, add to salads or cereals, or bake them into desserts.

9. Green Beans

String or green beans are another good source of chromium. A half-cup serving of these contains 1.1 mcg and 3% of chromium’s DV. Since green beans are not a part of the FODMAP carbs that do not get digested and cause bloating, gas, and pain, it is safe for people with existing digestive issues.

10. Bananas

A medium-sized banana consists of 1 mcg and 3% of chromium content. Bananas are high in nutrients and also contain antioxidants. Those who struggle to lose weight can snack on this fruit to keep their appetite full and reduce cravings. These are also easily available, and anyone can consume them.

11. Corn

One of the many natural foods with chromium is corn. It also contains other vital minerals and vitamins like magnesium, iron and B6. Including corn in daily diet has significantly improved heart health, lowering diabetes and blood pressure. About a cup of corn contains 61 mcg of chromium.

12. Sweet Potato

Sweet potatoes are also one of the foods high in chromium, containing 36 mcg in one medium serving. In addition, it provides essential nutrients like Vitamin A, C, manganese, and other important minerals. Since its nutrient content is higher than regular potatoes, people often substitute them with sweet potatoes.

13. Oats

One of the most favoured breakfast cereals is oats. It is an excellent source of chromium, consisting of 13.79% of the DV of chromium. Apart from that they also contain calcium, iron, magnesium, vitamin B6, and dietary fibres. Eating oats has shown records of lowering cholesterol levels, easing constipation and many more.

14. Tomato

A cup of tomatoes contains 1.2 mcg and 3.6% of DV of chromium. This is one of the vegetables that can almost effortlessly get into any recipe. Therefore, including tomatoes in one's diet is extremely easy. Alongside chromium, tomatoes also contain potassium and vitamins B and E.

15. Broccoli

Another natural food with chromium is broccoli. It is packed with 22 mcg of chromium. Including broccoli into one’s daily diet can help them stay full. The bioactive compounds of broccoli are known to reduce inflammation. Besides, it also contains vitamin C, K1, B9, potassium, manganese and iron.

16. Carrots

A medium raw carrot contains 0.3 mcg and 1% of the DV of chromium. Carrots help maintain blood sugar levels and are a great natural source of vitamin A and calcium. Although the chromium content is comparatively low in carrots, adding them to your daily diet is still recommended.

17. Wine

Wine can also be a rich source of chromium. However, its chromium content can vary as per different brands and production locales. For instance, French wine has 22 mcg per litre of chromium, Spanish wine contains 20 mcg of chromium per litre, Polish wine has 12 mcg per litre, and Italian wine has 8 mcg per litre.

18. Fat-Free Milk

Fat-free milk contains the least amount of chromium, but including it in your daily diet and other chromium rich foods can enhance its health benefits. One cup of fat-free milk contains 0.1 mcg of chromium. Moreover, it is a good source of protein and minerals. Additionally, it contains phosphorus and calcium, which are extremely important for our bone health.

What Are the Benefits of Eating Chromium Rich Foods?

  • Lowers blood sugar levels
  • Reduces weight gain by managing cravings
  • Treats depression and mood swings
  • Helps to reduce the symptoms of PCOS
  • Lessens chances of heart diseases
  • Improves glucose levels and many more.

Chromium rich foods are not that difficult to find. As the list above suggests, it is available in almost every daily food item. Since there is no fixed recommended dietary allowance for chromium, experts came up with the minimum requirement of this trace mineral for everybody.

 As per experts, women between 19-50 years of age must get 25 mcg per day, and women above 50 should get 20 mcg per day. Whereas men of 19-50 age should get 35 mcg per day, and men above 50 must get 30 mcg per day.

Frequently Asked Questions

Who should avoid foods with higher chromium content?

If someone is sensitive to chromium rich foods, it can cause allergies. People suffering from severe diabetes and thyroid, kidney and liver problems should refrain from consuming foods high in chromium. Those who are under steroid medication should also avoid consuming these foods.

Are chromium rich foods safe during pregnancy?

There is no record stating natural chromium sources are harmful during pregnancy. However, it is suggested not to take additional chromium supplements without a doctor's consultation.