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Health Benefits of Olives

Olives are undoubtedly delicious and fun to eat. While eating olives, we might not consider the benefits of olives, but there are plenty of them. These have a legion of nutritional value and promote our health considerably. It also delivers a decent amount of fibre and healthy fats along with other vitamins for an overall benefit.

What Are the Top Health Benefits of Olives?

Some of the best health benefits of olives are –

1. Low in Calories

Olives have a surprisingly low amount of calories, and one olive can provide about 7 calories. Moreover, olives have a 'negative calorie load', which means you can burn more calories while digesting one compared to eating.

2. Rich in Antioxidants

One of the primary health benefits of eating olives is it is loaded with antioxidants that neutralise the free radicals within the body. Free radicals are molecules with unpaired electrons within your body and can cause premature ageing and threatening diseases like heart attack, cancer and strokes. Antioxidants that are present within olives react with these free radicals and neutralise the ill effect of those. So, consuming olives is a healthy way to introduce antioxidants within the body that uplifts the overall well-being.

3. Helps to Regulate Appetite Control

Eating a few olives before a meal can positively affect appetite control. This results from monounsaturated fatty acids that are present within olives that stimulate cholecystokinin and slow the digestion process. As a result of it, olives give a sense of fullness and satisfaction to the brain.

4. Beneficial for Skin

One of the primary health benefits of olives is their capability to rejuvenate the health of the skin. The presence of antioxidants and other components such as Vitamin A and Vitamin E make skin soft and healthy. The Vitamin E in olive halts the formation of free radicals and keeps the skin naturally moisturised. Besides this, it reduces the signs of ageing and protects it from harmful UV rays. It also nourishes the scalp by increasing the blood flow within the vessels and keeps hair healthy. At the same time, Vitamin A balances the skin’s pH to keep it healthy and supple.

5. Reduce the Chances of Developing Cancer

Olives have anti-cancer properties and can significantly reduce the chances of developing cancer. Chronic inflammation and chronic oxidative stress are the primary reasons behind the development of cancer, and olives might be capable of mitigating both with their rich antioxidant content.

6. Anti-Inflammatory Properties

Inflammations are the primary cause of many diseases, and consuming anti-inflammatory foods like olive can promote health significantly. The inflammatory compound of olive is called oleocanthal which inhibits the production of inflammatory enzymes within the body. These enzymes can lead to diseases like Type 2 diabetes and arthritis. Furthermore, the strong anti-inflammatory property of oleocanthal mimics the properties of ibuprofen which is beneficial for the body.

7. Enhances Healthy Bowel Movement

Olives are one of the richest sources of dietary fibre. About 10 olives can provide 1.5 grams of fibre that is beneficial to keep your bowel healthy. This is because the microbiome of your gut subsists on the fibre you eat, and olives are a great source of that.

8. Rich in Probiotic

Olives might be processed with natural lactic acid fermentation, which can result in a rise in good bacteria known as probiotics. Probiotic rich foods help maintain good gut health and keep the digestive system healthy.

9. Helps in Overall Well Being

Two of the most important components of olives are oleuropein and hydroxytyrosol. These duo has powerful properties and protects against wounds and bone health. Apart from it, olives also ensure good hormonal health.

What Are the Nutritional Values of Olives?

Olives are loaded with nutrients, and 100 grams of ripe, canned black olives contain –

Nutrient Value
Energy 116 calories
Fat 10.90 g
Protein 0.84 g
Fibre 1.60 g
Carbohydrate 6.04 g
Vitamin K 1.4 µg
Vitamin E 1.65 mg
Vitamin A 17 µg
Vitamin B-6 0.01 mg
Niacin 0.04 mg
Vitamin C 0.90 mg
Calcium 88 milligrams (mg)
Copper 0.25 mg
Zinc 0.22 mg
Sodium 735 mg
Potassium 8 mg
Magnesium 4 mg
Iron 6.28 mg
Folate 3 µg

Besides these, mushrooms are also a rich source of a number of B vitamins like riboflavin, B-6, thiamine and B-12.

How to Include Olives in Your Diet?

You can buy canned olives from your nearest grocery store and have them whole. Otherwise, you can put it over baked foods and prepare salads. One of the best ways to have olives is topping for your pizza, or you can garnish your pasta with sliced olives for a nutritious addition. Lastly, you can have butter olives as a snack and add stuffed olives to your charcuterie board.

What Are the Side Effects of Overeating Olives?

Usually, the consumption of olives in small quantities is beneficial for individuals. Nevertheless, olives have a high quantity of sodium which is about 60 mg per olive. This is a significant amount, and consuming olives daily can considerably increase sodium intake. So, if you have high blood pressure, it is recommended to consult a medical professional before including olives in your diet.

Furthermore, consumption of olive oils may have some side effects, and a few of those include –

  • Can cause diarrhoea
  • May cause gallbladder stones or blockage
  • Can cause inflammation
  • Might lower blood pressure and blood sugar
  • Might cause blackheads, rashes, allergies and acne
  • Can trigger trans-fat related disease
  • Might not be good for dry skin

So, it is clear that olives are one of the most nutritious foods out there, and regular consumption might provide some health benefits as well. However, the benefits of olives might not be effective for every individual as these contain a high amount of sodium which can trigger high blood pressure. Also, olives, including olive oils, might not be suitable for babies and parents are advised to consult a doctor before feeding olives to their baby.

Frequently Asked Questions

Can olive prevent strokes?

Olives are rich in antioxidants, which are believed to prevent strokes along with cancer, diabetes and heart diseases.

Does olive contain sugar?

Olive contains a negligible amount of sugar. In fact, consuming 5 large black pitted olives will give you zero grams of sugar.

What are the most common types of olives?

There are 5 most common types of olives, namely Picholine, Niçoise, Moroccan Salt-Cured, Kalamata and Cerignola.

How much olive can I eat per day?

Consuming 2 to 3 ounces of olives per day is generally considered safe. But, if you have any health condition, make sure to consult a medical professional before consuming olives.