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10 Foods and Drinks that Help Relieve Nausea and Vomiting

Most people have experienced nausea at some point in their lives. It is that unsettling feeling in the stomach that one is about to throw up. When you feel like vomiting, foods that help with nausea and vomiting may be your saviours.

This article will help you choose what to eat when you feel nauseous, including effective foods and drinks.

List of 10 Foods and Drinks That Reduce Nausea

Below is a list of food and drinks to consume when you feel nauseous:

1. Ginger

Ginger is highly renowned as an option that counteracts nausea. Try ginger tea, ginger ale, and even ginger candies that will calm your stomach.

Taking 0.5-1.5 grams of ginger root daily has been reported to alleviate nausea associated with motion sickness, surgical operations, chemotherapy, and pregnancy. Nevertheless, study findings vary.

2. Crackers or Toast

Simple carbohydrates like crackers, bread, etc., may help soothe acid-filled stomachs and neutralise extra acid.

Nauseous feelings are often triggered by an empty stomach and the smell emanating from strong-smelling foods. Eating crackers or something equally plain and dry might settle your stomach.

3. Bananas

The body requires a lot of potassium when one experiences bouts of nausea, and hence, bananas, rich in potassium, can be easily digested by your stomach without straining it.

Bananas help with nausea and vomiting by stimulating the production of mucus from the stomach lining, thereby reducing heartburn.

4. Plain Rice

Plain rice can be a helpful remedy for nausea due to its bland and easily digestible nature. Its simplicity and mild flavour make it gentle on the stomach, providing a source of easily absorbed carbohydrates without triggering further discomfort.

Additionally, rice can help absorb excess stomach acid, relieving individuals experiencing nausea.

5. Applesauce

Unsweetened applesauce, because of its soft texture, is easy to digest. Applesauce is usually accessible on the stomach and gives some healthy sweetener which isn’t too strong in the mouth. Try sprinkling some plain applesauce when experiencing nausea.

6. Clear Broth

Warm broth, either a chicken or a vegetable, could help rehydrate the body after an episode of vomiting. When ill, one might automatically be urged to consume hot soups, but they might not be the best foods to consume if one still feels nauseous.

On the other hand, chicken broth satiates hunger and is soothing to an upset stomach.

7. Sports Drinks

Sports drinks can be beneficial in alleviating nausea due to their combination of electrolytes and carbohydrates. The electrolytes, such as sodium and potassium, help replenish essential minerals lost during nausea-inducing activities or illnesses, while the carbohydrates provide a quick energy source.

The mild flavour and ease of consumption make sports drinks palatable for those experiencing nausea.

8. Coconut Water

Coconut water is a natural remedy that may help alleviate nausea due to its soothing and hydrating properties. It can replenish fluids and minerals lost during nausea, promoting overall well-being.

Coconut water's mild flavour and easy digestibility make it a gentle option for individuals experiencing nausea, providing a refreshing alternative to other beverages that may exacerbate nausea.

9. Mint

Mint is renowned for its ability to alleviate nausea due to its calming properties. The menthol in mint acts as a natural muscle relaxant, soothing the digestive tract and reducing the sensation of nausea.

The refreshing aroma of mint can positively impact the overall feeling of sickness, making it a popular choice for relieving nausea in various forms, such as peppermint tea or mint-infused products.

10. Chamomile Tea

Chamomile tea is known for its soothing properties that can help alleviate nausea. The tea contains anti-inflammatory and muscle-relaxant properties, which can calm the digestive system and reduce feelings of nausea.

What are Some Tips to Relieve Nausea?

Discussed below are 5 easy tips to help you relieve nausea:

  • Stay Hydrated: Clear liquids must be taken sip by sip to avoid dehydration. Most people do not like large gulps, but small, frequent sips are usually well-tolerated.
  • Take Rest: Take a good rest for your body to recuperate. Try to lie down comfortably, preferably with your head raised. Avoid laying down immediately after taking your meals.
  • Avoid Strong Odours: Strong smells can exacerbate nausea. Avoid solid fragrances and choose highly ventilated rooms. Limiting your time in the kitchen is better because strong smells easily trigger nausea.
  • Opt for Acupressure: Acupressure wristbands work for some people by stimulating specific nausea-related nerves that help alleviate symptoms. Massaging the P-6 pressure points (roughly in the middle of the forearm) on both wrists for 2 -3 minutes can be helpful.
  • Eat Frequent Small Meals: Eat small snacks frequently every one and a half hours rather than big meals. An empty stomach may also trigger nausea, so keeping one’s stomach moderately full can prove useful. Eating slowly can also be helpful as it prevents food from overwhelming your stomach.

Thus, combating nausea involves making strategic choices, such as what to eat for nausea. Incorporating ginger, bananas, rice, etc., may help avoid nausea. Coupling this with tips to ease nausea is also beneficial.

This holistic approach, focusing on foods and drinks that help with nausea, can help you juggle around nausea and ease your discomfort the next time you experience it.

FAQs about Foods that help with Nausea

How long does nausea last?

Nausea from contaminated foods, motion sickness, or viral infections often subsides after 24 hours.

What is the best position for relieving nausea?

When feeling nauseous, make sure not to lie flat on the stomach as this may cause reflux of gastric juices. However, raising the upper body and reclining, sitting upright and sleeping on the side with the head raised might give comfort while feeling nauseous.

Do antihistamines help with nausea?

Some antihistamines may be used in case of nausea secondary to motion sickness or inner ear problems.