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Health Benefits of Cucumber

Cucumbers are rich in vitamins and minerals and are known for their refreshing and hydrating properties. Being a good source of water and other plant compounds, cucumber certainly offers several health benefits. 

To provide readers with a clear understanding of how adding cucumber to the diet can be beneficial, the major five benefits of eating the same are available here. Keep reading!

What Are the Top 5 Health Benefits of Cucumber?

Cucumber is a superfood and contains tons of health benefits. Some of the significant advantages of cucumber are:

1. Controls Blood Sugar Level

Since cucumber contains an extremely low amount of glucose, it is an ideal food for managing high blood sugar levels or diabetes. According to the American Diabetes Association, eating three to five servings of vegetables with low sucrose levels is essential during hunger.

2. Provides Relief From Diverticulitis

This is a medical condition which causes extreme inflammation in the colon of the human body. Studies show that a sufficient amount of consumption of fibre can help fight this disease. This is why adding fibre to the diet will provide much relief from such serious ailments.

3. Combats Dehydration

During scorching summer days, water might not be sufficient for hydration. As cucumber contains more than 95% water, this is considered the best food to rehydrate and refresh. In countries with mostly summer days, cucumber smoothies or juices are great options to quench the thirst.

4. Reduces Risks of Cancer

One of the significant benefits of eating cucumber is that it reduces the chances of the growth of cancer cells and prevents breast cancer and colon cancer to a great extent. The natural compounds like cucurbitacins and flavonoid fisetin present in cucumber have anti-cancer properties as well.

5. Helps in Weight Management

Non-starchy vegetables are very good for the heart and cholesterol. This is because veggies like carrots have an ample quantity of fibre that naturally lowers cholesterol. So, if you are dealing with high cholesterol that might lead to heart problems, consuming a considerable amount of carrots might help. However, if you are changing your diet, it might be beneficial to consult a nutritionist. Also, a change in diet might need to be accompanied by lifestyle changes such as exercising, quitting smoking and others.

What Are the Nutritional Values of Cucumber?

As per the reports provided by USDA, the nutritional value of 52 gms of cucumber with the peel consists of an adequate amount of potassium, Vitamin C and K. The detailed nutritional quotient of approximate 50 gms of cucumber is:

  • Carbohydrate

It is found that a half-cup of chopped cucumber contains almost 1.9 gms of carbohydrates. In addition to this, it includes 0.3 gms of fibre and 0.9 gms of natural starch. Furthermore, cucumber contains a moderately low glycemic index with a level of 15, which indicates that the consumption of cucumber will not increase the sugar level in the blood.

  • Vitamins & Minerals

Cucumber shows a high concentration of water and the presence of Vitamin C and K and other minerals. Around 50 gms of cucumber contains 8.5 mcg of Vitamin K and 1.5 mg of Vitamin C. In addition to this, it has 76.4 mg of potassium and small amounts of magnesium, calcium, phosphorus, Vitamin A, etc.

  • Fats

One of the primary health benefits of cucumber is it helps in weight loss management. Cucumber has an extremely low fat content, with only 0.1 gms in 52 gms of cucumber. The amount of fat it contains is in unsaturated form and helps to improve the level of cholesterol.

  • Calories

Approximately 50 gms half-cup of unpeeled, sliced cucumber has roughly 8 calories, whereas a whole cucumber which is generally 300 gms in weight, will have around 45 calories. It is for this reason cucumber fits well in the low-calorie diet.

  • Protein

Cucumber has a very low amount of protein and is hence not applicable to those who want a protein diet to gain muscle. For this reason, cucumbers are added to a chicken or Mediterranean salad, which are some heavy protein food items. Adding cucumber to the salads adds extra freshness and crunch, which makes it more appetising.

How to Include Cucumber in Your Daily Diet?

Fitness experts, as well as nutritionists, recommend various ways of including cucumber in the diet. Cucumber being a refreshing superfood, here are the following ways how one can add cucumber to the diet:

1. Eating Raw

The advantages of eating cucumber can be fully derived if savoured raw as it is the most nutritious method of consuming cucumber. One can eat these as a go-to snack or by dipping them in sour cream or hummus. The crunchy and refreshing texture of cucumber makes it the best snack on hot summer days.

2. Adding in Sushi/Kimbap

Adding cucumber in Sushi or in Kimbap (Korean Sushi) is the traditional way of making these mouthwatering dishes of Japan and Korea. The fresh flavour of cucumber avocado sushi or cucumber crab meat sushi with tempura sauce is the authentic delicacies that most people order. In addition to this, one of the authentic and popular Kimbap recipes includes seasoned rice, fried eggs, freshly cut carrots and cucumber, and crab meat or prawns rolled in a seaweed sheet.

3. Consuming Cucumber as Dips

The popular Greek dip, namely Tzatziki dip or sauce, is made from freshly grated cucumber and mixed with Greek yoghurt, lime juice, minced garlic or garlic powder and drizzled with olive oil. In addition, one can make different dips from fresh English cucumbers to eat with nachos and meaty fries.

4. Including Cucumber in Soups

Nutritionists recommend making cold cucumber soups in case of any inflammation or indigestion. Chilled or creamy cucumber soups are refreshing as well as appetising and are a great dish to add to a family lunch or brunch.

5. Adding Cucumber in Smoothies

To beat the heat, cucumbers are also used in smoothies and primarily include frozen pineapple, lime juice and fresh cucumbers blended with coconut milk. In addition to this, another great alternative way to have a cucumber smoothie is to add watermelon.

Apart from these above-listed ways of including cucumber in the diet, cucumber is globally used in various kinds of classic salads and other recipes.

What Are the Side Effects of Overeating Cucumber?

There are countless health benefits of cucumbers. However, overconsumption of cucumbers may instigate the chances of a rare disease, namely hyperkalemia. This occurs due to the presence of a high concentration of potassium in cucumber. This increases abdominal pains and affects the kidneys and renal functions negatively.

In addition to this, the toxins Tetracyclic Triterpenoids and Cucurbitacins present in cucumber, which makes its taste bitter, can result in different health issues.

Who Should Avoid Eating Cucumber?

According to the American Academy of Allergy Asthma and Immunology, individuals should refrain from eating cucumber or any vegetables with green skin if they are allergic to bananas, melon, chamomile teas, sunflower seeds, etc. In addition to this, despite the multiple benefits of cucumbers, individuals with severe respiratory conditions or sinusitis have restrictions on consuming cucumbers.

Excessive consumption of anything might lead to a lot of complications. Because of that, nutrition experts recommend eating mindfully and in appropriate portions based on the calorie chart. The rich water content in cucumber makes it perfect to beat the heat as it helps quench the thirst. In addition, one should buy organic cucumbers as they will contain fewer pesticide residues and can derive maximum benefits from eating cucumbers.

Frequently Asked Questions

What are the side effects of overeating cucumber?

Amidst all the benefits of eating cucumber daily, overconsumption can lead to bloating and abdominal cramps. In addition, it might also increase the chances of frequent urination and cause other health disturbances.

What are the advantages of eating cucumber at night?

A lot of individuals consume cucumber at night as it helps in releasing toxins and prevents the risks of digestive issues. Moreover, doctors often prescribe people with sleep disorders to eat cucumbers because of their fewer carbs content.