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Health Benefits of Flaxseed

Flaxseed is a superfood that is known for its high nutritional value. Lately, it has gained popularity among health-conscious individuals for the extensive health benefits it offers. This blog highlights the health benefits of flaxseed, its nutritional value, ways to increase your daily intake and other essential aspects. So, if you are keen to know about it, keep reading!

What Are the Top 7 Health Benefits of Eating Flaxseeds?

Take a look at the possible health benefits of flaxseed:

1. Lowers the Risk of Cancer

Consumption of flaxseeds may stop the growth of the multiple types of cancer cells in the body. Besides, they consist of lignans. These antioxidants reduce the tumour's growth and prevent them from making new blood vessels.

2. Improves Heart Health and Reduces Bad Cholesterol

The American Heart Association suggests consuming more omega-3 and fibre to improve heart health. Besides, the consumption of lignans may also prove beneficial in preventing cardiovascular diseases. Thankfully, flaxseeds have all these nutrients. Moreover, these superfoods contain phytosterols. Phytosterols help in preventing cholesterol absorption in the intestine. Therefore, consuming flaxseeds may lower the LDL (low-density lipoprotein) levels or, as popularly termed, 'bad cholesterol' in the body.

3. Reduces the Symptoms of Arthritis

According to the Arthritis Foundation, consuming flaxseeds may decrease joint stiffness and pain. Individuals with lupus, Raynaud's phenomenon and rheumatoid arthritis can consume these seeds to get some relief from pain. Although, according to the Foundation, there is no sufficient evidence to support this claim. However, the ALA content in the flaxseeds may lower the inflammation.

4. Improves Blood Sugar

Flaxseeds may control blood sugar levels. This is because the seeds are rich sources of insoluble fibre. Fibre takes a long time to break down and digest. This, in turn, lowers the release of sugar in the blood. A majority part of their insoluble fibre constitutes lignans. These are a group of polyphenols and are extremely beneficial for maintaining blood sugar levels.

5. Prevents Constipation

The insoluble fibre content in the flaxseeds does not allow them to dissolve in the water. Instead, they stay in the digestive tract after consumption. Over there, they absorb the water and create a bulk that promotes regularity in the bowel movement.

6. Helps in Weight Management

According to a study published in 'Healthline’, a drink containing flax fibre tablets with 2.5 grams of soluble fibre lowered feelings of hunger and reduced the overall appetite. This is due to the presence of soluble fibre in them that slows down digestion and boosts the feeling of fullness. This is very helpful in managing weight.

7. Maintains Blood Pressure

The presence of lignans and alpha-linolenic in flaxseeds prevents the increase of blood pressure levels. Besides, they are rich sources of fibre which protect the cells in blood vessels and control the blood pressure levels.

What Are the Nutritional Values of Flaxseeds?

Here is the nutritional value that you can derive from consuming one tablespoon of grounded flaxseeds (7 grams).

Nutrients Nutritional Value
Energy 37 calories
Fat 3 grams
Carbohydrate 2 grams
Fibre 2 grams
Protein 1.3 grams
Thiamine 10% of the DV or Daily Value
Copper 9% of the DV or Daily Value
Manganese 8% of the Daily Value
Magnesium 7% of the DV or Daily Value
Phosphorous 4% of the DV or Daily Value
Zinc 3% of the DV or Daily Value
Selenium 3% of the DV or Daily Value
Folate 2% of the DV or Daily Value
Iron 2% of the DV or Daily Value
Vitamin B6 2% of the DV or Daily Value

How to Include Flaxseeds in Diet?

To get advantages of flaxseeds through your daily diet, follow these five simple ways to add these highly nutrient seeds to the following foods:

1. Smoothies

Skip the store-bought smoothies as it contains additives and preservatives. Instead, blend one using some vegetables, fruits and yoghurt. While blending your smoothie, put one tablespoon of flaxseeds. This will provide a nutty flavour to it, alongside 2 grams of additional protein.

2. Salad

Replace your old salad dressing like olive oil with flaxseed oil and spread it to your salad. Alternatively, you can sprinkle flaxseeds on your salads to make them extra crunchy and flavourful.

3. Breakfast Cereals

Add one tablespoon of powdered flaxseeds or sprinkle whole flaxseeds to your breakfast cereal to get additional fibre. You can also make your oatmeal extra healthy by adding flaxseed.

4. Bread or Cookies

You can add flaxseeds while making muffins, bread or cookies. All you need to do is grind them into powder and mix them into the batter of bread, cookies or cake. Alternatively, add flaxseeds to the bread and bake it for 3 hours at 300F to get an additional crunch and nutrition.

5. Soup

You can garnish whole flaxseeds on your soup or can mix one tablespoon of powdered flaxseeds into it. This will make your soup healthier and more delicious with seeds’ nutty and crunchy taste.

Who Should Avoid Consuming Flaxseeds?

Flaxseeds may not be suitable for every individual. You should consult your doctor or avoid eating flaxseeds in case of the following circumstances:

  • Consuming medicines for blood thinning.
  • Consuming nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory medicines.
  • Taking medicines for lowering cholesterol.
  • You are breastfeeding your child or pregnant.
  • Suffering from uterine or breast cancer.
  • Developing an allergic reaction due to eating flaxseeds.

What Are the Side Effects of Overeating Flaxseed?

Flaxseeds are surely packed with nutrients. However, overconsumption can disturb your health. Here are the some of the side effects you may experience from overconsumption of flaxseeds:

  • Blocks Intestine: Health experts say that eating flaxseeds without sufficient fluids can block the intestine. Patients with scleroderma should remain aware of their intake amount of flaxseeds. This is because excess consumption can lead to chronic bowel obstruction and constipation.
  • Loose Stool: Eating excess flaxseeds can lead to a higher frequency of bowel movements and can even cause IBS and diarrhoea in a few cases. However, avoid eating flaxseeds if you are already suffering from these medical conditions.
  • Lead to Allergic Reactions: Low blood pressure levels, obstructed breathing for a long time, and anaphylaxis are some of the allergic reactions due to overconsuming flaxseeds. You may also experience nausea, vomiting or abdominal pain as allergic reactions due to eating an excess of these seeds.
  • Causes Reactions with Some Medications : Flaxseeds are a rich source of fibre. Overconsumption blocks the digestive tract and disrupts the absorption of specific supplements or medicines. Eating flaxseeds may also alter the effects of medicines for blood thinning or blood sugar. Therefore, consult with your doctor before you incorporate flaxseeds into your diet.

To conclude, there are several health benefits of flaxseed. These include keeping your blood sugar levels in check, lowering bad cholesterol levels, etc. However, these nutrient-packed seeds may not benefit everyone. Therefore, if you are taking any medications or suffering from any severe medical conditions, talk to a doctor before consuming these seeds.

Frequently Asked Questions

What are the precautions that you should maintain while eating flaxseeds?

Here are some of the precautions that you must follow before consuming flaxseeds:

  • Avoid eating raw flaxseeds.
  • Eat flaxseeds with an adequate amount of fluid.
  • Do not heat flaxseed oil to cook foods.

Are flaxseeds helpful in maintaining healthy skin?

Yes. The presence of lignans and antioxidants in these flaxseeds prevents developing wrinkles on the face. Besides, the fatty acids present in these seeds keep the skin moisturised.

How much flaxseed should you consume in a day?

You should eat one tablespoon of flaxseeds a day.