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Health Benefits & Advantages of Eating Spinach

Do you know that Spinach is beneficial for eye and bone health?

The green leafy vegetable spinach is loaded with vitamins and minerals and is available throughout the year.

You can typically find two types of Spinach, i.e. flat leafy and savoy. If you pick up fresh, bunched Spinach from the supermarket, it is the savoy spinach. On the other hand, if you purchase canned, bagged or frozen Spinach, it is the other variant (flat Spinach).

The following sections discuss the benefits of Spinach and other related details; read on!

What Are the Top Health Benefits of Spinach?

Below are discussed the health benefits of Spinach.

1. Fights Inflammation

Free radicals can boost oxidative stress, which can increase the chances of ageing, cancer and diabetes.

Individuals can reduce the damage caused by this effect by consuming Spinach which contains antioxidants.

2. Prevents Cancer

Spinach contains the properties such as MGDG and SQDG, which can help to moderate the growth of a tumour. A study shows that these components slowed the growth of tumours in a person’s cervix.

In addition, Spinach helped to reduce the size of a tumour. Spinach consumption also reduces the risk of prostate and prevents breast cancer. The presence of a high amount of antioxidants helps to fight cancer.

3. Boosts Eye Health

Macular degeneration and cataracts are common examples of ageing. Individuals who eat Spinach can prevent such age-related diseases. The advantages of spinach consumption are enormous as it contains a high amount of lutein, an antioxidant that protects the eyes against these types of diseases.

Researchers have found that individuals who take lutein supplements are at a lower risk of developing macular degeneration, a disease which can cause blindness and vision impairment.

4. Lowers Blood Pressure

Minerals such as Potassium are known to lower blood pressure levels. Spinach contains a high amount of minerals like Potassium which can highly benefit individuals suffering from high blood pressure.

5. Maintain Sugar Level

Spinach has a higher content of potassium in it, which in turn help to manage blood sugar level in individuals. It does so by reducing the level of sodium in the blood.

6. Initiates Weight Loss

Add spinach to your diet if you are trying to lose weight. As it is low in calories and contains a high amount of fibre it aids in the digestion process. In addition, it keeps the blood sugar level low and prevents constipation. However, to enjoy its maximum benefit make sure to consume spinach at least once a day. It will keep you full and avoid cravings.

7. Aids in Hypertension

Hypertension is the main cause that gives rise to several problems like kidney diseases, heart stroke, and cardiac problems. However, consuming this superfood reduces the risk considerably. It does so by reducing the amount of stress and anxiety in the body along with calming our mind. Moreover, vitamin C present in spinach cures hypertension.

8. Increases Your Immunity

Spinach is a good source of vitamin A that is known for strengthening the entry points of the human body like intestinal tracts, respiratory organs, and mucus membranes. So, make sure you consume at least one cup of spinach every day to keep yourself active all day.

9. Regulates Inflammation

Spinach is a superfood that contains both violaxanthin and neoxanthin which are known for regulating inflammation in the body. This in turn helps in avoiding osteoporosis asthma, arthritis, migraine and other headaches. So, add this leafy vegetable and enjoy its anti-inflammatory effects.

10. Relaxes Your Body

One of the biggest benefits of eating spinach is it creates a calming effect by releasing tension. This is because it is a primary source of zinc and magnesium that improves your sleep quality and aids in your mental illness. As a result, you are able to maintain better mental health. So, make sure to add at least one bowl of spinach to your everyday diet.

11. Avoids Anaemia

Spinach contains iron in high amounts which further helps in reducing the risk of anaemia. Not only this, but iron is also beneficial for children, adults and menstruating women. The nutrient boosts energy in the body and helps in carrying oxygen to all parts.

12. Reduces the Risk of Atherosclerosis

There are many cases in which excessive fat the body gets accumulated in the arteries which leads to their thickening and results in atherosclerosis and stroke. Furthermore, the arteries harden up over time and cause further problems.

However, you can prevent it by consuming spinach every day. This is because the superfood is a rich source of lutein that prevent the arteries from thickening. In addition, this helps in reducing the risk of heart problems.

13. Glowing Skin

Skin is the largest organ and one of the most sensitive parts of the body. So, you must look out for its health and you will be able to do it easily by consuming spinach daily. By eating the superfood you will be providing the required nutrients and minerals that improve skin texture. Some nutrients to mention are vitamin C, vitamin A, vitamin E and vitamin K.

