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Health Benefits of Green Peas

Due to the rapid rise of health supplements and exotic vegetables, we tend to forget the nutritional benefits of common ones from our backyard. One such veggie is the green peas, which are loaded with nutrients, and the benefits of green peas cannot be ignored. With these, you can prepare delicious delicacies that are both nutritious and tasty.

What Are the Top Health Benefits of Green Peas?

Green peas are among the oldest naturally grown foods, and half a cup of them has approximately 62 calories, 4 grams of protein and 4 grams of fibre. So, if you are on a diet, these are one of the best choices of food that you can add. Nevertheless, a few of the health benefits are –

1. Has Inflammatory Properties

Adding green peas to your diet can provide a sufficient amount of antioxidants for your body. Due to this, green peas have inflammatory properties that can fight against diseases such as osteoporosis, bronchitis, arthritis, Alzheimer’s, cancers and premature ageing. The inflammatory compounds found within green peas are called phytonutrients and include Pisum Saponins I and II and pisomosides A and B.

2. Reduce Signs of Ageing

As mentioned earlier, green peas are loaded with antioxidants, and these are proven to be one of the best components for skin health. It consists of polyphenols which are believed to have chemopreventive properties that prevent skin damage from UV radiation. Besides this, polyphenols can reduce the signs of ageing by improving the skin’s natural defence against oxidative stress. Additionally, green peas also contain flavonoids, which are good for skin health.

3. Helps in Weight Management

One of the benefits of eating green peas is weight management. Green peas are a great source of protein which is perfect for weight management. Additionally, consuming plant-based foods is a great way to reduce appetite and thus helps to maintain a healthy weight for individuals.

4. Helps Regulate Blood Sugar

Green peas can help regulate blood sugar for those diagnosed with high blood sugar. This is because they contain sufficient quantities of protein and fibre, which help reduce it naturally. Additionally, these are very low in glycemic index and naturally prevent a sudden spike in blood sugar levels. Also, the high potassium and magnesium content keep the heart healthy by inhibiting high blood pressure.

5. Can Reduce Bad Cholesterol

Consuming green peas regularly can provide great benefits for those suffering from cholesterol related problems. Green peas contain niacin that helps reduce the production of triglycerides and very low density lipoproteins (VLDL), increasing the high density lipoprotein that acts as good cholesterol or HDL.

6. Keep Bones Healthy

One of the primary advantages of green peas is that these legumes are full of essential Vitamins. Most importantly, one cup of green pea contains approximately 44% of the daily requirement of Vitamin K, which is responsible for building strong bones. Also, consuming sufficient amounts of Vitamin K helps prevent bone diseases such as osteoarthritis.

Besides this, a study has shown that consuming 109 grams of Vitamin K daily can lower the risk of hip fracture in women, which can be found in 1 cup of green peas.

7. Enhances Bowel Movement

Green peas are full of fibres that allow easy digestion and a healthy bowel movement. Also, soluble fibres add softness to stool and make it easier to go to the toilet. As per American Dietetic Association, men and women need 38 grams and 25 grams of fibre, respectively, for a healthy bowel movement. Therefore, consuming a half cup of green peas that contains approximately 4 grams of fibre is a healthy addition as it has only one calorie.

8. Reduces Risk of Heart Diseases

Primarily heart diseases are a result of oxidative inflammation and chronic stress that creates a shield of plague along the blood vessels. Regular consumption of B Vitamins can significantly lower this, which is found in green peas. A study also stated that consuming peas can also reduce homocysteine significantly.

9. Provides Energy

Like most legumes, green peas contain an ample amount of protein and fibre that allows slow release of energy. Only half a cup of green peas can provide you with sufficient energy, and if consumed with other similar foods, it will help you gain more of it. In addition, a study found that Vitamin A found in green peas enhances the adenosine triphosphate (ATP) levels that fuel the body.

10. Can Support Immune System

The presence of antioxidants in green peas is the key component in supporting the immune system within the body. These act as a barrier for free radicals and counteract oxidative stress, which prevents inflammation diseases.

Additionally, the carotenoids present in green peas convert into Vitamin A after consumption, and it is the best way to add vitamins to your body naturally. Hence, this can be a cheaper alternative than supplements to support the body's immune system.

11. Promotes Eye Health

As mentioned earlier, green peas have a sufficient amount of Vitamin A that helps in promoting vision. One serving of green peas can provide 24% of the daily requirement of this vitamin and thus protects against macular degeneration maintaining healthy eye health.

12. Can Reduce the Risk of Cancer

Plant-based eating is believed to be a possible cure for cancer, and green peas can be a great substitute for your regular snacks. Being a great source of proteins and vitamins, consuming it in recommended amounts can be beneficial in preventing cancer.

What Are the Nutritional Values of Green Peas?

The nutrient contents in one-half cup of boiled green peas without salt contains –

Nutrients Value
Calories 62 cal
Sodium 58 mg
Fibre 3.6 g
Protein 4.1 g
Zinc 0.5 mg
Vitamin K 19.2 mcg
Sugars 3.5 g
Carbohydrates 11 g
Fat 0.2 g

How to Include Green Peas in Diet?

Garden peas or green peas can be used to make versatile dishes that are both delicious and nutritious. You can prepare salads with a drizzle of olive oil, salt and pepper; otherwise, you can prepare a dip, stews and soups with flavourful peas. You can also use green pea purée as an alternative to mustard or mayonnaise for a nutritional benefit. Finally, you can toss them and have them alongside your meal or simply stir fry them into pasta dishes.

What Are the Side Effects of Overeating Green Peas?

Green peas have myriad health benefits and provide ample nutrition for overall health benefits. However, over-consumption of green peas can lead to many side effects such as –

  • Can cause gout
  • Might cause a high level of Vitamin K in the blood
  • Can cause unexpected weight gain
  • Can cause diarrhoea and Irritable Bowel Syndrome
  • Might cause excessive gas and bloat
  • Can elevate the quantity of the anti-nutrients in the body
  • It might cause Crohn's disease

Who Should Avoid Eating Green Peas?

Consuming green peas is generally considered safe for every individual, but it might be best to avoid green peas if you have bowel problems or diarrhoea. Also, if you have an arthritis problem, it is advised to consult a medical professional before including green peas in your diet.

Hence, it is evident that the nutritional benefits of green peas are diverse and help overall wellbeing. Besides being nutritious, green peas add flavour to your dishes and is a great alternative to your mayonnaise and other dips. However, if you have any digestive or bowel-related problems, it will be best to avoid green peas.

Frequently Asked Questions

Is it possible to have a green pea allergy?

Yes. It is possible to have a pea allergy, and if you suspect having it, you must stay away from green peas.

What are the glycaemic index and glycaemic load of peas?

The glycaemic index and glycaemic load of green peas are 51 and 4, respectively.

Should I consume fresh peas or frozen peas?

Fresh peas are more nutritious than their frozen counterparts. However, if fresh peas are not available, you can have frozen peas.