Do the Digit Insurance

List of 13 Foods Good for Kidneys

A 2017 report states 697.5 million cases of chronic kidney disease. It constitutes 9.1% of the total diseases in the world. Therefore, increasing consumption of foods good for the kidneys is extremely important for individuals, particularly those with chronic kidney disease.

What Foods Are Good for Kidneys?

Kidneys filter the waste from your body in the form of fluid. So if your kidneys start malfunctioning, your body keeps storing such wastes. So if you are thinking about what foods keep kidneys healthy, include the following items in your diet.

1. Cabbage

Cabbage is one of the foods good for the kidneys, enriched with vitamin K, C and B complex. It is also a vital source of insoluble fibre that maintains regular bowel movements and stools. Additionally, it has a low level of Sodium, Potassium and Phosphorous.

Minerals Value in mg (in 70 grams)
Sodium 13
Potassium 119
Phosphorus 18


2. Cauliflower

Cauliflower is a great source of fibre and anti-inflammatory nutrients. It has vitamin B9, C and K. Above all, it is a great low potassium substitute for potatoes, especially in mashed form.

Minerals Value in mg (in 124 grams)
Sodium 19
Potassium 176
Phosphorus 40


3. Radish

Radish is a great food for kidneys as it is low in sodium, potassium and phosphorus. Additionally, it is loaded with vitamin C and antioxidants.

Minerals Value in mg (in 58 grams)
Sodium 23
Potassium 135
Phosphorus 12


4. Turnip

Turnip is full of vitamin C, B6, manganese and fibre. But, most importantly, it is a great alternative to high potassium foods like potatoes making it the best food for kidneys.

Minerals Value in mg (in 78 grams)
Sodium 12.5
Potassium 138
Phosphorus 20


5. Bell Pepper

Bell peppers add more than colours and flavours to your food. It is filled with nutrients but has low potassium. Along with that, it contains loads of vitamin C and A, which helps with your immune system.

Minerals Value in mg (in 74 grams)
Sodium 3
Potassium 156
Phosphorus 19


6. Arugula

Unlike other green vegetables, arugula is one of the foods friendly for kidneys that are low in sodium and potassium. It contains nitrates that are beneficial for kidneys. In addition, it is loaded with vitamin k minerals like manganese and calcium.

Minerals Value in mg (in 20 grams)
Sodium 6
Potassium 74
Phosphorus 10


7. Pineapple

Pineapple falls in the group of foods good for the kidneys as it fulfils your craving for tropical fruits without consuming high potassium. In addition, it is a great source of vitamin C, manganese and fibre.

Minerals Value in mg (in 165 grams)
Sodium 2
Potassium 180
Phosphorus 13


8. Red Grapes

Red grapes are also one of the fruits good for the kidney. Apart from having low potassium, sodium and phosphorus levels, it is also rich in vitamin C. Moreover, it has antioxidants that mitigate inflammation.

Minerals Value in mg (in 75 grams)
Sodium 1.5
Potassium 144
Phosphorus 15 mg


9. Blueberries

Blueberries are loaded with antioxidants and nutrients that boost your immunity. Most importantly, it is low in sodium, potassium and phosphorus.

Minerals Value in mg (in 148 grams)
Sodium 1.5
Potassium 114
Phosphorus 18


10. Skin-less Chicken

It is a great source of adequate protein in your body to be a food good for kidney repair. Chicken has significantly lower sodium, potassium and phosphorus than chicken with skin.

Minerals Value in mg (in 84 grams)
Sodium 63 mg
Potassium 216 mg
Phosphorus 192mg


11. Egg Whites

Egg whites are a preferable source of protein as it is low in sodium and phosphorus. Therefore, it is one of the foods good for the kidney and safe for dialysis patients who require high protein but less phosphorus.

Minerals Value in mg (in 66 grams)
Sodium 110
Potassium 108
Phosphorus 10


12. Bulgur

It is a form of whole grain wheat that is low in sodium, potassium and phosphorous. Therefore, it can replace other whole grains as a recovery food for kidneys. It contains vitamin B folate, iron, manganese and magnesium.

Minerals Value in mg (in 91 grams)
Sodium 4.5
Potassium 62
Phosphorus 36


13. Macadamia Nuts

These delicious nuts are great dry fruits for kidney patients as they are low in phosphorus. It is also rich in vitamin B complex, natural fat, iron, copper, magnesium, and manganese.

Minerals Value in mg (in 28 grams)
Sodium 1.4
Potassium 103
Phosphorus 53


14. Onions

One of the best ways to add sodium-free flavour to your renal diet is sauteing onion with garlic and olive oil. It not only improves your kidney health, but the presence of vitamin C and B, prebiotic fibre and manganese keep the digestive system healthy.

Minerals Value in mg (in 70 grams)
Sodium 3
Potassium 102
Phosphorus 20


Food Items to Avoid for a Healthy Kidney

Here are some foods that you must not choose or limit eating if you have chronic kidney disease-

  • Canned food
  • Processed meat
  • Sodas that are dark in colour
  • Bananas
  • Whole wheat bread
  • Brown rice
  • Avocado
  • High-fat dairy
  • Potatoes and sweet potatoes
  • Dates, prunes and raisins
  • Chips and crackers
  • Junk foods

What Is the Impact of Bad Food Choices on Your Kidneys?

A bad food choice can affect your kidney in the below-mentioned ways:

  • Junk food items like fries, baked items, etc., negatively affects your digestive system. These types of foods, due to lack of nutrients, do not get digested properly. Increased toxins in the bloodstream lead to greater exertion of kidneys, thus weakening them.
  • Excessive intake of high protein, saturated fat, sodium, potassium and phosphorus leads your kidney to work more. This can damage a kidney with or without chronic kidney disease (CKD).

Why Is a Healthy Diet Important for Your Kidneys?

Healthy diet is important for the kidneys as:

  • Foods with low sodium, potassium and phosphorus help balance salt levels in your body.
  • Low protein foods reduce strain on kidneys, leading to less damage to these organs.
  • Foods safe for kidneys help the organ relax more so that it can heal with time.

Kidneys are the primary organs constituting the renal system. They act as filters that constantly eliminate toxins from the bloodstream in the form of urine and faeces. Therefore, proper functioning of these organs is extremely important to help balance fluid in your blood. Here, your food habit affects your kidney’s health to a great extent.

A healthy kidney is important for a healthy and complication-free lifestyle. Therefore, it is important to take care of your kidneys for them to function properly throughout your life. The information above helps you take care of and heal your kidney with just foods good for the kidney.

Frequently Asked Questions

Is coffee bad for the kidneys?

Coffee is not bad for your kidney if you are not addicted to it or consume it in high amounts. A cup of black coffee or 227 grams contains 116 mg of potassium which is quite low. But if you consume it more than thrice a day, then it can affect your kidney. Besides, consuming coffee with milk or other creamers makes your coffee high in potassium content.

Which exercise is ideal for healthy kidneys?

Exercise like walking, swimming, skiing, aerobic dance, bicycling can help you keep your kidneys healthy. However, it is always advisable to take a doctor’s advice to decide on any exercise plan.