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Top 15 Beta Carotene Rich Foods

Beta Carotene is a plant compound that helps attain the yellow-orange pigment in vegetables and fruits. Consuming foods rich in this compound can help in absorption as it is a fat-soluble vitamin.

In order to get the right amount of this component, you need no medication or supplement. Plenty of foods with beta carotene are easily available, and anyone can consume them.

What Are the Best Foods High in Beta Carotene?

Here are the top foods containing high amounts of beta carotene in them.

1. Carrots

A cup of cooked carrots is full of 12,998 μg of beta carotene. Along with boosting the immune system, the fibre in carrots is good for constipation and helps control diabetes. This is why including carrots is essential in daily diets.

You can simply mix it with other vegetables and cook them, or eat it raw with some Greek yoghurt dip or hummus as a snack.

2. Sweet Potatoes

One of the best beta carotene rich foods is sweet potatoes. You can bake or boil and then mash them with your favourite seasoning. Every cup of baked sweet potatoes contains 23,018 μg of beta carotene.

The advantages of including sweet potatoes in your diet are that they can enhance your immune system and also keep your eye healthy.

3. Butternut Squash

Another vegetable that contains a high amount of beta carotene is butternut squash. It packs in around 9,369 μg of the same. Along with this, it also has a higher quantity of potassium which helps manage blood sugar levels. You can boil, bake and even roast butternut squash for different recipes.

4. Spinach

Spinach is also one of the foods that contain beta carotene. A cup of cooked spinach contains 11,318 μg of beta carotene, which enhances the body's immunity. In addition, it also hydrates the body, lowers the risk of anaemia, keeps the eyes healthy and reduces unnecessary cravings.

5. Collard

Collards also fall under the category of foods with beta carotene content. In a cup of cooked collards, 8,574.7 μg of beta carotene is present. In addition, it is also a good source of vitamins K, A and C, which are essential to building a stronger immune system. Collard is a natural source of folate as well, which prevents birth defects if consumed during pregnancy.

6. Broccoli

In a cup of cooked broccoli, 1,449 μg of beta carotene is available. In addition, it is also full of other nutrients and antioxidants that promote good heart health, proper digestion, slow ageing, etc. The bioactive compounds in broccoli are also known for reducing inflammation.

7. Swiss Chard

Swiss chard is another beta carotene rich food. It contains around 6,391 μg in one serving when boiled without salt. Swiss chard comes from the family of spinach. Moreover, its stalk and leaves are extremely high in vitamins, minerals and other plant compounds.

8. Podded Peas

Another vegetable which is rich in beta carotene is podded peas. For every cup of cooked peas, the compound content is around 1,216 μg. Peas are a great source of vitamins C and E, zinc, and other essential antioxidants. All of these together work for a better immune system.

9. Pumpkin

Pumpkin is also included in the category of foods containing beta carotene. Interestingly this compound is present in all parts of this vegetable, whether the flower or leaves. Boiled pumpkin and drained without salt contains 5,135.2 μg of beta carotene.

Besides its richness in this compound, pumpkin is loaded with vitamins and has a high antioxidant content.

10. Cantaloupe

Cantaloupe melons consist of 3,575 μg of beta carotene. Eating this summer fruit can fulfil your daily requirement for vitamin C. Along with that, it is also loaded with other essential nutrients like calcium, folic acid, copper, iron, Vitamin K and many more. Since cantaloupe is full of water, its glycaemic load score is low. This is why it doesn't spike blood sugar levels.

11. Passion Fruit

Raw passion fruit contains 1,753.5 μg of beta carotene in one cup. This tropical fruit is rich in key nutrients like vitamins A, C, B6, potassium, magnesium, calcium, iron and fibres. It is also packed with antioxidants that enhance blood flow. Consuming passion fruit can improve insulin sensitivity as well.

12. Apricots

For every cup of apricots, one intakes 1,696 μg of beta carotene. Vitamin A, E and other carotenoids, along with beta carotene, promote good eye health. In addition, the fibre content of apricots helps in digestion. This fruit is an excellent source of flavonoids that prevents inflammation and lowers the risk of obesity, diabetes, and heart diseases.

13. Pink Grapefruit

Pink grapefruit is also categorized under beta carotene rich foods. When eaten in a juice form, it contains 1,577.8 μg of this compound. With so many nutrients and low in calories, it is highly beneficial for the immune system. Pink grapefruits have the potential to prevent insulin resistance and diabetes.

14. Mangoes

Another tropical fruit with high beta carotene content is mangoes. It consists of 1,056 μg of this compound. This fibrous fruit mostly contains water and supports gut health. It has shown visible results in regulating blood sugar levels.

The essential nutrients in mangoes also support the immune system, boost heart health, and protect eyes from blue light damage.

15. Plums

As compared to other fruits, plums contain relatively low 313.5 μg beta carotene content. Nevertheless, plums are extremely high in vitamin C that help your body heal from infections, build muscles and form blood vessels. It also helps improve eye health, reduces anxiety and risks of other heart diseases, and relieves constipation as well.

Why Is Beta Carotene Important for Health?

The function of beta carotene is as an exceptional naturally occurring provitamin A. Other carotenoids differ from this compound in structure and function.

As discussed in the above beta carotene rich foods list, this compound is highly beneficial for boosting immunity and eye health and promoting required antioxidants.

It has also been proven that consuming foods rich in this compound can protect the lungs from damage caused by oxygen-free radicals. Since this compound also promotes antioxidants, it creates a good impact on the skin.

Where Does the RDA For Beta-Carotene Come From?

There is no official data on the recommended daily allowance (RDA) for beta carotene. Hence, experts came up with a generalized target of 10,800 μg per day.

To measure the RDA of beta carotene, the need for vitamin A is set in terms of Retinol Activity Equivalents (RAE). For foods with beta carotene, 1 μg RAE = 12 μg beta-carotene. Experts use 900 mcg RDA to set the RDA for beta carotene. Therefore, 900 μg x 12 = 10,800 μg.

However, the RDA can differ as per gender. For an adult male, it is 900 μg RAE, while for a female, it is 700 μg RAE, and it can rise to 1,300 μg RAE when lactating.

Benefits Of Eating Foods That Are High in Beta Carotene

  1. Improves cognitive function

  2. Protects skin against the harmful UV rays

  3. Prevent certain types of cancer

  4. Decreases the chances of diarrhoea before or after pregnancy

There are innumerable foods with beta carotene that are easily available. So, if you maintain a healthy diet and include the right vegetables and fruits, you will get an adequate amount of this compound along with other nutrients.

Taking additional supplements for beta carotene is unnecessary because it can lead to an excess deposition of this compound level. This can eventually result in chronic medical conditions.

Frequently Asked Questions

What are the common side effects of excess beta carotene levels?

Skin discolouration, bruising, joint pain, and diarrhoea are some common side effects of unnecessary beta carotene levels. It can also cause heart risks and certain types of cancer in people who regularly smoke or drink.

Is beta carotene truly effective in curing cognitive decline?

It has been observed that those consuming a beta carotene rich diet for a long time are less likely to go through cognitive decline. Since oxidative stress is the main cause of cognitive decline, this is why consuming natural antioxidant supplements help lowers the risk of cognitive deterioration.