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5 Essential Vitamins for Hair Growth

Do you know vitamins can work as an elixir for healthy hair? You can include food items rich in vitamins A, B, C, D and E rich fruits to their diet, which will gradually boost the growth of your hair.

Are you interested to know more about vitamins for hair growth? Keep scrolling to find a detailed explanation on this topic.

Do Vitamins for Hair Growth Really Work?

Hair growth is dependent on certain factors like hormones, genetics, diet and lifestyle choices. In addition, factors like stress and pollution can damage one’s hair follicles, which then leads to hair fall.

Moreover, hair grows through a multi-phase process called the hair growth cycle. In this cycle, the hair follicles create new hairs that grow to their full length over the years. These follicles require a balanced proportion of vitamins, minerals, and other essential nutrients to grow effectively.

Therefore, one can include vitamins in his/her diet to boost hair growth. These vitamins contribute to a healthy immune system, which positively impacts the shine and thickness of hair.

That said, it is essential to know which vitamin is necessary for hair growth so that one can prepare a meal plan accordingly.

What Are the Essential Vitamins for Hair Growth and Thickness?

A well-balanced diet is critical for luscious tresses. However, vitamins offer extra help to enhance hair growth and restoration.

Given below is a detailed explanation on the vitamins that help hair growth. Moreover, this section also elaborates on which vitamin is good for hair growth.

Vitamin A

Vitamin A is extremely beneficial for hair growth. The primary role of vitamin A is cellular growth which contributes to healthy and luscious hair growth. Therefore, the consumption of food items that are rich in vitamin A can boost one’s hair growth.

However, individuals must note that large doses of vitamin A can result in an oily scalp, which leads to hair fall. Therefore, it is imperative to consult a doctor to know the exact amount of vitamin A intake that suits you.

Vitamin B12

Vitamin B12, which falls under the vitamin B complex group, is essential for hair growth. Alongside aiding enzymatic reactions, DNA synthesis, and central nervous system functions, vitamin B12 also supports the functions of hair follicles. The lack of this compound can lead to hair loss and thinning. Biotin, which is a part of the vitamin B family, is also useful in hair growth.

Vitamin C

Vitamin C also plays a major role in improving scalp health. Studies reveal that vitamin C supports collagen synthesis, which is essential for the formation of proline to create keratine. 

Vitamin D

Are you searching for a relevant answer on the topic ‘is Vitamin D good for hair growth’? Here is the answer – yes.

Vitamin D or calciferol is vital for muscle function, healthy bone growth, and calcium absorption. Its deficiency can cause telogen effluvium, which is a stress-related hair loss condition.

Vitamin E

Vitamin E is a fat-soluble compound with antioxidant properties. These antioxidant properties of Vitamin E aid the growth and maintenance of healthy hair. 

How Fast Do Vitamins Help in Hair Growth?

Your hair generally grows by half an inch in a month. But, hair growth differs with body type and environmental conditions.

In addition, when using vitamins to supplement hair growth, results of regeneration can be visible after approximately two months. Individuals should also know that hair growth is a slow process; it may take 5 to 6 years for a new strand of hair to reach the length of one’s shoulders.

Therefore, individuals should have patience and switch to a healthier lifestyle. Drinking water, exercising, maintaining a diet, and following an 8-hour sleep cycle will improve hair health.

With the subject of which vitamin is essential for hair growth now out of our way, let us delve into the probable side effects of taking vitamins.

Are There Any Side Effects of Taking Vitamins for Hair Growth?

Although vitamins are essential for hair growth, one must not consume them excessively. Moreover, individuals should always consult a doctor or dietician before making changes to their diet. Avoiding this factor may lead to several issues like-

  • Consuming too much vitamin A can lead to severe hair loss.
  • Excess Biotin supplementation can alter hormones, resulting in false laboratory results.
  • Excessive vitamin D,  vitamin B12, and vitamin B9 can cause grey hair during childhood or early adulthood.

Hair loss is a common problem among individuals with genetic or medical conditions. However, the consumption of micronutrients, such as vitamins and minerals, can boost hair follicle development and immune cell function. Hence, it is vital to know which vitamin is responsible for hair growth and its suggested amount of consumption.

Therefore, consume only the recommended dose of vitamins for hair growth to ensure long, and healthy hair.


Disclaimer: Besides studying which vitamin is best for hair growth, individuals should also consult a dietician regarding their meal plan. Moreover, this content is written by referring to several medical articles and blogs. Individuals are, therefore, advised to consult a medical practitioner for professional treatment of hair fall.

Frequently Asked Questions

How can you ensure healthy and long hair?

One can eat a nutritious and well-balanced meal that includes protein, vitamins, minerals, and carbohydrates. Additionally, individuals should also consume 2-3 liters of water daily.

How can I find the vitamins that are needed for hair growth?

Usually, vitamins can be obtained from fruits, vegetables, nuts, and meat. One can consult a doctor regarding these supplements.

Is it good to take a multivitamin every day for hair growth?

It is best to consult a medical professional before consuming any dietary supplements.