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Top Health Benefits of Pistachio Nuts

Whenever we feel like having a snack but want to avoid something unhealthy, we often choose to have nuts. Among the different types of nuts, one is pistachios, that is highly nutritious in nature and a rich source of protein, fibre and antioxidants.

These are green-hued, unique, mild sweet nuts that we add to various dishes and even have raw. However, many do not know about the health benefits of pistachios that they can provide to your body if consumed regularly. If you are interested to learn about it, stick to this piece. Here you can get some interesting information you never knew!

What Are the Health Benefits of Pistachios?

Garnishing food items for a better taste and look is not the only purpose of pistachios. There are many health benefits that it can provide to your body like a healthy heart, better vision, reduced weight, etc. Find details of how it provides such benefits below:

1. Reduce Weight

One of the most desirable benefits of Pistachio nuts is it helps in weight loss as it is a rich source of fibre and proteins. Where fibre improves the metabolism of the body and sheds the extra weight that you have gained, proteins help keep you satiated for a long time. Thus, you keep losing weight and do not gain more by avoiding snacking.

In addition, pistachios also provide the body with mono-saturated fatty acids that help your body manage weight better and do not let extra inches settle down on your waist.

2. Lowers Sugar Level

Another miraculous benefit of consuming pistachios daily is it helps keep the condition of type 2 diabetes in control. In other words, if you consume these nuts daily, it will help regulate blood sugar levels by providing enough phosphorus to break down proteins. These proteins later turn into amino acids that control your blood sugar level.

3. Better Heart Health

There are also several benefits of eating pistachios for your heart. It does so by controlling the level of bad cholesterol in the body, which is often the main cause of heart problems. Another reason that may affect the health of your heart is weight gain. It puts too much pressure on your heart, leading to a stroke or an attack.

Eating pistachios can prevent it by controlling the calories in your body. Not to mention, this nut is a great source of vitamin E that prevents plaque and keeps cholesterol low so that blood can reach your heart adequately.

4. Boost Immunity

By consuming pistachios daily, you can even improve your immune system and fight back diseases in a better way. The body needs vitamin B6 content in these nuts to boost the immune system. This is because when there is an adequate level of vitamin B6, it keeps your spleen and lymph in the best condition. In addition, these nuts are also a good source of antioxidants that prevents the entry of infections into the body.

5. Improved Vision

One of the advantages of pistachios is that it also helps improve your vision because of zeaxanthin and lutein found in the retina. So, when you start consuming these green nuts daily, you get proper antioxidants that prevent the development of possible eye issues. To name some, it includes cataracts, age-related macular degeneration, etc. Apart from this, they are also a rich source of zinc that reduces your risk of having night vision problems.

6. Promote Healthy Blood Vessels

Not many know but eating pistachios daily promotes healthy blood vessels by vasodilation. If not, people can develop endothelium, an inner lining of the blood vessels. Due to this chronic dysfunction, you can even suffer a stroke. So, it's better to have nuts daily to provide the body with a rich source of amino acid L-arginine. This compound converts itself into nitric oxide, which further helps perform vasodilation.

7. Maintains Gut Health

Pistachios provide your body with a high content of dietary fibre that improves your gut health and boosts the function of your digestive tract. It does so by fermenting the fibre and converting it into a short fatty acid chain. This, as a result, increases good bacteria in your stomach and prevents constipation.

What Are the Nutritional Values of Pistachios?

The following is the nutritional value of pistachio that you can extract from consuming 30 grams of it in one serving:

Nutrients Nutritional Value
Energy 169 kcals
Protein 6.1 grams
Fat 13.6 grams
Saturated Fat 1.7 grams
Mono-Saturated Fat 7.1 grams
Poly-Saturated Fat 4.1 grams
Fibre 3.1 grams
Carbohydrate 5.4 grams
Iron 1.18 grams
Potassium 308 milligrams
Vitamin E 1.37 milligrams

How to Add Pistachios to Your Daily Diet?

There are many ways of having pistachios daily. Some of them have been mentioned below:

1. Use for Garnishing

To add a crunch to your main dish, you can sprinkle some chopped pistachio on it like in a salad, usual presto, crusted salmon, etc. It even vamps up the garnished look of your dish.

2. Snack

You can also eat pistachios daily as a snack item by having them as it is. This serves you a long way to meet your daily protein requirement and be healthy.

3. In Sweet Treats

When baking sweet goods, desserts, or treats, add some crunch with pistachios. It even compliments the taste of muffins and cookies with their flavour.

4. Pistachio Butter

Pistachio butter is one of the best recipes to try. All you need to do is blend pistachios, cardamom, honey, oil and food processor in a blender.

What Are the Side Effects of Overeating Pistachios?

The following are the possible side effects of pistachios if you consume too many of them:

  • Gain Weight: Consuming too many pistachios daily can increase your weight over time because of their high-calorie content. In fact, one cup of pistachios can provide you with 700 calories.
  • Digestive Issues: While a limited consumption of pistachio can help maintain a smooth bowel movement, overconsumption of the nuts can result in stomach cramps, irritable bowel syndrome, malabsorption, etc. So, keep a check on it.
  • Risk of Kidney Stone: There is a chance of developing kidney stones because of the presence of high potassium in pistachios. Also, methionine and oxalates in the nuts are the main components that form the crystalline form of kidney stones. So, it is essential to limit its consumption. 

Who Should Avoid Eating Pistachios?

Generally, pistachios are great to have daily to keep your body fit and provide it with healthy nutrients. However, in certain conditions, it can do more harm than good. These conditions are mentioned below:

  • Infant or Older People: Pistachios have salmonella that may be unsafe for infants and older adults due to their weak immune systems. This bacterium can increase the temperature of the body and cause diarrhoea and other gastrointestinal problems.
  • Patient with Kidney Problem: If you have a kidney problem, you should avoid eating pistachios because of the high content of potassium in it. When the kidney does not function properly, it becomes hard to digest potassium, and if it accumulates, it can cause other health issues.
  • High Blood Pressure Patient: Consumption of pistachios can increase blood pressure levels. So, while it is good for those with low blood pressure, it can be highly dangerous for high blood pressure patients to have pistachio daily. 
  • Allergic: Some are allergic to pistachio because of the presence of fructan in it. If you are one of those people with visible allergic symptoms, stop eating the nut and seek medical assistance immediately.

If you are looking for the health benefits of pistachios, it has been mentioned to you in detail on a point-by-point basis. By consuming it daily, you can provide your body with iron, potassium, fibre, vitamin, and other nutrients. Also, it helps prevent the development of chronic conditions. However, watch out for the dosage level to avoid suffering from its side effects.

FAQs About the Health Benefits of Pistachios

What is the recommended level of consuming pistachios?

Pistachios are highly nutritious. Thus, it is enough for you to consume 28 grams of the nuts, i.e., 49 pistachios in one serving. However, if you over consume it, it can cause side effects in the body like kidney and digestive problems.

Is it safe for pregnant women to have pistachios?

Generally, doctors add nuts to pregnant women's diets to boost their immunity and provide them with helpful nutrients. However, it will be best to consult your doctor before starting any new diet plan.