14. Promotes Anti-Ageing

Premature ageing is a common problem faced by many people and eating spinach aids in it. The food comes with antioxidants with the qualities of preventing free radicals and destroying them which adds to premature ageing. In addition, consuming spinach daily also improves skin texture and improves its shine. It does so by rejuvenating the skin and making it look younger.

15. Avoids Acne

Acne is a type of skin problem that can leave scars that stays forever. So, if you want to avoid it one of the best ways to approach is to eat spinach regularly. It decreases skin inflammation and avoids acne. Apart from eating it, you can also prepare a face mask using the same, i.e., by making its paste and adding water to it. Apply it and let it stay for 20 minutes, it will remove all dirt and reduce oil.

16. Improves Eye Health

Spinach is rich in lutein and zeaxanthin, which are known to improve eye health. Not only this, but it also gives protection against eye diseases like age-related macular degeneration, cataracts, and others. Moreover, the vitamin A content of the spinach maintains the condition of your mucus membranes and sharpens your eyesight.

From the above discussion, one can clearly understand the benefits of eating Spinach. Let’s learn about the nutritional value, the process of including Spinach in diet and related things.

What Are the Nutritional Values of Spinach?

3.5 ounces or 100 grams of raw Spinach have the following nutritional value:

Nutrients Nutritional Value
Calories 23 cal
Protein 2.9 grams
Carbohydrate 3.6 grams
Fat 0.4 grams
Water 91%
Sugar 0.4 grams
Fibre 2.2 grams

How to Include Spinach in Diet?

There are various ways to add Spinach to the diet. These are discussed below:

1. Make Smoothie

Individuals can prepare a smoothie of Spinach and add almonds along with species like cardamom, cinnamon, black pepper and cloves.

2. Include Spinach in Khichdi

Mix dal with Spinach (along with other spices) and make a khichdi. You can get enough nutrients from this one-pot meal.

3. Add Spinach to Make Raita

If you have a liking for Raita, you can prepare Spinach raita by adding Spinach, lemon, pepper, nutmeg, and curd.

4. Prepare Soup

Spinach can be easily used to prepare soup along with chickpeas. The protein-rich chickpeas will make the soup healthier and tastier.

5. Add Spinach to Omelette

You can easily make Omelette. You can increase the nutritional value of eggs by adding Spinach. You can include frozen Spinach if fresh Spinach is not available.

6. Bake Spinach in Muffins

If you are struggling to make your children Spinach, you can prepare green muffins stuffed and baked with Spinach. You can use whole grains and bananas and add cinnamon to make the muffins tasty and healthy. 

What Are the Side Effects of Overeating Spinach?

Spinach benefits individuals in various ways. However, there are potential downsides to the over-consumption of Spinach.

  • Stomach issues: Though Spinach is packed with fibre components, overeating can lead to bloating, cramps and gas.
  • Toxic Effect: When Spinach gets contaminated with bacteria such as E.coli via irrigation water and pesticides, it can leave a toxic effect on individuals.
  • Nutrients Deficiency: Spinach contains oxalic acid that binds with magnesium, zinc, and calcium. This incident affects the ability to absorb minerals. Thus, over-consumption of minerals can increase the chance of mineral deficiency.
  • Formation of Kidney Stone: The green leafy vegetable has an excessive amount of oxalic acid. When individuals indulge in eating a high amount of Spinach, it will lead to the formation of calcium-oxalate, which in turn results in the formation of Kidney stones.
  • Allergy: The presence of histamine (a chemical) in Spinach can trigger a mild pseudo allergic effect.

Who Should Avoid Eating Spinach?

Individuals with the following conditions should avoid consuming Spinach:

  • Individuals who have a history of kidney stones
  • Individuals who are suffering from joint issues
  • Individuals who are taking blood thinner drugs

The above-mentioned sections clearly explain the benefits of spinach leaf consumption. Remember, even if this green leafy vegetable contains nutrients which benefit health in many ways, over-consumption can worsen certain pre-existing conditions.

FAQs About Health Benefits of Spinach

Is Spinach good for bone health?

Spinach contains vitamin K, which is essential for bone health. In addition, intake of Spinach at an adequate level increases calcium absorption in the body.

Does Spinach improve cognitive abilities?

Yes, Spinach improves cognitive abilities due to the lutein content present in this green leafy vegetable.

Can everyone include spinach in their diet?

Though spinach is safe for most individuals, individuals who have a medical history of oxalate-containing kidney stones must exercise caution while including spinach in their every day diet as the vegetable is loaded with high amounts of oxalate.