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Health Benefits of Peanuts

Peanuts are considered one of the healthiest foods, and surprisingly, it is not from the family of nuts. Rather, peanuts, like, soybeans, green peas, and lentils, are classified as legumes. This legume originated in South America and is found in ample amounts in India.

However, if you are looking for health benefits, you might be surprised to know that the nutritional value of peanuts is equivalent to expensive nuts like walnuts, cashews or almonds.

What Are the Health Benefits of Peanuts?

Most people believe that peanuts have lower nutritious value and often overlook them to include in their diet. But, here are the top reasons to include them in your diet.

1. Reduce the Risk of Cancer

Intake of peanuts in required has been linked with the benefit of reducing the risk of colorectal cancer. Peanuts contain an ample amount of resveratrol, phenolic acid, and isoflavones which are believed to have anti-cancer properties.

Besides this, as per a study, peanuts are found to reduce the risk of postmenopausal breast cancer. Also, peanuts can reduce the risk of gastric and oesophagal cancers. Finally, it is believed that one of the benefits of eating peanuts daily is that it reduces the risk of developing cancer.

2. Keep Heart Healthy

According to a study by the Harvard School of Public Health, it was found that peanuts can lower bad cholesterol levels (LDL) levels. Also, peanuts might protect against fatal coronary heart disease (CHD) and non-fatal myocardial infarction.

Besides this, the antioxidant property of resveratrol in peanuts shields against heart diseases and might also have other cardioprotective effects. Furthermore, as stated by a study by Purdue University, consumption of peanuts regularly can lower triglycerides, boosting heart health. Finally, peanuts are believed to increase the level of good cholesterol and are supported by another study conducted by National Library of Medicine.

3. Prevent Gallstones

As a study by Harvard Medical School and Brigham and Women's Hospital (Boston), peanuts lower the risk of gallstones. In addition, men and women consuming five or more units of nuts (including peanuts) for 7 days are believed to lower the risk of gallstones and cholecystectomy, respectively.

4. Help Treating Erectile Dysfunction

One of the advantages of peanuts is that they can potentially cure erectile dysfunction. This is because these are rich in arginine, which contains amino acids, and arginine has been studied extensively as a possible cure for erectile dysfunction. However, a few studies have shown that oral consumption of amino acids with pycnogenol can also treat erectile dysfunction.

5. Can Protect Against Alzheimer’s Disease

Peanuts are a rich source of niacin that can possibly provide protection against age-related cognitive decline and Alzheimer’s disease. Also, these are a great source of Vitamin E, which is also believed to protect against Alzheimer's disease.

6. Help in Control Blood Sugar

Adding peanuts to your daily diet might help to reduce the risk of a spike in blood sugar levels. This is because peanuts have a GI (glycemic index) of 14, whereas the GL (glycemic load) is 1. Hence, it makes a diabetes superfood, and the fibre in it helps lower blood sugar levels. It also contains healthy oils and magnesium, which is also beneficial for the same.

7. Can Reduce Symptoms of Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS)

Adding peanut butter to your Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS) diet will provide more fibre and calories that reduce the inflammatory condition of this disorder. Peanuts are rich in monounsaturated fats, and some research has shown that a diet containing them improves the metabolic profile of females with PCOS.

8. Can Promote Hair Health

Although the research in this regard is exiguous, peanuts are believed to promote hair health. This is because peanuts have plenty of proteins and amino acids which act as a good supplement for hair health.

9. Promote the Health of Skin

Consuming peanuts regularly can provide sun protection against sunburn and damage. A few components of peanuts, such as zinc, magnesium and Vitamin E, can fight bacteria to promote skin glow. Additionally, beta-carotene found in peanuts is also believed to improve skin health.

10. Can Boost Energy

Peanuts are a rich source of fibre and protein that helps in the generation of energy from carbohydrates. Also, the fibre and protein content of peanuts might allow the steady release of energy into the body.

11. Help Reduce Inflammation

The fibre content of peanuts reduces inflammation within the body and promotes good gut health.

12. Can Aid Weight Loss

Peanuts are densely packed with energy, and they can be consumed as a snack that provides a sense of fullness. So, consuming it regularly can promote weight loss and might also help in weight control.

What Are the Nutritional Values of Peanuts?

The nutritional components provide multiple health benefits of peanuts and per 100 gm of raw peanuts contains the following nutrition

Nutrition Nutritional Value
Calories 567 kcal
Dietary Fibre 9 g
Total Carbohydrate 16 g
Protein 26 g
Sugar 4 g
Saturated Fat 7 g
Monounsaturated Fat 24 g
Polyunsaturated Fat 16 g
Potassium 705 mg
Sodium 18 mg
Vitamin B1 0.9 mg
Vitamin B2 0.2 mg
Vitamin B6 0.5 mg
Niacin 17.6 mg
Calcium 134 mg
Folate 350 mcg
Phosphorus 549 mg
Magnesium 245 mg
Iron 6.7 mg
Cholesterol 0 mg

How to Include Peanuts in Daily Diet?

There are myriad ways to consume peanuts daily to get its nutritional benefits. To get the most nutrition, you can have it raw, and if you don't like its taste, you can sprinkle some salt on it. Besides this, other ways to consume peanuts are –

  • Toss peanuts in your salad.
  • Have them as an afternoon snack.
  • Consume as peanut butter.
  • Make dessert and sweets out of it.

What Are the Side Effects of Overeating Peanuts?

Although consuming peanuts is a great way to add comprehensive nutrition to your diet, eating too much of it can be harmful. Some of the most common risks associated with the over consumption of peanuts are –

  • Can promote weight gain
  • May promote incorrect omega fatty acid balance
  • Has potential danger of mould contamination
  • Can increase blood pressure
  • May inhibit mineral absorption
  • Can cause mineral deficiency

Who Should Avoid Eating Peanuts?

Besides the ample benefits of eating peanuts, individuals should be aware while consuming them.

  • People who are allergic to them should avoid consuming, and a few of the symptoms of allergic reaction to peanuts are runny nose, skin itching, tingling in the mouth and throat, diarrhoea, vomiting or nausea, etc.
  • If you have high blood pressure, it will be beneficial to avoid peanuts, as an increase in sodium intake can be harmful.

Hence, it is evident that the nutritional value of peanuts is undeniably valuable for health. Also, the consumption of peanuts is especially beneficial for people with low weight as it helps maintain a good weight for overall well being. Moreover, apart from raw groundnuts, you can also consume cold pressed groundnut oil which is rich in Vitamin E and Omega – 6 fatty acids.

Frequently Asked Questions

Are peanuts good for the keto diet?

Yes, peanuts are good for keto diets, and they must be limited to 30 gm of intake daily.

Can I boil peanuts before consuming them?

Yes, boiling peanuts before consumption can be beneficial as raw peanuts might carry the risk of aflatoxin.

What are the main components of groundnut oil?

Oil extracted from groundnut contains magnesium, iron, copper, Vitamin B6, potassium, Vitamin E, calcium and zinc.

Can peanuts boost memory?

Peanuts contain a sufficient amount of protein, niacin, Vitamin E, and healthy fatty acids that help in the brain's cognitive function.

How many types of peanuts are there?

Primarily there are four types of peanuts, namely runner peanuts, Spanish peanuts, Virginia peanuts, and Valencia peanuts.